The Welder (Working Men Series Book 4) Read online

Page 6

  “It’s worse.”

  “It isn’t,” she said as another wannabe singer murdered an Elvis Presley song. “The swelling has gone down and it’s not as sore.”

  “You should go see the doctor about it.”

  “Oh please,” Lydia leaned forward. “If Luna went to the doctor every time she was clumsy, she’d never leave. She’s fine.”

  “Hey, guys, what can I…”

  I groaned inwardly. Madison, one of the waitresses at Ren’s Bar, had bounced up to our table. Her eyes were nearly bugging out of her head as she stared at the way Luna was sitting on my lap.

  “Holy shit!” Madison said. “Luna, are you and Asher da -”

  “I’ll take a beer. Whatever you have on tap,” I said.

  “All right, I was just wondering if you and -”

  “I was just wondering if you were going to do your job and get me a fucking beer?” I snapped.

  Madison rolled her eyes. “Fine, Asher. You don’t have to be such a dick. Knox, what do you want?”

  “I’ll take a beer too, Mads. Thanks.” He winked at her and she rolled her eyes again before smiling at Luna and Lydia. “You ladies want another drink?”

  “I’ll take another glass of wine,” Lydia said.

  Luna shook her head. “I’m good. Thanks, Madison.”

  “You bet.”

  “It’s busy tonight,” Knox said.

  Madison nodded. “Always is on karaoke night. Mostly because of Luna.”

  She smiled at Luna and my girl blushed bright red. “I doubt that’s true.”

  “It’s totally true.” Madison smiled at Lydia. “Your sister draws quite the crowd with her singing. She could be a professional singer. Guess you’re not the only talented one in the family, huh?”

  I wondered if anyone else saw the anger flicker across Lydia’s face before she smoothed it out. “Luna’s voice is pretty, but she sounds generic. Trust me, the music industry is looking for a…unique sound.”

  “I thought you were an actress not a singer,” I said.

  “Oh, didn’t Luna tell you? I’m starring in a movie remake of The Phantom of the Opera. Filming starts next month.” Lydia gave Luna a carefully crafted look of confusion. “You’ve been dating Asher for eight months, do you do any talking or is this more of a physical relationship?”

  “We do plenty of talking, just not about you,” I said before Luna could reply. “Why would we?”

  I was gratified to see another look of anger shimmer over Lydia’s face. The way she spoke to Luna was pissing me off.

  “You and Luna have been dating for -”

  “Beer,” I snapped at Madison before she could finish the sentence. “Do your damn job, Madison.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Madison said. She left, and Lydia cocked her eyebrow at Luna.

  “It’s weird that the waitress doesn’t know you two are dating.”

  “We’re private people,” I said.

  “Maybe you should let my sister answer for herself,” Lydia said.

  It was my turn to redden. I knew Luna was a grown woman and didn’t need me defending her against her sister, but fucking Lydia had every one of my goddamn hackles raised.

  “Well, Luna?” Lydia asked.

  Luna glanced at me before shrugging. “It’s like Ash said, we’re private people. You know I never liked the spotlight.”

  Before Lydia could reply, Luna’s name was called by the guy who ran the karaoke machine. The crowd in the bar cheered and hooted loudly and the surprise on Lydia’s face made me grin. I kissed Luna on the mouth.

  “Knock ‘em dead, Sunshine.”

  “Thank you.” She squeaked when I gave her ass a quick squeeze.

  I grinned at her. “You need me to carry you up there?”

  “No,” she said with a small smile.

  She limped her way up to the microphone as Maddie returned with our beers. I paid for mine and Knox’s and took a long swallow of beer. Luna began to sing and, like always, I was fucking mesmerized. I forgot about her goddamn sister, about my beer, about everything except for Luna and her voice. God, I loved listening to her sing. I didn’t care what her fucking bitch of a sister said, her voice was far from generic.

  Too quickly, the song ended. I set my beer on the table and clapped and whistled as the rest of the bar erupted into applause. I glanced at Lydia. She was staring at the cheering bar crowd with a narrowed gaze. Luna, her pale skin bright red, made a small wave before limping her way back to us. I stood and met her halfway. She gave me a look of surprise but didn’t object when I bent and kissed her on the mouth, then picked her up and carried her back to our table.

  I fucking shouldn’t have. Now everyone in the goddamn bar would think we were dating or some shit like that, but I couldn’t resist. Not just because I was worried that she would trip and hurt her knee worse, but because there was a part of me that wanted everyone to think Luna Davis belonged to me.

  I set her in her chair and dropped into the one beside her before resting my hand on her leg. “Good job, Sunshine.”

  “Thanks, Ash.” She gave me a shy smile and I couldn’t resist leaning in and kissing her again. God, she smelled good. I wanted to take her home and fuck her until she was cumming all over my cock and moaning my name.

  “Nice work, Luna.” Knox held out his fist and Luna bumped it before glancing at her sister. Lydia gave her a strained smile but didn’t say anything. I took another drink of beer and glanced at my watch. I’d give Luna the chance to sing another song or two and then I was taking her home and making her mine again.

  * * *

  “Is that the same fucking song Luna sang?” I sat down in my chair, ignoring the knot of tension in my stomach that Luna was missing. She was probably just taking a piss like I was.

  “Yeah,” Knox replied.

  “Unbelievable,” I muttered as Lydia, holding the microphone in one hand, strode back and forth across the dance floor like it was her own personal stage. Her voice was good, maybe even technically it was better than Luna’s, but it held none of the warmth of Luna’s. Not that it mattered, the assholes in the bar were already smitten with her and I watched them stare at Lydia as she sang.

  “She chose it on purpose,” Knox said. “Who’s that much of a bitch to their own sister?”

  “Lydia Davis.”

  “Yeah, I guess. I just hope Luna didn’t take off for good.”

  Something that felt a little like panic settled around my heart. “What the fuck do you mean? Where’s Luna?”

  “As soon as Lydia started singing, she said she needed some fresh air. She looked upset.”

  “Of course she was fucking upset.” I stood. “Keep Lydia in the bar when she’s done her fucking song. Don’t let her come looking for Luna.”

  “Will do,” Knox tipped his beer to me before setting it down and cracking his knuckles. “Time to bring charming Knox out to play.”

  I turned and stomped my way through the bar, ignoring the sound of Lydia’s singing and the way everyone was watching her. Once outside, I scanned the parking lot. Luna obviously hadn’t driven to the bar, what if she was walking home? It was late and dark, and she was so fucking little. Anyone could find her and hurt her and –

  Relief flooded through me. I’d caught sight of her hair in the moonlight and I immediately jogged through the parking lot toward her. She was actually standing beside my truck and I wondered if she’d done that on purpose.

  Oh yeah, of course. Luna’s upset so she’s going to stand by your truck because what? It reminds her of you and you make her feel better? Get over yourself, you fucking idiot.

  “Hey.” I stopped in front of her and she gave me a wan smile.

  “Oh, hi. What are you doing out here?”

  “Came to find you. You shouldn’t be out here in the dark by yourself.”

  “It’s perfectly safe.”

  “It isn’t.” I could see the goosebumps on her slender arms. “Come inside. You’re freezing.”

bsp; “I just need a few more minutes.”

  She studied the ground and I leaned against my truck. “I should have texted you back.”

  “That’s all right. I figured I could stall until at least tomorrow.”

  “I was busy at work all day and I knew I would see you here tonight, so…”

  Jesus, I sounded fucking lame.

  “No, I totally get it. I’m sorry that you had to start pretending early, but,” she finally glanced up at me, “I really appreciate you, uh, helping me out.”

  I didn’t say anything, but I couldn’t stand to see her shivering. I pulled her into my arms and rubbed her back. She rested her head on my chest and put her arms around my waist.

  “How come you didn’t stay to listen to Lydia sing?” She asked.

  “Her voice sucks.”

  She laughed. “No, it doesn’t. It’s better than mine.”

  I tugged on her braid until she lifted her head. “It isn’t.”

  “It is. She’s always had a gorgeous voice and -”

  “It isn’t better. Your voice is incredible, Sunshine. I come to the bar on Wednesdays just to hear you sing.”

  “Yeah?” Her eyes lit up. “Really?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “You have the prettiest voice I’ve ever heard.”

  Fuck, I sounded like a lovestruck moron, but the smile on Luna’s face made it worth it.

  “Thank you, Asher.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She was quite for a moment and then, her cheeks reddening, said, “So, uh, last night was okay for you, right?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  She stared up at me. “You’re sure?”

  I leaned down and kissed her. I couldn’t help it. I’d spent most of the goddamn day thinking about her, about her sweet pussy and how much I wanted to be buried deep inside of her again. I’d almost woken her up this morning before I left, but I was already running late and if I’d woken her, I would have been tempted to keep her in the bed all fucking day. Screw both of our jobs.

  Her soft moan and the way she licked my mouth before sliding her tongue between my lips, made my cock instantly hard. I rubbed my dick against her before cupping her breast through her dress and rubbing her nipple into a hard bud with my thumb. We kissed until I needed her so fucking badly that I couldn’t wait another second. I’d never had a woman’s kiss make me lose control, but this was my Luna, the woman I’d wanted for years.

  I lifted her and groaned in approval when Luna wrapped her legs around my waist and rocked her pussy against my dick. I pinned her against the truck with my lower body and used both hands to cup and knead her breasts through her dress as I kissed her repeatedly.

  Her little sounds of need, the way she arched into my hands drove me insane, and I dry humped her like a fucking teenage boy against my truck.

  “Ash, please.”

  I couldn’t resist her breathless cry. My woman needed my cock and I was going to fucking give it to her. As Luna leaned forward and kissed my neck, nipping at me with her teeth, I took a quick look around the parking lot. It was completely empty. I had parked at the far end of the lot and it was dark enough to conceal what we were doing as long as no one got too close. I reached between us and unbuttoned my jeans. I had my cock out before Luna knew what was happening. I squeezed her thighs. “Move your panties, Sunshine.”


  I rubbed my cock against her pussy. Fuck, if I didn’t get inside of her in the next ten seconds, I’d go crazy. “Move your panties before I rip them off you.”

  “We can’t,” she whispered. “We’re in the parking lot and if someone sees us...”

  “Luna,” my dick was still resting against the crotch of her panties and I could feel how wet they were, “move your panties now. I need to fuck my woman and you need to be fucked.”

  She stared at me, her pupils large in the dim light, before wordlessly reaching between us and pulling her panties to the crease of her thigh. She wrapped her other arm around my thick neck and clung to me as I fumbled my hand between us and grabbed the base of my dick. I guided it to her sweet, wet hole and pushed. I groaned into her throat when I felt her hot tightness surround my aching dick.

  She gasped into my ear, her pussy clenching around me and I stopped immediately. I rubbed one bare thigh before pulling back and pushing again. She was like a glove around my cock and I groaned as I pushed my way forward until her tiny pussy had taken every inch of my cock.

  “Oh God,” she whispered into my ear. “You’re so big, so hard.”

  “Am I hurting you, Sunshine?” I had never in my life wanted to move as bad as I did right now, but I’d fucking die before I hurt my Luna.

  “No,” she panted. “No, it feels so good. Fuck me quick, Ash. I need it.”

  She didn’t have to tell me twice. As she wrapped her other arm around my neck, I cupped her thighs and drove in and out of her. Her soft squeals and moans of pleasure spurring me on, I kissed her and then fucked her in a hard, quick rhythm that made my balls tighten and the base of my spine tingle.

  Jesus, I was already close to cumming and I immediately shoved my hand between us and rubbed Luna’s clit. It was swollen and hard and I swallowed her scream of pleasure when her body immediately tensed and she came on my cock. Her tiny pussy clamped down on me as she climaxed, and I groaned her name as I thrust hard and came inside of her. Like last night, I blew load after load into her, and her little pussy took all of it. Squeezing and rippling around me and drawing my seed deep inside of her.

  If she wasn’t on the goddamn pill, my boys would be swimming their way to the ultimate prize, knocking up my Luna and making her mine forever. If she was carrying my baby, she’d have to move in with me, have to sleep in my bed every night while my boy grew in her belly and I gave her more pleasure than she’d ever known. She’d be barefoot and pregnant and…

  Holy shit. What the fuck was I thinking? My hips were still rocking against Luna’s and she was still making soft moans and gasps into my ear as she came down from her orgasm, but I had been fucking lost in some goddamn daydream about forcing Luna to have my kid just so I could fuck her every night. What the hell was wrong with me?

  There was a blast of music and I turned my head to see the door to the bar open. Knox and Lydia were walking out, and I muttered a curse before pulling out of Luna and setting her on her feet. She immediately staggered, and I turned her around and hooked her hands over the top of the truck bed. “Hang onto this, Sunshine.”

  I tucked my dick into my pants and zipped up before reaching between Luna’s legs. She moaned, and I gritted my teeth when she automatically widened her thighs to give me access. Stupidly, I glanced behind me. I had the vague idea that I could give her another orgasm before Knox and Lydia made it to us. I was fucking addicted to the sound of Luna cumming.

  Knox and Lydia were already halfway to us and I pulled Luna’s panties back into place before turning her to face me again. “Luna, look at me.”

  She smiled up at me, her sweet face relaxed and her eyes hazy with remembered pleasure. “That felt so good, Ash. I feel so good. You made me cum so hard.”

  “Good, honey, I’m glad. Your sister is almost here.”

  “What?” She jerked in surprise and winced before reaching down to rub her knee. “Lydia?”


  “Shit! Does it look like – I mean, can you tell I just had a…”

  I studied her swollen mouth and the red marks on her throat from my stubble. “No, not really.”

  “Not really?” Her eyes widened. “Can you tell we were having sex or not?”


  I turned and placed myself protectively in front of Luna. Lydia scowled at me. “I want to speak to my sister.”

  Luna ducked out from behind me, but I put my arm around her and tucked her against my body as Lydia scowled at her. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting some fresh air and, uh, talking to Ash.”

  “Well, it�
�s getting late and the driver is on his way. I want to go back to the hotel and practice my speech for Saturday. Come on.”

  Luna glanced at me and I tightened my arm around her waist. “I’ll give Luna a ride home.”

  “She’s coming back to the hotel so she can listen to my speech,” Lydia said. “C’mon, Luna.”

  Luna glanced at me again. “Yeah, okay.”

  Stupidly, hurt trickled through me as Luna, balancing on her good leg, stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss against my cheek. “Bye, uh, honey. I’ll text you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Yeah,” I grunted.

  I let her go and Lydia gave me a smug smile that set my teeth on edge. “Good to see you again, Asher.”

  I didn’t reply, and Luna gave me an apologetic look before following her sister. There was a black town car pulling into the lot, and I punched the side of my truck when Lydia and Luna climbed in and the car left.

  “Whoa, hey, calm down, big guy,” Knox said.

  “I’m fine,” I muttered.

  “Oh yeah? Because that dent in your truck would suggest otherwise.”

  I unlocked my door and yanked it open. “Good night, Knox.”

  “Ash, seriously, man, you okay?”

  I nodded even though I was pissed and hurt and had no right to be. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t keep Lydia in the bar any longer. After half the fucking place got done kissing her goddamn ass, she was insistent on coming outside to find you and Luna.”

  “Yeah, man, I appreciate it. See you later.”

  I climbed into my truck and started it, giving a choppy wave to Knox before pulling out of the parking lot and heading toward home.

  Chapter Six


  “Asher! Hey, Asher!”

  I turned off the cutting torch and lifted my helmet. I wiped the sweat from my face and stared at the shop manager. “What?”

  “You got a visitor in reception.”

  “What? Who?”

  How the fuck would I know? She’s got red hair.”