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Rescued by the Wolf (Other World Series Book Four) Page 8

  There was no point in staying any longer with the shifter. He had made it clear that he would leave her once the storm ended, and she would not make a fool of herself by begging and pleading him again to help her.

  Is that it? Or are you just humiliated that he wouldn’t take what you were offering?

  No that most certainly was not the reason she had crept from the shack like a thief in the night while he slept. She had left because he would have left her in the morning anyway, and the sooner she found her friends, the better.

  And you think wandering around a dark forest at night is the smart thing to do? Fool. You’re going to die out here.

  She shut out her inner voice and concentrated on picking her way through the trees. Hopefully she was headed for the edge of the forest and not deeper into it. She thought she was but certainly couldn’t tell by the trees.

  A soft whine broke the stillness of the air and she froze for a moment before scurrying behind a tree. She clutched at the bark with her heart beating too loudly in her chest, as there was another louder whine.

  She waited a few minutes before creeping forward silently. It was only a few minutes before she stumbled on to the massive body of a gold-coloured beast. Blood stained its mouth and chest and she winced when she saw the arrow sticking from its chest. It whined again, a sound of pain and fear, and she moved a little closer as the beast took a final shuddering breath and died.

  She studied it carefully. She had never seen an animal like it before and she reached out and touched the gold fur on its shoulder. It was massive, even bigger than Radek in his wolf form, and its body was thick with muscle. It had a long tail with a tuft of dark gold hair at the end of it and its paws were three times the size of her hand. If she had stretched out beside it, her feet would barely reach its ribs. Its mouth was lined with teeth and two thick fangs protruded from either side of its mouth.

  She felt a moment of pity for the beast. It was magnificent looking and to come to such a cruel end – alone in a dark forest in the cold – made her heart ache.

  Too bad you didn’t have a knife, you could skin it for its pelt.

  She was a little shocked by the coldness of her inner voice.

  Do you want to die out here? Her inner voice said impatiently. Stop feeling sorry for the beast and figure out a way to use it. Look for a rock, anything, that will help you break a fang from its mouth. They’re bigger than your wrist and will work well as a weapon.

  That was true. The fangs were large and sharp and she would need some kind of weapon if she wanted to have even a chance of making it out of the forest alive. She crouched and began to dig through the deep snow. There had to be a rock under here somewhere, it was a forest for god’s sake.

  A soft mew made her stiffen and she glanced upward. The tiny baby, the spitting image of its dead mother, had crept out from the bushes and was sniffing at the blood around its mother’s mouth. As she watched, it backed away and made a loud cry of misery that broke Sara’s heart.

  She stood and without thinking of the consequences, scooped up the tiny baby. It hissed loudly and swatted at her with its sharp claws. She winced as it drew blood across the back of her hand but tucked the shivering baby under the pelt.

  “There, there, little one. It’s all right,” she crooned softly as it bared its small fangs at her.

  “Shh, it’s okay. I’ll take care of you.” She petted the top of its head and it stopped struggling and stared up at her with its bright blue eyes.

  “Don’t cry, little baby,” Sara said as she rubbed under its chin. “You’re safe with me.”

  A smile curved her lips when the creature began to purr and relaxed against her. “That’s right. Sara’s going to take care of you. I won’t let anyone hurt you, I prom –

  “Well, what do we have here?”

  Sara jerked her head up and stared wide-eyed at the man standing in front of her. He was dressed in a few layers of furs and a long, thick beard hung to his chest. A bow and a quiver of arrows was strapped across his back and she watched as he glanced down at the dead beast and made a grunt of satisfaction. He yanked the arrow from its chest as the baby in Sara’s arms hissed loudly.

  “What’s a sweet little girl like you doing all alone in the forest?” He cocked his head at her as Sara took a stumbling step backward.

  “Stay away from me,” she warned shakily when the man stepped around the dead beast.

  He looked her up and down before squinting at her feet. “Is that – why are you wearing my boots, little girl? And is that one of my pelts?”

  “Stay away from me,” she repeated as he drifted closer. “I’m not alone. I’m with a wolf shifter and he’ll kill you if you touch me.”

  The man glanced around the empty forest. “I don’t see a wolf shifter. All I see is a sweet little thing wearing my boots and my pelt. Are you wearing anything underneath it? Why don’t you give me a little look?”

  He reached out with surprising quickness and snatched the pelt from her body.

  “Ooh, you’re even prettier than I thought. A bit small for my tastes but beggars can’t be choosers, now can they?” He grinned at her and the coldness in his smile made her turn and flee.

  He chased after her. The too-big boots made it nearly impossible to run and he caught up to her quickly and wrapped one large hand in her hair. He yanked her to a stop. She cried out at the pain in her scalp as the baby tumbled from her arms and landed in the soft snow.

  “Let go of me!” She screamed and kicked at him.

  He laughed and knocked her to the ground. He pulled the boots from her feet as he pinned her down with a hard knee to her stomach and tossed them aside. “I don’t remember giving you permission to borrow a pelt or wear my boots.”

  She swung at him and he dodged her fists easily as he eyed the collar around her neck. “A slave are you? Did you escape from the slaver house? If so, how on earth did a little thing like you make it this far into the woods?”

  “Get off of me!” She wheezed as the man’s knee dug painfully into her ribs.

  “Oh, I don’t think so. It gets awfully lonely out here, you know,” the man said as he straddled her. “I’ve been looking for a girl like you to keep me company.”

  Her blood turned cold and she stared wide-eyed at him as he stroked her stomach. “The question is - do I take you right here or do I take you back to my cabin first?”

  He grunted with pain when the golden-coloured baby attacked his leg, snarling and biting at the flesh through the thin pants he wore under the furs.

  “Fucking koran!” The man shouted before grabbing it by the scruff of the neck and throwing it into the bushes.

  “The mother’s pelt will make a fine coat and the baby’s will be useful as a hat, don’t you think?”

  “Stay away from it!” Sara shouted. “Don’t you go anywhere near that baby or I’ll kill you!”

  He laughed loudly and leaned over her. “Aren’t you a brave one? It shouldn’t take you too long to learn to keep your mouth shut, I suppose.”

  His hand closed around the collar and panic gnawed at her belly when he pulled it and her breath was cut off. She struggled against him as he yanked the collar tighter and stared at her red face and bulging eyes.

  “Now, you’ve obviously been to my cabin, the stolen boots on your feet give it away, so what do you think, girl? Should we fuck right here or should I take you back to my place? It ain’t much but maybe it’s better than the cold snow, am I right?”

  She clawed at his hand and he loosened the collar enough for her to take a gasping, wheezing breath. She mouthed something at him and he frowned and put his ear to her mouth. “What was that, girl?”

  He screamed, an oddly girlish sound, when she sank her teeth into his earlobe and bit it off with a viciousness that surprised the both of them. She spat the chunk of flesh out and heaved her body upwards. The man tumbled from her body with one hand clapped to his bleeding head, and he cursed loudly as she shot to her feet. She ran
toward the baby koran that had slunk out from the bushes and snatched it up with one hand before fleeing. The man chased after her and she forced herself to run faster through the deep snow. Her feet were burning with cold and she was slipping and sliding in the snow.

  “I’ll kill you for that, you stupid little bitch!” The man’s voice was very close and she made a sharp cry of fear as his hand slipped across her back.

  She screamed and twisted away, nearly falling on her ass but somehow keeping her balance as the man tripped over his own feet and fell. He cursed loudly and she put on a desperate burst of speed as he staggered to his feet.

  “Running just makes it worse, bitch!” He spat at her as he ran after her. Already he was catching up to her. She could almost feel his hot breath on the back of her neck and she screamed again as he snarled at her.

  “I’ll catch you and when I do, you’ll wish that you were – “

  The loud growl blocked out the sound of his voice and Sara’s head snapped up. She stared wide-eyed at the black wolf that was running straight toward her. As it began its leap she instinctively dropped to her knees and threw her body backwards. She slid through the snow on her back, staring at the dark fur on the wolf’s belly as he sailed over her and landed on the man behind her.

  The man screamed and Sara stared at the glimpses of sky through the dark trees, clutching the koran tightly to her chest. The wolf growled again and the man’s scream ended abruptly. She continued to lie on her back in the snow, her mouth trembling and hot tears spilling down her cheeks as she blocked out the sound of teeth ripping into soft flesh. She closed her eyes and jerked compulsively when a hand dropped on to her arm.

  “Sara? Are you all right? Look at me.” Radek’s voice, oddly tinged with worry, demanded obedience and she opened her eyes.

  He was crouched beside her and she stared mutely at him as he gave her a worried look. “Sara? Are you hurt? Answer me.”

  She shook her head and a look of relief crossed his face. He scooped her up, she was still clutching the koran to her chest, and she pushed her face into his neck and closed her eyes as he carried her through the forest.

  Chapter 8

  Radek carried Sara into the shack and set her roughly on the table. He wanted to be angry with her, wanted to shake her and tell her how foolish and dangerous her actions were, but she was trembling wildly. The look of fear in her eyes made his anger dissipate. She was holding the koran tightly and she whimpered when he tried to take it from her.

  “I won’t hurt it, Sara,” he said softly.

  She relinquished her hold on the animal and he set it down gently on the floor. It stretched and began to move about the room, sniffing at the floor curiously as she stared numbly at the floor.

  “Why did you leave the cabin?” He asked gently.

  She didn’t reply and he grasped her chin and lifted her gaze to his. “Why did you leave, human?”

  “What was the point in staying?” She asked in defeat. “You would not accept my bargain and the storm had ended. You were going to abandon me in the morning and I – I told myself to accept it, that there was no reason you should help me but I knew I would beg and cry for your help. I decided to leave before you thought me more pathetic than you already do.”

  “I don’t think you’re pathetic, human.”

  “You do. And you should – I am pathetic.”

  He thought she would start crying but she stared dry-eyed at him. He reached for the buckle on the collar, ignoring the way she cringed when he reached for her neck. He removed the collar and threw it to the floor before tracing the red mark on her throat.

  “You never have to wear a collar again, Sara. Do you understand?”

  “You might as well leave it on me. I will never be anything more than a slave to someone – human, shifter, vampire – what does it matter?” She said bitterly.

  “Don’t say that. It isn’t true.” He scowled at her.

  “It is and we both know it. I am weak. Weak and pathetic.”

  He cupped the back of her neck firmly. “You will be fine. You just need to find a mate who will protect you.”

  She stared silently at him and he took a deep breath. “I will take you to my pack, Sara. The other human females are nice and you will like them, I promise. You will have your choice of mates from the males in my pack and whoever you choose will keep you safe.”

  She laughed bitterly. “Shifters like their mates with experience, remember? Who among your pack will take me as their mate when they find out that I am a virgin? That I don’t even know how to kiss or how to please them? Hmm? You might as well leave me in the morning, Radek. There is no safety for me within your pack.”

  He cupped her face and rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip as he pushed her thighs apart and stood between them. He rubbed her damp back with his other hand, tracing the soft skin with the tips of his fingers, as she stared up at him. He smiled to himself when the scent of her despair disappeared and desire took its place. The female was unbelievably responsive to his touch and it made his wolf growl happily.

  “I will teach you to kiss, human.” He threaded his hand through her hair and gently tugged her head back.

  “I don’t want you to touch me,” she muttered.

  “Do you not? Your scent says differently.” He leaned down and inhaled deeply. “Your scent is begging for my touch.”

  “No, it isn’t,” she lied. It was ridiculous, ten minutes ago she had almost died in the forest and now she was feeling desperate and needy for Radek’s touch. She was going mad, she decided.

  He grinned at her and lowered his mouth to hers. He pressed a light kiss on her lips and smiled again when she moaned and opened her mouth.

  “That’s right, Sara. Open your mouth for me,” he whispered.

  Her lips parted further and he slipped his tongue between her lips and stroked hers. Her hands clutched at his biceps and she gasped when he sucked on her bottom lip before whispering, “Now you.”

  Swallowing nervously, she pressed her mouth against his and slid her tongue timidly into his mouth. He immediately sucked hard on it, liking the way her hips arched against him when he did so, and her nails dug into his arms. She sucked on his upper lip before tracing it with the tip of her tongue. He groaned and she pulled back to give him a timid look.

  “Am I – is this right?”

  “Aye, so right,” he muttered. He pulled her closer, held her head steady and devoured her lips. He sucked and nibbled and feasted on them for long moments. When he finally lifted his head, her lips were red and swollen and she was staring at him with a hazy look of desire.

  “Please don’t stop,” she moaned.

  “Do you like my kisses, Sara?” He whispered into her ear before nipping at her earlobe.

  “Yes,” she said eagerly. “I want more, Radek.”

  She tried to kiss him again, pouting when he pulled his head back. He grinned at her. “There are so many other places to kiss you, Sara.”

  “Wh-what do you mean?” She gave him a nervous look.

  “You know what I mean.”

  She tried to close her legs but they were blocked by his narrow hips and her eyes widened when he pressed her gently on to her back and hovered over her. “I want to taste your sweet pussy, Sara.”

  She blushed furiously and his grin widened. “I think you want that too.”

  “I – no, I don’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well, I – that won’t help me find a mate in your pack.”

  He wanted to laugh but he could smell her desire fading so he leaned in and kissed her firmly. She moaned and he cupped her breast, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. “I promise you that it will.”

  “How?” She muttered. “It doesn’t bring pleasure to you.”

  He kissed her again. “You’re wrong, Sara.”

  She continued to hesitate and he pulled lightly on her nipple. “It will feel so good, sweet one. If you don’t like it, I’ll stop.”

  “Do – do you promise?”

  “Aye. I promise.”

  “All right.”

  He kissed her lightly on the mouth before kissing his way down her neck. He stopped to tease her nipples through her shirt and she grabbed his hair and tried to force him to stay when he moved lower.

  “It’s your sweet pussy I’m kissing. Remember, Sara?”

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  He placed her hands on her breasts. “Touch them, sweet one.”

  More embarrassment coloured her face but she couldn’t resist pulling on her nipples as Radek licked a slow path down her flat abdomen. He stopped to nuzzle her belly button, smiling at her soft giggle, before placing a kiss just above the waistband of her skirt. He reached for the bottom of her skirt and tugged lightly.

  “Lift your hips.”

  She raised her hips and he quickly swept her skirt up around her waist. He stared at her pussy. Her lips were already wet and slightly swollen and he pressed a kiss against the soft blonde curls above them before briefly kissing her wet lips. She jerked and cleared her throat nervously.

  “You’re right. That, uh, does feel good,” she said politely. “Thank you, Radek.”

  He hid his wide grin from her. “You’re welcome, Sara.”

  “Will you come up here and kiss my breasts?” She asked.

  “In a moment, sweet one.”

  “But it feels so good. Please, Radek.”

  “This will feel better.”

  As he bent his head between her legs, he heard her mutter, “Nothing feels as good as that.”

  He licked the lips of her pussy and gripped her thighs tightly when she jerked again.


  Using his thumbs, he parted her lips and stared hungrily at her clit. Small and pink and perfect, it glistened wetly. He licked it slowly, relishing the taste of her.


  He raised his head and feigned a look of concern. “Did you want me to stop?”

  She shook her head quickly. “No.”