The Electrician (Working Men Series Book 5) Read online

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Jonah moved to the window of his office and turned his back to me. He stared out the window before shoving both hands into his pockets. “How was your weekend, Claire?”

  “Fine, thank you.” Shit, my boss would pick this moment to act like a normal human being. I reached up and wiped at my forehead. I was sweating worse than a hooker in church. “What is it that you need, Jonah? I don’t mean to be rude, but I -”

  My words were cut off with a small gasp when the butterfly buzzed to life and my poor swollen clit was assaulted by vibrations again.

  I stared at my boss’ broad back, my hands clenching down on the chair arms as pleasure coiled in my belly.

  Oh fuck.

  I was roughly twenty seconds away from cumming in my boss’ office.

  * * *


  If you had told me five years ago, that someday I’d be in my office with my hotter-than-hell HR Manager and holding the remote to the vibrator she was wearing against her pussy, I would have laughed in your face.

  I was making a very big mistake. Possibly the worst mistake of my entire fucking life. But hell, I was only human. I’d spent the last five years lusting after my HR manager, and now that she was sitting in my office and on the verge of an orgasm, it was like every one of my depraved fantasies were coming true.

  I continued to stare out the window and clicked the off button on the remote. I heard her soft moan of relief edged in frustration and a grin crossed my face before I clicked it on again. It must have been a good quality clit vibrator, I couldn’t even hear it in the silence of my office, but I could hear her gasp, hear the sound of the chair squeaking when she shifted.

  “Jonah, I need to -”

  I turned around. “Need to what, Claire?”

  She stood up, her legs shaking and her face bright red. “I need to leave. Give me five minutes and I’ll -”

  “You’ll what? Run to the bathroom and take off the vibrator?” I pushed the button on the remote, sending the vibration to a higher intensity. She cried out and clutched at my desk. “What are the odds of you making it to the bathroom before you orgasm, Claire?”

  “Please,” she moaned.

  I moved to my desk. It was covered in work orders and my ancient laptop was nearly buried under the paperwork. I stepped behind her and pressed my erection against her amazing ass as I switched the vibration to an unpredictable rhythm.

  She breathed deep, I don’t think she’d even noticed how hard my cock was, and her shoulders relaxed. “Jonah, it isn’t – oh my God!”

  Her entire body twitched, her pelvis pumping helplessly when the vibrator buzzed against her. I groaned when her ass bumped against my dick and leaned forward, letting my breath wash over the side of her neck. “I’ll let you leave my office, Claire, but you should decide if you’d rather have an orgasm here in my office with only me watching, or in the hallway with everyone watching.”

  “Oh God,” she moaned. “Give me that fucking remote.”

  I laughed and nipped at her earlobe. “A word of advice, pet? When you decide to wear a vibrator to work, never lose the remote.”

  “I – I didn’t, I…oh fuck!” Her body arched again as her clit was assaulted with vibrations. When it stopped, she said, “I’m not wearing a vibrator.”

  “Liar,” I said. “You think I don’t recognize a vibrator remote when I see one?”

  She swallowed, and I kissed the curve of her neck as she whispered. “Please let me leave, Jonah.”

  “You’re free to leave my office anytime you wish, Claire. But I’m not giving you the remote. Finders keepers, losers weepers.”

  “You’re the worst.” Her body arched again.

  “I am,” I agreed. “Answer the question, please. Do you want to cum in my office with just me watching, or cum in the hallway with everyone watching?”

  “You, just you,” she moaned.

  “Good girl. Unbutton your shirt, please. I want to see your tits.”

  I was pleasantly surprised when Claire immediately unbuttoned her shirt. My HR Manager was hot, and I’d had more than one perverse fantasy about her over the years, but she was vanilla through and through. Just the fact that she was wearing a vibrator was surprising and something I would have to consider at deeper length. But later… when my dick wasn’t aching to be buried in her sweet, tight pussy.

  As she unbuttoned her shirt, her body trembling and her hoarse voice moaning about every thirty seconds, I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my wallet. I tucked the condom into my shirt pocket and dropped my wallet on the desk before helping Claire out of her shirt. I quickly unhooked her bra and removed it. She didn’t protest, in fact she arched her back as I leaned over her shoulder and stared at her tits.

  They were incredible. Full and ripe and tipped with gorgeous pink nipples that were already rock hard. I was tempted to turn off the vibrator and then suck on her nipples for a while. Tease her, have her begging and pleading for me to turn it back on, but we were at the office and I was supposed to be headed out to a job site with Ryan in less than half an hour.

  If I wanted to fuck Claire – and despite knowing how wrong it was, neither of us were leaving until I was balls-fucking-deep inside of her and she was cumming all over my dick – it would have to be hard and fast.

  This time.

  The sensible part of my brain ignored my assertion that I would be fucking Claire again. This was a one-time thing, hell, I shouldn’t even be doing this now. But I never was very good at ignoring what my dick wanted me to do.

  I was still holding the remote in my left hand, but I reached around her with my right and cupped one gorgeous tit. She moaned, and I sucked on her earlobe.

  “Shh, pet. You don’t want the others hearing you.”

  “Please, Jonah,” she whispered. “Please, I want to cum.”

  “I know you do.” I tugged on her nipple, making her moan loudly again. “But you have to be quiet. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I – oh, oh, oh…”

  She was on the verge of cumming, and I quickly switched off the vibrator. She made a low sound of dismay, and I played with her nipple again as she rubbed her ass against my cock.

  “What kind of vibe do you have tucked up against your sweet pussy, Claire?”

  “Butterfly,” she gasped.

  “Very nice. Is it one that just stimulates your clit?”


  “So, your tight, little hole is empty, is that right? Looking for something to fill it?”

  “God, yes. Please, Jonah.”

  “Tell me what you want.” I sucked on her earlobe again

  “I want your dick in my pussy.”

  Another little trickle of surprise. Who would have thought Claire would be comfortable with the dirty talk?

  “Lift your skirt and show me the vibe, pet.”

  She immediately hiked her skirt up to her waist. I tugged on her panties and she spread her legs and let me pull them down. I left them around her ankles – fuck, she looked goddamn hot – and rubbed her naked ass before peering at the vibrator. The little pink butterfly was nestled against her pussy.

  She was waxed completely bare – Jesus Christ, I had seriously underestimated my HR manager - and I had the perfect view of the butterfly vibrating when I turned it back on. Her hands clenched down on the desk and she made a frantic sound of need.

  “Don’t cum, Claire.”

  “Please, I have to.”

  “Control - learn it. You’re not allowed to cum until my dick is in your pussy. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She was shaking wildly and I took pity on her and shut the vibe off. She moaned in relief and slumped against me.

  “Lean over the desk. Hands on top and legs spread wide. I’m going to give you my cock now. If you want it. Do you, pet?”

  “I do want it,” she whimpered. She bent over my desk, bracing her hands on top of the piles of work orders, and spread her legs.

  I quickly unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned and
unzipped my pants. I dropped them and my briefs to my ankles and grabbed the condom from my shirt pocket before unbuttoning my shirt and tossing it behind me.

  Claire turned her head, her light green eyes studying my naked chest. I could see the look of surprise on her face as she studied the tattoos that covered my upper body and both my arms. I rolled on the condom as she continued to stare at my chest.

  “Are you ready for my dick, pet?”

  “Yes, Sir.”


  I was goddamn lucky I didn’t cum all over myself when Claire called me Sir. As it was, my balls were tightening and I had to grab the base of my dick and squeeze. She arched her back like a cat presenting herself to me, and this time I was the one who moaned. I traced the straps around her thighs before running my hand over her ass again.

  “Wider, pet.”

  She spread her legs further without hesitation. I studied her ass that, if I had my way, I’d be fucking by the end of the weekend, before lining my dick up against her hole. She was soaking wet, and I pushed my dick into her with one hard thrust.

  Our soft groans mingled together. Fuck, she was so tight and wet. I made another hard thrust and watched as she crumpled a few of the work orders in her fists.

  I leaned over her and nuzzled the back of her neck. “Careful, pet, you’re messing up my work orders.”

  “You really need to clean off your desk,” she muttered.

  I grinned and kissed the top of her shoulder. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She released the papers, and I gripped her shoulder with my right hand. She ground her ass against my pelvis and I muttered a curse.

  “Fuck me, right now.” She glared at me over her shoulder.

  I showed her the remote in my left hand and grinned when her eyes widened. She watched me push the button, and her entire body stiffened before she slapped her hand over her mouth to muffle her cries.

  I fucked her hard and rough, holding her steady as I pounded into her. She was moaning and rocking back to meet every one of my strokes. Her pussy was smooth and wet and so fucking tight. I clicked the vibe to a higher setting and she made a strangled cry before cumming all over my dick. Her body tensed, her pussy squeezed exquisitely around me, and I thrust back and forth before cumming. I wanted to howl with pleasure, but I clamped my lips shut against it and arched into Claire, closing my eyes as her pussy tightened and released my throbbing dick with every pulse of her orgasm.

  “Jonah,” she gasped, “the vibe, please. Too much.”

  I hit the off button and she collapsed against my desk, her cheek resting on the papers scattered across it as she heaved air in and out of her lungs. I pulled out of her and stepped back, a bit unsteadily if I’m being fucking truthful, and after a moment, she straightened.

  She looked over her shoulder, the pleasure on her face already replaced with disbelief. “What the hell did we just do?”

  Chapter Three


  “You seriously had sex with Jonah in his office like you guys were starring in an office porno?”

  I leaned over and banged my head repeatedly against the kitchen table until Luna put her hand on my forehead and pushed me back into a sitting position.

  “When you put it like that, it makes me feel even worse, Luna.”

  She grinned at me. “Sorry, I’m just…in shock. You literally said this morning that you would never sleep with him, and that he was too uptight for you.”

  “I was wrong.”

  “I’ll say. So…was it good?”

  I hesitated. “Yeah, it was good, but because of the vibrator, not him.”

  “Ooh, does Jonah have a small penis?” Luna raised her eyebrows.

  “No, and just because you’re dating a guy with a dick the size of your forearm, doesn’t mean every woman wants that.”

  “So, he does have a small penis.”

  “He doesn’t have a small penis! In fact…”

  “In fact, what?” Luna gave me an expectant look.

  “Nothing, never mind.”

  “What?” Luna’s voice rose in an indignant squeak. “You can’t tell me that you had sex with your boss and then not give me more details. Spill it, Claire.”

  I should never have told Luna what happened this morning between Jonah and me, but she was my best friend and I had to tell someone. Besides, it wasn’t like I thought Luna would judge me or tell anyone else, it was just… Luna wasn’t the only one in shock. How could I have slept with my goddamn boss? Even worse – why did I have to enjoy it so much?

  “His dick is the biggest I’ve seen,” I said.

  “Nice!” Luna tried to fist bump me, but I stood and paced back and forth in her small kitchen. “I lied to you. My enjoyment of the sex wasn’t because of the vibrator. It was because of Jonah and how he took control.”

  Luna sipped at her tea. “So, he’s a Dom?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. He was just…very good at telling me what to do during sex and I liked it. But, does that make him a Dom? Maybe he’s just bossy in the bedroom like he is at the office.”

  “But he’s definitely not as polite and uptight as you thought,” Luna said.

  I shook my head. “God, no. But I can’t believe, that is, I don’t…


  “I had no idea he was even attracted to me. He’s never once checked me out or made any indication that he even saw me as a woman rather than just an employee.”

  “You’re his HR person. It wouldn’t exactly look good on his business if you filed sexual harassment charges against him.”

  “Yeah, good point. Or maybe he isn’t actually attracted to me. Maybe he just decided to take advantage of a horny woman wearing a goddamn vibrator at the office.”

  Luna burst into laughter. “I seriously can’t believe that not only did Roxie lose the remote, but that your boss knew what it was for and used it to bring you to orgasm. It’s like we’re living in some kind of alternate fantasy world. Shit like that doesn’t happen in real life, Claire.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “So, what now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you gonna keep banging your boss?”

  “Of course not. I need my job. Do you know how hard it is to find a job as an HR manager in this dinky little town? Most of the companies are too small to even have an HR department. I got lucky getting hired on by Jonah.”

  “Is there an actual rule against sleeping with people at the office?”

  “Well, no, but that isn’t the point. I will not be the girl at the office banging the boss. I’ve worked too hard to throw my career away like that. If anyone found out that I slept with Jonah, I’d lose all credibility.”

  Luna sat back in her chair. “So, you’re just going to pretend it never happened?”

  “Yes, and avoid him at the office.”

  “I don’t think that will work. Don’t you have weekly meetings with him?” Luna said.

  “I’ll figure something out.”

  “I think you need a stronger game plan to avoid him, Claire-Bear. Or, maybe just talk to him about what happened and -”

  “No! I won’t talk to him about this, and I can’t be around him anymore. If I am, I’ll just…”

  “You’ll just what?” Luna asked.

  “Nothing,” I mumbled. “Never mind.”

  “Claire,” Luna reached out and took my hands, “I’m your best friend. Talk to me.”

  “It was amazing, okay? The sex was unbelievable, and I-I don’t know if it was because it was the vibrator, or the chance of getting caught, or because I saw a side of Jonah I never even suspected, but it was incredible. If I spend any time alone with him, I’m going to fuck him again. I know I will. I’m already obsessed, and that’s after just one ten-minute bang in his office. That’s not normal, Luna! I can’t be addicted to my damn boss just because he bent me over his desk and fucked me until I couldn’t think straight. Normal people don’t…”

flicker of movement caught my eye and I groaned inwardly as I stared up at Asher Stokes. He was the biggest and, unfortunately for me, the quietest man in town, and who knew how long he’d been standing in the kitchen doorway.

  “Claire? What’s wrong?” Luna turned around, her face lighting up when she saw Asher. “Honey, hi!”

  She jumped up and hurried toward him. He bent down and pressed a kiss against her mouth. “Hey, Sunshine.”

  “I thought you were having beers with Knox tonight?” Luna slipped her arm around his waist.

  “He had to cancel. I didn’t mean to interrupt.” He glanced at me and I blushed before clearing my throat.

  “You weren’t, I was just heading home. Nice to see you again, Asher.”

  He nodded and grabbed a beer from the fridge as Luna walked me to the door of her apartment. “Claire, stay a bit longer. Asher won’t mind if I send him to the bedroom for a while.”

  “No.” I smiled at Luna. “Honestly, I’m tired and I just want to go home, have a hot bath and go to bed. Thanks for listening, honey.”

  “Any time. Are you sure you don’t want to talk a little longer?” Luna gave me a concerned look.

  “I’m sure. I love you, Luna.”

  “I love you too, Claire-Bear.”

  * * *


  “Why did you invite me to lunch if you were just gonna sit and stare silently into your soup?”

  I grimaced and gave my best friend an apologetic look. “Sorry, Matt.”

  Matt took a bite of his sandwich and swallowed it down as our waitress returned. Ignoring me completely, she smiled at Matt. “How’s that sandwich tasting, Sugar?”

  “It’s delicious,” he checked the nametag that was perched precariously on her porn star sized left breast, “Darlene. Best sandwich I ever ate.”

  “Well, if you need anything else, you just let me know.” She touched his arm, her fingers lingering on his biceps, before she filled his water glass and moved on. I stared at my empty water glass and rolled my eyes. I was used to being completely ignored when I was with Matt.

  “What?” Matt grinned at me before taking a drink.