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The Mechanic
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The Mechanic
Working Men Series
(Book One)
Ramona Gray
Copyright © 2018 Ramona Gray
Published by
EK Publishing Inc.
This book is the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, scanned or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Quotes used in reviews are the exception. No alteration of content is allowed.
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Adult Reading Material
Cover Art by
The Final Wrap
Edited by
L. Nunn Editing
The Mechanic
Working Men Series Book One
By Ramona Gray
His hands aren’t the only things getting dirty.
I grew up with everything I ever wanted. Wealth and privilege, and an attitude that practically screamed “I’m better than you”. Only, things went wrong and now I have nothing. The people in this town don’t give a damn that I live in a broken-down trailer and am one sandwich away from starving. They figure I got what I deserve. They’re not wrong.
Now, I’m standing in front of the town’s sexy-as-sin mechanic, Jack Williams, and offering to let him… do things to me with those big, dirty hands of his, in exchange for car repairs. Things that the old me would be horrified by. I should be ashamed. Instead, all I can think about is how good it would feel to have Jack touch me.
I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Raised by a man who liked to talk to me with his fists and didn’t give a damn if I lived or died. Taking care of myself is my number one priority, and I’m not interested in other people’s troubles.
Especially trouble in the form of a stuck-up, former rich girl like Lily Carson. It’s not my problem her money, family and friends are gone. Only, she’s standing in my repair shop offering me something I’ve wanted for a very long time. One touch of her soft skin and I’m lost.
Lily belongs to me now, and I’ll make damn sure she and everyone else in this town knows it.
* * *
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Want to read more of the Working Men Series? Click HERE
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter One
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
I stared at the woman in front of me. Never once in my fucking life did I believe that Lily “Ice Queen” Carson would be standing in the tiny shithole of a room I called an office. The cement walls used to be white, but years of dirt and grease had turned them the colour of a roach. The smell was a hellish combination of oil, gas, and the leftover spaghetti I had heated up for lunch.
I leaned against my desk and folded my arms across my chest. Her gaze followed the motion and I watched a muscle tick in her temple and a flush rise in her cheeks. I’m in good shape, years of being a grease monkey and weekends at the local boxing gym have made my body hard. I reached down and adjusted my dick, grinning when the flush turned to a bright red stain.
The woman standing in front of me might have been a rich, stuck-up ice queen that I didn’t have a chance in hell with, but fuck did she get my motor running. She had since fucking high school.
Of course, she wasn’t exactly rich anymore, was she?
I folded my arms back over my chest. “I don’t do payment plans.”
That red stain faded from her cheeks, leaving her looking pale and sick. I scratched at the two days’ worth of stubble on my jaw.
“But, uh, Tom Wilk said that you did payment plans. He told me you didn’t have a problem with it.” She fidgeted with the strap of her purse.
I lowered my gaze to her tits. They were big and firm, and I wondered not for the first time what her nipples looked like. What it would look like to have my dick sliding between those lush titties? I hadn’t been this close to her since I sat behind her in biology class in high school. Why would I be? She was the daughter of the richest man in town and I was the son of the drunkest.
Or rather, we had been. My cunt of an old man had been dead for two years and her old man had lost everything, thanks to insider trading. He was currently enjoying life in some white collar minimum security prison, and little Miss Rich Bitch was suddenly not so rich.
Her mother had left town about six months after her father went to prison. The rumour was that she’d met some new rich asshole willing to give her whatever she wanted just for a daily go at her pussy. In the two years since then, I’d often wondered why Lily didn’t go with her. There was nothing in this town for her, and without her daddy’s money, her popularity had disappeared faster than a dick in a whore’s mouth. Her boyfriend had dumped her, her mansion on the west side of town had gone to foreclosure, and all her fancy friends had abandoned her. Now she lived in an old trailer in the worst part of town and waitressed at a local dive bar.
Her arms folded across her tits and I lifted my gaze to her face. She was even paler and those big blue eyes of her were watering with unshed tears. I felt a twinge of guilt that I immediately tamped down. Her money problems weren’t my problem. I had a business to run.
“He was fucking with you.”
“I – what?” She said.
“Tom was fucking with you. I don’t do payment plans.” I grabbed the invoice from my desk and tapped the number on the bottom. “Your piece-of-shit car needed a lot of work to get it running. Seven hundred dollars’ worth, in fact.”
“Mr. Williams, I don’t have seven hundred dollars. I believed that you did payment plans. Could you – I mean, would you consider doing a payment plan just this once? I could pay you fifty dollars a month with interest, of course.”
“No. Pay me today, or your car stays in my shop until you bring me the seven hundred.”
She chewed at her bottom lip. “Please. I need my car to get to work every day. If I’m fired, I won’t have the money to pay you. But if you let me take my car and do a payment plan, then you’ll get your money. I swear. Please, Mr. Williams. I need this job. You know how hard it is to find work in this town.”
“I think you have me confused with someone who gives a fuck about your problems.”
The hell of it was, I was tempted to give her a payment plan. Fuck, I was tempted to just let her take the damn car for free. I was a bastard, always had been and always would be, but something about Lily Carson made me want to be soft with her. Made me want to hold her in my arms and tell her everything would be fine. I would take care of her. I’d make sure she -
I snorted inwardly. Fuck me. I was like a goddamn Hallmark movie now. All because of a former rich girl’s tears.
Those tears were sliding down her cheeks now, those soft-looking lips of hers trembling. She was thinner now than she was in high school, but in less of a I’m-trying-to-look-like-a-stick-thin-model way and more of a I-don’t-have-enough-to-eat way.
She wiped the tears away before taking a deep breath. A look of weary resignation mixed with a ‘here we go again’ expression crossed her face.
“Mr. Williams, I realize that in high school I treated you horribly and I would like to apologize for it. It is not an excuse, but I was young and immature and a self-absorbed bi
tch. I am deeply sorry for the things I said and did to you when we attended Winston High together. My behaviour and actions are inexcusable, but I truly am remorseful for how I behaved.”
Her little speech had an air of robotic rehearsal to it. I cocked my head and said, “How many times have you done this little song and dance with the assholes in this town when you needed something?”
Her lips compressed into a thin line. “Many.”
“It ever work?”
“Yes. Because I’m being sincere.”
“Bullshit. You’re saying what you think we want to hear and nothing more.”
“That isn’t true,” she said. “I am very sorry for my past behaviour toward you. I’m hoping you can find it in your heart to forgive me and maybe just this once, let me do a payment plan with your business.”
She might be broke flatter than piss on a platter now, but she still talked like she was Miss Fucking Fancy Pants. I actually admired her for it. Her expensive clothes and jewels were long gone. Her silver BMW was replaced by a Honda Accord that was being held together with spit, duct tape and a goddamn prayer, and she worked at a bar that she would never have stepped foot in, in her previous life, but she still talked like the rich little princess she used to be.
And fuck did it make my dick harder than a motherfucking rock.
Before I could lose my fucking mind and just give her the goddamn car, I shut down the weird part of me that wanted to help her. Threw it deep and locked away the key. The woman in front of me didn’t give a shit about me. Besides, my interest in her was purely physical. Nothing else.
“Well,” I drawled as I leaned back against my desk, “I appreciate the apology, but it won’t pay my bills. Seven hundred, Ice Queen, or your car stays here.”
A look of pure panic flickered across her face. It made my pulse speed up and my body tense in unexpected solidarity. I distracted myself by staring at her tits again. Fuck, I’d give my left nut to watch those big tits bouncing as I fucked her hard and rough. She’d look so fucking hot cumming all over my dick.
Of course, she had the nickname of Ice Queen for a reason. She flirted plenty with the guys in high school she’d deemed worthy, but she never let any of them into her silk panties. At least, not according to the rampant gossip that ran through the high school. Her senior year, she’d started dating Isaac Morris and they continued to date after high school.
He had dumped her the minute her father was found guilty. I don’t know what she did to piss him off, but he hadn’t been shy about sharing the details of their sex life once they were over. According to that dickwad, she was frigid as a goddamn freezer. I’d overheard him telling a bunch of his asshole friends at Ren’s bar about her shortcomings in the sack and how she refused to fuck him more than once a week. Two months after they broke up, everyone in town knew all about her aversion to sex and the nickname Ice Queen was born.
I forced my gaze away from her tits and back to her face. She was still standing near the door to my office, but the panic had been replaced with cold and calculating desperation. She reached out and shut the door. She didn’t need to bother, it was the end of the day and I was the only one left in the shop, but I didn’t say anything as she dropped her cheap purse on the floor of my office.
She walked slowly toward me, that cold desperation still stamped all over her pretty face, and my dick jerked in my jeans when she placed one soft hand on my chest. Fuck, did she smell good. Like strawberries. I suppressed my groan when she traced her hand back and forth over my chest. Even through my t-shirt I could feel the heat of her hand.
I stared at her mouth and wondered how those lips would look stretched around my fat dick. I couldn’t control my filthy thoughts around the Ice Queen no matter how hard I tried.
Not that I was trying all that fucking hard.
“Mr. Williams, perhaps we can come up with a different idea of how I can pay you for my car repairs.”
The heat from her hand, her sweet scent and the closeness of her tits to my chest had me as horny as a teenager. I could barely fucking think straight. I stared up at her, wondering what the hell she was talking about.
With that hard light of desperation in her eyes, she said, “What do you think?”
“What do I think about what?” I said stupidly.
She chewed on her bottom lip before deliberately dropping her gaze to my cock. It was hard and tenting the front of my jeans and I could see the red rising from her chest up her neck.
“I’ll give you my mouth,” she said.
What the fuck was I missing? I wasn’t a stupid man but apparently being this close to Lily had my brains turned to mush.
“You’ll give me your mouth,” I repeated.
“Yes, I’ll… I’ll suck your penis in exchange for the work you did on my car.”
My mouth dropped open so fucking wide you could have shoved a dick into it.
Chapter Two
Have you gone insane?
I ignored the screaming of my inner voice and rubbed Jack Williams’ chest again. His mouth was wide open, and I could see the surprise in his dark brown eyes. I had a moment of satisfaction that I could shock him so badly, but it faded quickly and was replaced with anxiety.
If he didn’t accept this as a payment for my shitty car, I was well and truly fucked. I mean, not that I knew what well and truly fucked was, but I imagined it was a lot like having a negative balance in your bank account and a car that you desperately needed, being held hostage by a hotter-than-hell mechanic.
I licked my lips seductively, at least I hoped it was seductively, and leaned a little closer to Jack. I’d done a lot of shameful things since my father had gone to prison and my mother had abandoned me, but this topped the cake.
Even as I was offering to blow my mechanic for car repairs, I could hear the sound of hitting rock bottom. Hell, it practically reverberated in my ears. Jack Williams might be the hottest man I’d ever seen, and yeah, maybe giving him a blow job wouldn’t be the worst experience in the world, but I was still whoring myself out.
If you don’t do this, you really will have to turn to prostitution.
My usual inner voice had been replaced by someone else. Someone cold and fearless who knew just how much trouble I was in. I had a feeling that this new voice was the true me, the one who put survival above everything else and would do whatever she needed to stay alive.
You have no money and you need that car to get to work. If you lose your job, you’ll lose the roof over your head and the pitiful amount of food you can still afford to buy. You’re lucky that Dale hired you at his bar. You suck as a waitress. It’s only because half the town comes in on the regular to laugh at the former little rich girl, that keeps Dale from firing you. You lose this job, you won’t find another and what will you do then? Your friends are gone, your mother couldn’t give a shit about you, and you don’t even have enough money to leave this shitty little town.
I dropped my hand to Jack’s flat abdomen. Holy shit, I could feel his abs through his t-shirt. His low groan made my pussy go wet for him. I tried to hide my surprise and almost succeeded. I didn’t get wet this easily. According to my first and only lover, Isaac, I barely got wet at all. In fact, according to Isaac, I was the worst fucking lay in the world. My oral skills weren’t that better apparently, but desperate times, right? I might be terrible in bed, but I knew when a man wanted me.
Jack Williams wanted me.
He’d wanted me in high school and secretly, just like every other girl at school, I’d wanted him too.
He was a big guy even then. Big and quiet, with an air of danger about him that was stupidly appealing. I wasn’t the only girl who was affected by it. He’d had his share of girlfriends in high school and after. While I was dating Isaac, he was having fun with a large portion of the female population in our town. Not that I could blame them. If I hadn’t been so afraid of what my father would say, I probably would have parted my legs for him too.
/> My nostrils flared as I took in a breath of him. He smelled like oil and grease and good clean sweat. It was a combination that probably shouldn’t have been sexy but was. His dark hair was cut short, and standing this close to him, his height seemed even bigger than the 6’2” he was. His jaw was covered in dark stubble and I was suddenly itching to press my lips against the slight dent in his chin. Everything about him screamed ‘male’.
He'd been working in his father’s car shop since he was a teenager. His hands were rough, dirty, permanently stained by oil and grease. I knew I wasn’t the only woman in town who had fantasized about having those dirty, stained hands all over her body. I doubted that he could make me come, my sexual hang-ups were so deeply ingrained that even I didn’t have a clue why I had them, but I still wouldn’t have minded being touched by him. Maybe even letting him fuck me. Under different circumstances, of course.
Enough! It’s great that you find him sexy, it’ll make blowing him easier. Stop thinking about touching him and do it, you idiot. You need to be at work in half an hour.
“What do you say, Mr. Williams?” I tried to sound sexy and failed miserably. “Do we have a deal?”
He stared at me and I palmed his dick through his jeans. He groaned again before his hand shot down and grabbed mine. He yanked it away from his dick and tightened his hold when I tried to pull my hand free.
“You think your cock-sucking skills are worth seven hundred bucks?” He asked crudely.
I blushed bright red before nodding. “Yes.”
“That isn’t what I heard. You’re the Ice Queen for a reason, aren’t you?”
My blush deepened, and shame flooded through me. I hated that nickname. Up until four months ago, I hadn’t even realized why the whole damn town had started calling me the Ice Queen. Finding out that Isaac had shared every dirty detail of our lovemaking had almost been enough to make me leave.