Rescued by the Wolf (Other World Series Book Four) Page 7
“It will be difficult to find your friends in a forest this size,” he said.
She shrugged, “What do you care if I find them? You will just be happy to be away from me.”
“That is true,” he replied. “But how do you know that your friends were even brought to this world? Perhaps when this Michael let go of you, you were separated by more than just a few miles. My alpha’s mate is not from this world or yours – who is to say how many different worlds there are.”
“They have to be on this world. I can’t be all alone, I…”
She trailed off and he felt a trickle of guilt as her face paled and tears began to gather in her eyes.
“I never thought of that,” she whispered dejectedly. “You’re right – they may not even be on this world.
“What will you do then?” He asked as she slumped against him.
He waited patiently and when she didn’t reply, prompted her again. “Human, what will you do if you cannot find your friends?”
She wiped at the tears dripping down her face and took a deep breath. “Find my way out of this stupid forest and look for other humans, I guess.”
He sighed loudly but didn’t say anything. Winter had arrived and the human wore little clothing and no shoes. She would freeze to death within hours of leaving this disgusting shack, even once the storm had ended. If, that is, she was not killed first by one of the many creatures that lived in the forest.
His stomach tightened oddly at the thought of the human being torn apart by a bear shifter. Or what if she was discovered by a tagen? Their lust for humans was well known and they often raided human villages and stole their females. If one found Sara, she would not last ten minutes in his bed.
“Radek, you’re squeezing me too tightly,” she whispered. “I cannot breathe.”
“You will freeze to death even when the storm ends, human,” he said as he relaxed his hold on her.
She glanced at the pile of pelts in the corner before shrugging. “I’ll think of something.”
“Will you?”
“Yes. Can you let me go, please? I’m much warmer now.”
He hesitated before releasing his grip on her. She wormed her way out of his lap and he watched as she moved to the pile of pelts. Holding one hand over her mouth and nose, she used her other hand to drag the first few pelts from the top before grabbing a pelt from the middle. She dragged it to the door and slipped her feet into the boots.
“What are you doing?” He asked curiously as she opened the door and the cold air and snow blew in.
“I’m going to try and clean this one with some snow,” she said before stepping out into the storm.
* * *
“It does not smell any better, human.”
It was nearly twenty minutes later and Sara, her hair covered with snow and her lips blue, was spreading the wet pelt out on the floor.
“I-i-it smells a little b-b-better,” she stuttered. “Wh-when the st-torm ends, I’ll use it to w-wrap myself in.”
He touched her cold skin. “You are freezing again.”
Without speaking he shifted to his wolf form and stretched out on the hard, cold floor. She gave him a grateful look and nearly flattened her shaking body against him. He curled his large body around hers, using his tail to cover her thighs, and growled softly when she dug her cold toes into his belly.
“S-s-sorry,” she stuttered but didn’t move her feet. She buried her face into the thick fur of his throat and he closed his eyes as she made a soft noise of contentment.
Chapter 7
They were coming. He could smell their foul human scent and hear their footsteps. A whimper escaped from his throat before he could stop it, and he backed into the corner of the stall as the barn door opened.
They stared at him as his hackles rose and he growled loudly. He yanked futilely at the collar around his neck but the chain that was attached to it was thick and heavy and fastened securely to the wall. He gagged and choked, saliva dripping from his mouth, as the hateful human male grinned.
“Papa, make him shift to his human form.”
The boy holding the man’s hand was only a little older than Radek but there was an adult-like cruelty on his face that made another whine want to slip from Radek’s throat. He held it back fiercely as the human stepped into the stall.
“Shift, dog.”
He growled and bared his teeth at him in reply, and the man crouched down. The stink of human was nearly overwhelming in the small space but Radek refused to back away. Showing fear just made the human crueler.
“Shift now, or I’ll cut yer little pecker off,” the man said.
With an angry snarl, Radek shifted to his human form. The man made a satisfied grunt as the little boy moved closer and studied Radek carefully.
“His wounds are gone, papa.”
“Aye, I told you he would heal eventually. If he was older it would have happened much sooner,” the man replied.
“Let’s hurt him again,” the boy said gleefully. “It’s fun.”
“What this time, then?” The man asked. “Water or fire?”
“Fire,” the boy decided. “It’s funny to hear him scream so loudly.”
The man ruffled the boy’s hair before ducking out of the stall. He returned with a candle and crouched in front of Radek again.
“You know the drill, dog. If you shift or try to fight me, I’ll slit your throat again. Only this time, I’ll cut it deep enough that there won’t be no healing for you.”
Radek stared at the flickering flame as the man held out his hand.
“Your arm, dog. Give it to me.”
He didn’t want to. It would hurt so bad and he was so tired and hungry. He wanted to cry. He wanted his mother. He took a deep breath and blinked back the tears. He didn’t know how long he had been here, chained to the wall of the filthy human’s barn, but he could not give up hope that his father would find him.
“Now, dog. Before I lose my patience,” the man said quietly.
Steeling himself but unable to keep his hand from trembling, he stretched out his arm. His father would find him and when he did he would kill the humans for what they had done to him, he told himself repeatedly.
He watched with horrified fascination as the flames licked at his skin. The flesh was reddening and already the pain was unbearable. As the smell of his own burning flesh drifted to him, he fought bitterly against the scream building in his chest. He began to squirm, harsh barks bursting from his throat as the man’s hand tightened around his wrist and held him firmly. He wouldn’t scream, he wouldn’t beg for mercy. Not this time, this time he would be strong and –
“Radek, wake up. Open your eyes.”
Her voice was full of worry and fear and it tore him up and out of his dream. He staggered upright, shuddering all over as he shifted to his human form. She was sitting up beside him and confused and afraid, he howled loudly and slammed her back to the floor. He pinned her body down with his and yanked her hands above her head.
“It’s okay,” she said softly. “You were barking in your sleep.” She made no attempt to wiggle free from his harsh grip. “And crying.”
He stared wildly at her, still not quite sure where he was or what was happening. The dream had been so vivid and so frightening. He was shaking and his heart was thudding loudly in his chest.
“You’re hurting me, Radek,” she said softly.
He realized he was squeezing her wrists and he let go of them, giving her a look of shame.
“It’s all right,” she whispered.
He knew he should be rolling off of her, knew he should be allowing her to get up but he continued to stare at her. He was afraid. He didn’t want to be afraid but here in the dark with the wind howling and the memory of his dream clinging to him, he found the softness and warmth of her body comforting in a way he didn’t understand. He wanted to bury his face in her throat and feel her arms around him as she soothed away the nightmare.
As if she read his mind, she wrapped her arms and then her legs around his body and squeezed him tightly. He pressed his face into her neck, wiping away the dampness on his cheeks on her soft skin as she made a quiet cooing noise and rubbed his back. Afraid he was crushing her, he rolled to his side and brought her with him. He tightened his arms around her slender body and kept his face buried in her throat.
“It’s all right, Radek. You’re safe,” she murmured.
“I’m sorry, Sara.”
Her heart sped up at the sound of his low voice saying her name and she squeezed him even tighter. “It’s okay. Everyone has bad dreams. Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head immediately and when he spoke there was panic in his voice. “No, I don’t. I won’t talk about it.”
“Shh. That’s fine,” she said soothingly. “You don’t have to talk.”
They lay together in silence for nearly half an hour. She rocked and soothed him like he was a small child until his shaking stopped and then pressed a light kiss to the top of his head. “Better?”
“Aye. Thank you, Sara.”
She shivered all over. “You’re welcome, Radek.”
He lifted his head and studied her face. She smiled hesitantly at him and he cupped her face, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. He could smell her desire almost instantly and his cock responded. It pushed against her hip and he groaned when her small pink tongue licked at her upper lip.
He pushed his thumb into her mouth and when she didn’t do anything, whispered, “Suck, Sara.”
She blushed but closed her lips around his thumb and sucked obediently. He pressed the pad of his thumb against her wet tongue and she sucked harder. He moaned and pulled his thumb free before tugging her head toward his and kissing her. She made a soft squeak of surprise and he frowned when she didn’t respond to his kisses.
“Kiss me, Sara,” he muttered against her mouth.
She took a trembling breath and pressed her lips awkwardly against his. He frowned again at her odd movements and pulled his head back to stare at her.
“I’m sorry,” she said breathlessly. “I’ve never kissed someone before.”
He stared at her in shock. “You have never kissed a man?”
“No,” she whispered.
He eased away from her, ignoring her small sigh of dismay and studied her carefully. “But you have mated before, have you not, Sara?”
She blushed furiously and he swore loudly and pushed away from her. The girl was a virgin. He had never deflowered a woman in his life and he certainly wasn’t going to do so with the fragile human before him. She scrambled closer to him and placed a hand on his chest.
“Please don’t stop, Radek.” She gave him a pleading look. “I – I want you to have it, okay?”
He stared at her. “You barely know me, human. Why would you offer this gift to me?”
She stared at the floor. “Well, I – I’m attracted to you and is it not better to give it away then to have it taken from me?”
She gave him an oddly defiant look. “You’re right, you know. I am weak and soon I won’t be around people or – or shifters who can defend me. My brother is the only one who cared for me and now he is dead and, according to you, I am on another world. I will be lucky if I don’t die in the next month and we both know it. What good will my virginity be then?”
“That does not mean you should give your virginity to the first person who is kind to you.”
Her voice was rising, her chest heaving with each angry breath she took. “Kind? You haven’t been kind to me, Radek.”
He winced but she carried on without noticing. “You keep saying you find me disgusting but your – your,” she flushed more brightly, “dick doesn’t seem to find me so disgusting. Why should I not take advantage of that?”
She gave him a dark look of desperation. “I wish to make a bargain with you, Radek.”
“What type of bargain?”
“I know that when the storm ends you will abandon me to my fate and I – I don’t blame you for that. I’ve been nothing but a nuisance to you, and you would have been home with your pack by now if it was not for me.”
“Aye, that’s true,” he said gruffly.
She flushed but carried on grimly. “I will make you a deal. If you stay with me, if you protect me until we find my friends or other humans, I will give you my virginity.”
“Your virginity,” he repeated.
“Yes.” She nodded eagerly. “You can have it tonight, right now, if you will protect me.”
“You only offer this gift to me as payment for my protection?” He was oddly upset by the thought.
“I have no money and nothing else of value,” she said quietly.
“What makes you think I won’t fuck you tonight and then abandon you anyway?”
“I – I trust you to be a man of your word, Radek.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“I know you will keep your word,” she said steadily but there was doubt in her voice. “Do we have a deal?”
He was tempted. His wolf was howling at him to take the female and he was tired of ignoring it. He was, in fact, nearly desperate to be deep inside of Sara. Her attempt to bargain away her virginity to him would give him the perfect excuse for fucking her.
She only offers it to you because she is desperate.
His stomach churned at the thought. He didn’t know why it bothered him so much that Sara offered him her innocence not because she wanted him but because she was looking for protection, but it angered and upset him. What did he care why she did it? His wolf wanted her and this was the way to quiet the beast’s incessant howling.
He stared silently at her and she gave him a nervous smile. “Radek? Do we have a bargain?”
“No, we do not. Shifters prefer their mates to have experience,” he lied. “I have no interest in fucking someone who has no idea what she is doing.”
Her face paled and she gave him a sick look of embarrassment before turning away and curling into a small ball on the hard floor. “Fine. Goodnight, Radek.”
“It is too cold for you to sleep alone. Come back over here and I will keep you warm.”
“I’m fine.”
“Human!” He growled angrily. “You will freeze to death. Come over here now before I – “
“Before you what?” She turned and glared at him. When he didn’t reply she snorted derisively. “I won’t freeze to death and if I do, think of how much easier it will be for you. You’ll be able to leave this disgusting place and return to your pack.”
“Do not be ridiculous. I know you’re upset because I won’t fuck you but – “
“Be quiet!” She snapped. “I’d rather freeze to death than ever touch you again!”
“Fine!” He shouted before shifting to his wolf form. He padded to the far end of the shack and lay down with his back to her.
* * *
“Maybe you should take Theran or Hanif with you,” Reese said worriedly as she stared at the clear night sky.
“We will be fine, Reese,” Kane replied.
“Be careful, please?” Reese put her arm around his narrow waist and he leaned down and kissed her.
“Aye, I will be.”
“Michael?” Abby reached out and touched Michael’s forehead. He was burning up and he gave her a faint smile.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re not. You have a fever.”
“It’s just a cold,” he said as he shifted unsteadily. “Let’s go.”
He flinched when Adina pressed her hand against his forehead. “Your friend is right – you have a fever. You need to lie down.”
“I’m fine,” he protested. “I want to help you find Sara.”
“You’ll slow us down,” Abby said gently. She glanced at Val and Kane. “The three of us will move faster without you.”
He gave her a stubborn look and Val rolled his eyes. “I will keep Abigail safe, human. There is no need for yo
u to join us.”
“Abby doesn’t need me or you to keep her safe,” Michael said. “She can handle herself and you should know that by now. She isn’t the same person she – “
He broke off in a fit of coughing and Abby rubbed his back gently. “Go back to your cabin and lie down, Michael.”
He frowned at her and she squeezed his arm. “Please.”
He nodded as Adina patted his back. “I have a tea that will help with the fever. Come.”
He shuffled after her as Abigail studied Val’s hair. “Violet, come out.”
The pixie stuck her head out of Val’s hair and stared innocently at her. “I want you to say here, little one. It’s too dangerous.”
Violet shook her head and made a rude gesture with her hand. Abigail grinned at her. “Please, Violet. Stay with Reese. We will return shortly, all right?”
“Go on, bug,” Val said.
Pouting, Violet flew from Val’s hair and tangled herself in Reese’s. She stared moodily at the three of them as Reese patted one tiny thigh with the tip of her finger.
“We will return soon, Violet,” Abby said.
Kane leaned down and kissed Reese a final time before nodding to Theran. “You are in charge until I return.”
“Aye, my alpha,” Theran replied.
Reese, worry gnawing at her belly, watched as Kane, Abby and Val disappeared into the woods.
* * *
Sara wrapped the disgusting-smelling pelt a little closer around her and shuffled through the snow. The boots were too big and she could feel little piles of snow falling into them to melt against her bare feet. Her breath puffed out like smoke in front of her and she squinted into the dim light. The storm had finally ended and soft moonlight was filtering through the trees.
She wondered briefly what time it was. The sun couldn’t have set too long ago, she decided, the moon wasn’t that high in the sky. A few hours after her fight with Radek, the howling of the wind had abated. Cold and miserable on the hard floor, she had crept to the window and peeked outside. The snow had stopped and she had made a sudden decision. One that she wasn’t regretting now, she told herself grimly.