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The Electrician (Working Men Series Book 5) Page 3
The Electrician (Working Men Series Book 5) Read online
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“You ever get tired of women throwing themselves at you?”
“Not yet. Why, are you getting tired of being ignored by the ladies when you’re with me? I can’t help it if I look like a model.”
“It’s the uniform,” I said. “Which is ridiculous because you’re a paramedic and that’s not even fucking cool.”
“Like hell it isn’t.”
“Oh yeah? How many times does a stripper show up to a bachelorette party dressed as a paramedic?”
“Ladies dig guys who can give them mouth-to-mouth.”
I just shook my head and forced down a mouthful of soup. It was Friday afternoon and I had texted Matt to see if he’d have lunch with me because, frankly, I needed a break from the office.
Claire was avoiding me. Not entirely surprising, but we needed to come to some sort of resolution. I wanted that resolution to include more fucking, but the look on Claire’s face after we’d fucked yesterday morning, suggested I’d have better luck sprouting wings and learning to fly.
“Jesus, man, are you going to tell me what’s wrong or not? I’ve only got thirty minutes before my shift starts.”
I shoved my soup away and checked the crowded restaurant before lowering my voice. “I had sex with Claire yesterday.”
“Then why are you in such a bad mood? You haven’t had sex in…wait, did you say Claire? Claire as in Claire Hoyt, your HR manager?”
I nodded, and Matt stared at me, his sandwich forgotten in front of him. “I’m gonna need more details, buddy.”
I shook my head. “I’m not giving you details. Let’s just say that Claire is way more adventurous than I thought, and it was a spur of the moment thing.”
“Spur of the moment? You’ve been mooning over her for years and you’re calling it a spur of the moment thing?”
“So, why so sad, my little bran muffin?”
“She’s avoiding me now. After we were finished, she got dressed, grabbed the remote, told me ‘this never happened’ and left my office. I had to -”
“Whoa…you had sex with her in your office?”
“Keep your voice down.” I glanced around the restaurant again.
Matt gave me an apologetic look before lowering his voice. “What do you mean by ‘grabbed the remote’?”
Shit. That was a slip of the tongue. I sighed and gave Matt a harsh look. “You can’t say anything to anyone. I mean it, Matt. I won’t have people in this town talking shit about Claire.”
“You know I won’t say anything. Tell me what happened.”
Ten minutes later, Matt leaned back and drank half of his water in two large gulps. “Jesus, that’s the fucking hottest thing I’ve ever heard. Who would have thought Claire would use a vibe? She’s got the straight-laced librarian look to her. Why the hell was she wearing a vibe at work, anyway?”
“I have no idea,” I said. “I had to go to a job with Ryan right after, so it’s not like I could ask her about it. I was so fucking distracted, I’m lucky I didn’t electrocute myself. When I returned to the office just after lunch, Claire was gone. She told our receptionist that she wasn’t feeling well and went home.”
I stared at my soup again. I’d spent the rest of the day in my office, trying to finish up some paperwork and telling myself repeatedly not to go over to Claire’s house.
I knew where she lived. Hell, I’d even been there three months ago to pick up an employee evaluation sheet. Claire had invited me in, more out of politeness than anything else. I’d sat in her kitchen, her cat weaving around my legs, and tried not to stare at Claire’s tits in her tight t-shirt as we chatted about work related things.
I never asked Claire anything about her personal life, never made any effort to get to know her outside of work. Not that I wasn’t curious. Fuck, I was almost obsessed, and had been for probably the last year and a half. I’d always found her attractive and had more than one dark fantasy about her, but I’d kept a lid on letting it go any further. One, she worked for me, and two, she was much too vanilla for my tastes.
Of course, that was before she’d come to the office wearing a goddamn vibrator. I was dying to know why.
“Jonah? Pay attention.”
“I asked if Claire was in the office today.”
“Yes, but we haven’t spoken. We have our weekly meeting this afternoon though.”
Matt shook his head. “I can’t believe you had sex with the woman of your dreams, and you weren’t even going to tell me.”
“She’s not the woman of my dreams.”
“Bullshit,” Matt said. “You’ve been into her for years. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you haven’t had sex in over a year. You’re in love with her.”
My neck was turning red, but I couldn’t argue. Matt was right, but I hated admitting that I was in love with a woman whom I barely knew anything about. But, it wasn’t just that. If Claire knew what I wanted from her, she’d freak the fuck out. I wasn’t ashamed of my kink, but I knew a woman like Claire would never be into it. And no matter how I felt about her, I would never be truly happy without at least a monthly indulgence in it. I’d tried to give it up once before when I was with Anna, and look how that turned out.
“I can’t be in love with her, I don’t know anything about her,” I said.
Matt shrugged. “You’re in love with her, despite not knowing anything about her. Maybe that’ll change once you start dating her, but -”
“We’re not going to date. I’m her boss.”
“So what? People date at work all the time now.”
“Claire isn’t like that. She won’t want to work for me and date me at the same time.”
“She could get another job.”
“It’s not just about the job.”
Matt stared at me solemnly. “Maybe she’d be into it. She’s obviously less vanilla than you think, if she’s wearing a vibe to work and fucked you in your office.”
“There’s a huge difference between that, and what I like and what I need from her. You know that, Mattie.”
“Yeah.” He was silent for a minute. “You can’t compare her to Anna though, you know that, right?”
“I’m not. They’re nothing alike. It’s what makes me even more certain that Claire wouldn’t be into it. If Anna, who loved going to the club, and participated in lots of what vanilla people would think is sexually deviant behaviour, refused to do it, what do you think Claire would do? She’d run screaming and probably tell the entire fucking town about what a pervert I was.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do,” I said. “Claire’s not like that.”
“There’s only one way to find out.”
“What happens if she’s disgusted by it? Then what? Not only will I have lost any chance with her, she probably won’t ever speak to me again.”
“You could,” Matt paused, “test the waters so to speak and see what happens.”
“I’m not even sure how I would do that.”
“Take her to the club, have her watch a show. If she’s into it, then -”
“There’s a big difference between watching a show and being the show, Matt. You know that.”
“Yeah, but -”
“It doesn’t matter. Claire’s horrified that she slept with her boss and she’s not going to do it again. I got to be with her once, I need to be happy with that.”
Chapter Four
My plan to ignore my boss until at least Monday went south just after lunch. I had sent him a meeting cancel notification for our weekly meeting as soon as he left at noon, and two minutes after he returned from lunch, I received an email with a very blunt, “My office. Now.”
I chewed at my bottom lip and stared at the email. I had two choices, ignore his email, or go to his office. I was definitely choosing option A. I had to. I’d spent all night thinking about fucking Jonah, and to my utter dismay I was even more horny for him now. It was like a switch
had been flipped inside of me. I’d always found him attractive, a woman would be a fool if she didn’t, but I hadn’t even allowed myself to imagine screwing him, and not just because I thought he was too uptight to be any fun in bed. Having sex fantasies about your boss was the fastest way to the unemployment line. Only, now I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and I knew if I went anywhere near him, I’d make a fool of myself by begging him to fuck me.
Ten minutes later I was wishing I’d had the foresight to lock my office door. Jonah opened my door without knocking and walked in. He shut the door – he didn’t slam it, oh no, despite the anger I could see on his face, he had too much control to slam the door – and gave me a cool look.
“Ignoring me isn’t going to work, Claire.”
“I’m not ignoring you,” I said as I stared at my computer screen and ignored him. “I’m just very busy this afternoon and don’t have time for our meeting. I asked to reschedule it on Tuesday, did you miss that part?”
“Bullshit.” He sat in the chair across from my desk. “Look at me, Claire.”
I stared grimly at my screen. “I’m really quite busy, Mr. Peterson. Can we just talk on Monday and -”
“Claire. Look at me.”
Well, fuck. The tone of his voice had me turning my gaze to his automatically. My eyes widened. Jonah looked like hell. His work shirt was wrinkled, he hadn’t shaved, and his short dark hair was sticking up like he’d been running his fingers through it.
“You look terrible,” I blurted out and then winced. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I just meant that you looked tired.”
He studied me for a moment. “I look tired because I was up all night thinking about fucking you.”
My face flamed red and I automatically checked the door to my office, even though I knew he had closed it. “We agreed to not discuss what happened yesterday.”
He barked laughter and rubbed one hand across the stubble on his jaw. Shit, he looked way hotter with a day’s growth of beard. I wondered how that stubble would feel rubbing against my inner thigh, how his tongue would feel on my clit.
I clenched my hands into tight fists and ignored my urge to wipe my hand across my face in search of errant drool. Just thinking about Jonah’s face between my legs had my pussy wet and my nipples tight buds.
Fuck. Could he see them through my shirt? I refused to look down and draw attention to them.
Relax, Claire. Jonah’s not going to eat your pussy at the office. If anything, you’ll be on your knees with his dick in your mouth. Isn’t that how it works in those office pornos?
“No, you told me it never happened and then ran out of my office.”
Jonah was talking. I needed to concentrate on what he was saying, and not what it would look like to have him on his knees behind my desk with his face buried in my throbbing pussy.
I cleared my throat. “Fine. We’ll agree now that it was a mistake and that we’ll never do it again. I trust you won’t speak to anyone about this and I won’t either. Now, let’s just forget this ever happened and -”
“Why were you wearing the vibe at work?”
I didn’t think my face could get any redder.
I was wrong.
“That’s none of your business, and can I just take this moment to say how very unprofessional it was of you to keep turning it on.”
He burst into genuine laughter and I ignored the way my pussy throbbed anew. Sweat was starting to drip down my back and I was pretty certain that if he didn’t leave soon, I was going to jump him and ride him like a fucking pony right here in my office.
“Unprofessional?” He grinned at me.
“You’re lucky I took the remote from Ryan when I did. You were on the verge of an orgasm right there in the hallway.”
“I certainly was not,” I said.
“Liar.” He gave me a teasing little grin that made my nipples peak even more.
To my horror, his gaze dipped to my chest and his grin widened, became less teasing and more…predatory.
“I figured the nicest thing I could do for you was bring you to my office where you could orgasm in peace.”
“No,” I snapped, “the nicest thing you could have done was give me the damn remote and let me leave.”
“What was it I said yesterday? Finders keepers, losers weepers.”
I glared at him. “Are you a twelve-year-old boy?”
“I think you know the answer to that question, pet.” He sprawled back in the chair and God help me, my gaze dropped to his crotch. The prominent bulge made my mouth water and I immediately looked away.
“Seriously, Jonah?”
“What? I can’t help it if you make me hard, Claire. Just like you can’t help it that your sweet nipples are tight and begging for me to suck on them.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “They’re not.”
“They are.”
“No, they are not. It’s cold in the office, nothing more. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m very busy.”
He stood, and my moment of relief turned to panic when he stepped around my desk toward me. I rolled my chair back, but before I could stand and escape, he bent and rested both big hands on the arms of my chair, pinning me in place.
I closed my eyes as his warm breath washed over my face. “What if I don’t want to forget about what happened between us, Claire? What then?”
“You have to,” I whispered.
“You’re not the boss of me.”
My eyes popped open and I bit back my laughter as he grinned again at me.
“Listen, I don’t care if you’ve watched too many office pornos where the employee drops to her knees and gives her boss a blow job in his office. That’s not happening. Do I make myself clear?”
“Of course it isn’t happening,” Jonah said, “we’re in your office, not mine. Wait, does that mean I’m supposed to drop to my knees for you?”
God help me, the breath was sucked out of my lungs and I could only stare mutely at Jonah, praying like hell that he couldn’t read my face.
I didn’t pray hard enough.
His eyes widened, and he gave me a delighted grin. “You’re just full of surprises aren’t you, pet?”
He let his mouth hover over mine, making a low sound of approval when my lips parted. I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted him to strip me naked and eat my pussy and then fuck me until I was screaming his name.
To my dismay, he straightened and walked to the door of my office. My disappointment dropped away when he stared deliberately at me before locking my office door.
“Jonah,” I whispered, “what are you doing?”
“Giving you what you want.” He was unbuttoning his work shirt and I watched numbly as he stripped it off and laid it neatly across my desk. Unlike his, my desk was clear of papers and almost compulsively bare.
He was wearing a white t-shirt underneath his work shirt and as he pulled it over his head, my mouth went dry. I’d worked for Jonah for five years and while I knew he had an amazing body, I’d never even once suspected that it would be covered in tattoos. He’d always worn a long-sleeved work shirt on the days he was at work sites, or a dress shirt and sports jacket on the days he wasn’t.
The full sleeves on both arms and numerous tattoos across his chest and abdomen were hotter than fucking fire, and I had to quell my urge to push him on the floor, straddle him and study each one. With my tongue.
I should have been standing up. I should have been handing him his shirt and telling him to get the hell out of my office. Instead, I sat frozen in my office chair as he spun it around and pushed it back until the back of the chair was butted up against my desk. The sunlight from the window behind my desk made his dark hair gleam as he knelt in front of me and placed his hard hands on my bare knees peeking out from the hem of my skirt.
“Are you ready?”
“Ready for what?” I whispered.
He smiled and reached for my shirt, unbuttoning it and
spreading it open before tracing my hard nipples through my bra. I moaned, and he smiled again at the sound, then touched the front clasp of my bra.
I didn’t stop him when he flicked it open and peeled back the cups. He pushed my legs apart and leaned in. I cried out when his tongue flicked across my left nipple and he squeezed my thigh.
“Quiet, pet.”
“Please.” Shit, I was begging already.
He sucked on my left nipple, teasing it with his tongue and lips before switching to the right one. He pulled and sucked and nipped, soothing away the sting of his bite with his tongue while I clutched at his head and tried not to moan too loudly.
He kissed between my breasts and kneaded my thighs before lifting his head to stare up at me. Without thinking about it, I molded my mouth to his, thrusting my tongue between his lips. He tasted like mint and I pressed my naked breasts against his chest as we kissed.
His low groan sent my lust into overdrive and I reached down to cup his cock. He pushed my hand away. “No, pet.”
“I want it.”
“You can have it later.” He stroked my bare thighs before tugging up my skirt. I lifted my ass to make it easier for him to push my skirt around my waist. I was wearing a dark blue thong and he groaned before curling his fingers into the waistband. I lifted up again, bracing my hands against the arms of my chair, and he dragged my thong down my legs and off my feet.
“So beautiful.” He was studying my pussy, and I didn’t resist when he lifted both my legs and draped them over the arms of my chair.
“Too much?” He asked.
I shook my head no, silently thankful that I was a yoga fanatic, and tried not to think too much about how I looked with my legs spread wide and my tits hanging out. As if he’d read my mind, Jonah rubbed my inner thighs before smiling up at me.
“You’re gorgeous, Claire.”
“Thank you,” I whispered. “Please, Jonah.”
“Please what?”
“Please eat my pussy.”
He leaned in and licked my bare pussy. The stubble on his face felt incredible, and the lack of hair on my pussy made everything deliciously sensitive. I had to clap my hand over my mouth to muffle my squeal of pleasure.