Rescued by the Wolf (Other World Series Book Four) Read online

Page 9

  “Are you sure? I can stop if you’d like. I know you want me to suck on those beautiful nipples.”

  She flushed and her hands squeezed her breasts in a tight grip. “Uh, no. I wouldn’t mind maybe one more kiss, just to see which I like more. If you don’t mind.”

  “It would be my pleasure, Sara,” he said. “Spread your thighs wider for me, sweet one.”

  She widened her thighs, exposing her clit fully, and he dipped his head and licked it repeatedly. When her thighs clamped around his head and one hand dug tightly into his scalp, he stopped and pried her thighs apart before raising his head.

  She was giving him a look of desperate need and he smiled at her. “Shall I continue?”

  “Please!” She shouted.

  This time he sucked her clit into his mouth and laved his tongue over it repeatedly. When her thighs clamped around his head again, he used his hands to push them apart. He held them open firmly as she moaned and panted and pumped her pelvis against his face.

  Sara stared wide-eyed at the ceiling as Radek made a soft growl and sucked on her clit again. She gasped and moaned repeatedly. It felt like every single nerve ending was on fire and she couldn’t stop pushing her hips into his face. She had never felt anything remotely as good as Radek’s tongue between her legs, and she made a loud squeal of pleasure when he pinched her clit with his fingers. He licked her again and she shouted his name. She was going to come, hell, she was going to explode, and she arched her back off the table as Radek sucked her clit back into his mouth.

  “What the hell?”

  Sara shrieked as Radek lifted his head and growled loudly. She scrambled off the table, shoving her skirt down and staring in disbelief at Abigail and Val standing in the doorway.


  “Abby! I – “

  Radek, his body swelling and a thick dark beard growing on his face, snarled at the strangers in the doorway. His wolf was howling at him to protect Sara and he shoved her behind him and blocked her from the strangers with his large body. The man standing in the doorway hissed and bared his fangs. Radek howled loudly. He had no idea what the creature was but he would die before he let it hurt Sara.

  The woman held up her hands. “Wait, hold on. We’re friends. Sara, tell him that we’re your friends.”

  “Radek, it’s okay. I know them. Please calm down.”

  Sara’s low voice spoke in his ear but his wolf was in complete control and it refused to listen to her.

  He growled, “Come near her and I’ll kill you.”

  The man hissed again before giving him a disdainful glare. “Do you think I’m afraid of you, little boy?”

  “Val! Don’t antagonize him for God’s sake!” The woman said. She took a step forward and Radek snapped his teeth at her. The man named Val thrust the woman behind him and made his own snarl of fury.

  “I will kill you, boy, make no doubt of that.”

  “Call me boy again and I’ll tear your guts out, creature,” Radek snarled.

  “I’d like to see you try.” The creature grinned at him and Radek howled again and began to shift.

  “Radek! Enough!”

  His alpha’s voice cut through his wolf’s persistent howling and he snapped his head to the left. Kane was standing in the doorway of the small shack and he glared at Radek. “Get away from the woman, Radek.”

  Radek snarled at him and Kane growled viciously. “Do not make me embarrass you in front of her.”

  Radek bared his fangs as Sara touched his back.

  “Radek, please look at me.”

  He whipped around, panting harshly as a low growl emitted from his chest. She smiled at him and touched his naked chest lightly. “They won’t hurt me. I promise you.”

  He stared at her for a moment longer before shifting quickly. With one last snarl at Val, he loped from the shack and disappeared into the forest.

  “Radek!” Sara ran to the door and made a squeak of fear when the giant standing just inside the cabin took her by the arm.

  She stared wide-eyed at him as he said, “He’ll be fine, girl.”

  “There are creatures in the woods and – “

  “Aye, he can take care of himself.” The giant let go of her arm and Abby spun her around roughly before throwing her arms around her.

  “Oh, Sara. I was so worried about you! Are you all right, my love?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I’m fine. Radek protected me.”

  “He has an odd way of protecting someone,” Val said dryly.

  Sara turned scarlet and Abby, pressing her mouth together to stop from laughing, tried to glare at him. “Val! Enough. You’re embarrassing Sara.”

  He grinned at her as Sara buried her face in Abigail’s throat and groaned loudly. “I want to die.”

  “Hush, don’t say that, my love. It’s no big deal.”

  The younger woman groaned again as Kane gave them an impatient look. “We must go. There is another storm coming and it is a long journey home.”

  Abigail touched the leaves that were covering Sara’s back. “What are these?”

  “I was attacked in the forest by a large bird. Radek said it was a floran and after he killed it he put the leaves on my back and legs. He said they had healing properties and I wasn’t to remove them.”

  Abigail started to peel them away and Kane shook his head. “No, leave them. Radek is right. It’s best to leave them on. We will have Adina look at her wounds when we get home.”

  Abby nodded before suddenly frowning. “I should have brought warmer clothes for her. She’s not even wearing shoes.”

  “Val and I will take turns carrying her,” Kane said. “Come, we must go.”

  “I’m not leaving without Radek,” Sara said in alarm. The koran rubbed against her leg and she picked it up and held it against her chest.

  Abby blinked at it before turning to Val. “There are lions in this world?”

  “Lions?” Val cocked his head at her. “What are lions?”

  “That?” Abby pointed to the koran in Sara’s arms. “I mean, it looks like a baby lion – mostly.”

  Kane gave it a look of disgust as Sara clutched it tighter.

  “It’s called a koran,” he said. “They live deep in the forest. Let’s go.”

  “Not without Radek,” Sara repeated. “We have to find him and – “

  “He will be fine, girl,” Kane said impatiently. “He is probably on his way home as we speak. Leave the koran kitten and let’s go.”

  She shook her head. “No. Its mother was killed and it’s too little to survive on its own. It will die if I abandon it.”

  Kane sighed loudly. “The little thing you hold now will soon be three times your size, girl. It will be able to kill you easily.”

  “It won’t hurt me,” she said stubbornly. “I will not abandon it.”

  “Humans,” Kane muttered before picking her up abruptly. She was so little and he was so large that he carried her in the crook of his arm like she was a small child. Without speaking he ducked out of the cabin and Abigail and Val followed.

  Chapter 9

  “Ugh.” Abigail stared at the dead man as Sara, her stomach churning, looked away.

  “What happened to him?” Abby asked as Val rolled the man on to his stomach and pulled the bow and quiver of arrows from his back.

  “Turn around, little dove.”

  Val strapped the bow and the arrows to her back as Abby stared curiously at him. “You know how to use a bow and arrow, Val?”

  “Doesn’t everyone?” He grinned at her and she returned his smile before turning to Kane.

  “Can you tell what happened to him, Kane?”

  Kane gave the dead man a brief, uninterested look. “Radek from the looks of it.”

  “He killed him?” Abigail couldn’t hide her surprise.

  “He was attacking me,” Sara said immediately. “Radek killed him because he was trying to kill me. He had no choice, Abby.”

  Abby squeezed her arm reassuring
ly. “I believe you, my love.”

  She studied the dead man again. “Do you think we could peel off the top fur and use one of the ones below it for Sara? There probably isn’t as much blood and –“

  “No,” Sara interrupted. “I will not touch anything that belongs to him.”

  “Sara, I – “

  “No!” She said firmly. “I will not, Abby. You cannot make me.”

  “The girl will be fine,” Kane said. “I will keep her warm enough on the journey home.”

  Abby gave him a doubtful look and Sara smiled tentatively at her. “It’s true, Abby. They’re, uh, very warm. I would have frozen to death if not for Radek’s ability to keep me warm.”

  “Yes, we all saw how he was keeping you warm,” Val said teasingly.

  “Val, enough,” Abby said. She turned away from Sara to hide the smile on her face as Val winked at her.

  “We need to keep moving,” Kane said with a touch of impatience. He turned and strode away from the dead man.

  * * *

  They had been walking for nearly two hours when Radek reappeared. Sara breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed against Val. Kane had handed her over to Val a few moments ago and she was clinging tightly to the vampire’s back. She had been scanning the forest anxiously the entire time, and the sight of the large black wolf finally slowed down the nervous beat of her heart.

  He shifted into his human form and growled at Val, “Give her to me.”

  Val stared unblinkingly at him. “The girl is fine with me.”

  Radek growled again as Sara said timidly, “Radek, you will be warmer in your wolf form. He won’t – “

  “Give her to me,” Radek said slowly.

  “And if I don’t?” Val asked.

  Abigail was holding the sleeping koran in her arms and she rolled her eyes. Val was being an ass on purpose and she whacked him discreetly on the thigh. He turned and winked at her before returning his gaze to the naked shifter.

  “Will you try and take her from me?”

  “I will kill you, creature. Have no doubt of that. Now give the woman to me before I lose my patience completely.”

  “Val, give Sara to him,” Abby said quickly.

  Val shrugged lazily and allowed Sara to slide from his back. Her feet had barely touched the snowy ground when Radek was hoisting her on to his back. His hands cupped her thighs familiarly and she patted one broad shoulder.

  “Thank you, Radek.”

  He grunted in reply before striding ahead of the others.

  * * *

  Kane leaned against the tree and studied Radek and the human. They had stopped for a brief rest and a bite to eat. Val and Abby were sitting together on a large flat boulder, and Kane did not think it was his imagination that Radek had carried Sara as far from them as possible. He was sitting on a fallen log with the woman on his lap, and he handed her another charka as he continued to stare at the vampire distrustfully. The girl peeled the charka and offered half of it to Radek. He shook his head and put his arms around her. He pressed her into his naked chest and growled under his breath when Val leaped gracefully from the boulder and stretched.

  “Radek, let the girl visit with her friends. I wish to speak with you,” Kane said.

  Radek shook his head. “She stays with me.”

  Kane stared steadily at him and Radek flushed and bowed his head.

  “Her friends, Radek. Now.”

  Radek stood and slowly carried Sara to her friends. His arms tightened around her and he glanced back at Kane. Kane raised his eyebrows and Radek glared at him before turning to Abby.

  “She cannot sit on the stone. It is too cold for her.”

  Abby shrugged out of her sweater and draped it over the rock. Radek placed Sara gently on the sweater and snarled at Val when he stepped closer.

  “Keep your distance from her, creature.”

  Val rolled his eyes. “Go on, doggie. Your master is calling for you.”

  “Val!” Abby said furiously as Radek started toward him. Sara slid off the rock and threw her arms around Radek’s waist.

  “Please don’t, Radek!”

  Already she was starting to shiver and Radek picked her up quickly and placed her back on the large rock. He brushed the snow from her feet and held them for a brief moment as Kane made an impatient growl.

  “I’ll be fine, Radek,” Sara said.

  He turned and strode to Kane with his fists clenched and his back stiff. Abby released her breath and frowned when Val started to sit next to Sara.

  “Val, come sit beside me.”

  He grinned at her. “There is more room beside the young Sara, little dove.”

  “Val.” She gave him a warning look. “Stop deliberately goading him. He obviously has a thing for Sara.”

  “He doesn’t,” Sara said quickly. “He hates me.”

  Val laughed loudly as he sat next to Abby and put his arm around her waist. “Hates you, does he? Makes sense. I know the first thing I do to a woman I hate is bury my face in her pussy.”

  Sara turned a brilliant shade of red and Abby elbowed Val in the stomach before putting her arm around the young woman. “Ignore him, Sara. He’s being an ass.”

  She kissed Sara’s head. “How are your back and leg?”

  “My leg is very sore,” she admitted. She was still staring at her hands and Abby squeezed her gently.

  “Why do you think the shifter hates you?”

  “He hates all humans,” she said softly. “He says I disgust him.”

  Abby frowned. “Honey, I know this is embarrassing for you but Val is right – a man doesn’t do what he was doing to you if he’s disgusted by you.”

  Sara shrugged. “He was teaching me to kiss because he felt sorry for me. Radek said the only way I’ll survive in this world is if I find a mate in his pack. Shifters don’t, um, like women without experience.”

  Val laughed again. “That is an odd way to teach someone to kiss.

  Abby grasped Sara’s chin and forced her to look her in the eye. “Honey, the shifter is wrong. You don’t need to find a mate to survive. I will teach you how to protect yourself and, until then, Val and I will take care of you.”

  “Is it true what the shifter says, Abby?” Sara asked softly. “Are we on another world?”

  Abby nodded. “It is.”

  “How will we get home?”

  “We cannot. I’m sorry, my love,” she said gently.

  Sara’s lip trembled and she began to cry. Val, looking deeply uncomfortable, slid off the rock. “I’ll be right back.”

  He disappeared into the trees as Abby drew Sara into her embrace. “I’m so sorry, Sara. Truly.”

  * * *

  “What is it?” Radek asked angrily.

  Kane folded his arms across his massive chest. “Watch your tongue, Radek. We may be like brothers but I am still your alpha and you will treat me as such.”

  Radek bowed his head. “Aye, I am sorry, Kane.”

  He snuck a glance behind him. His body relaxed a little when he saw that the vampire was sitting beside the dark-haired woman.


  He turned to his alpha. “Aye, Kane?”

  “I asked what is going on with you and the human. Are you mating with her?”

  “Of course not. I – I hate her.”

  “And you were showing her how much you hate her by eating her pussy?”

  Radek flushed before glaring at him. “This is all your fault.”

  “My fault?”

  “I stumbled onto the human in the woods. She was being attacked by a floran. Before you fell in love with Reese, I would have left the human to her fate but you had to bring a human into our pack who saved my sister’s life and made me feel as though I owed her.”

  He glanced again at Sara. “She was babbling about a bright light and I knew she was like Reese. I was only bringing her back to our pack because I thought your mate would like a friend who was like her.”

  “Oh, is that why?”
  “Aye! I was doing your mate a favour!”

  “Was spreading the female out on a table and eating her pussy a favour for my mate as well?”

  Radek glared at him. “A mistake that I now regret. The human has been relentless in her attempts to seduce me.”

  “Aye, she does seem to be quite the temptress,” Kane replied dryly.

  “Did you know that the creature you travel with drinks human blood? That he keeps them like pets to feed from and to fuck? He dresses her in that ridiculous outfit and forces her to wear a collar around her neck like a dog!”

  “Aye,” Kane said calmly. “Abigail and Val have told me. I also know that Val does not participate in the same practices that others of his kind do. It was not him who forced the small female into slavery. Did she tell you it was?”

  “No,” Radek said reluctantly. “But I do not trust the creature. The way he looks at her…”

  “He is in love with the female named Abigail. That is plain to see. He has no interest in your human.”

  “She is not my human!” Radek snapped at him. “I may have accepted that Reese is your mate and that you love her, but I will and always will, hate the humans. Do you hear me, Kane?”

  “Aye,” Kane said mildly. “I hear you, Radek. But you – “

  He sighed loudly as Radek stiffened before nearly running back to the small female. She was crying brokenly in Abigail’s arms and Radek snatched her away from Abigail and held her against his chest.

  “What did you do to her?” He snarled.

  “Nothing,” Abigail said mildly as Val appeared at her side. “She is upset to learn she can never return home.”

  Radek carried Sara back to the fallen log. He sat down and curled his hand into her hair, pushing her face into his throat as he rubbed her upper back with his other. Sara clung tightly to him for a few moments before wiping her face and sitting up.

  “I’m all right, Radek.”

  He didn’t reply and Kane walked toward them. Despite what Radek had told him, the shifter was already treating the female like she was his mate and he was curious to see how far he could push him.