Rescued by the Wolf (Other World Series Book Four) Read online

Page 5

  When she still didn’t respond, he hesitated and then returned her to the floor before covering her small body with his. The shack was cold but being out of the wind and the snow had helped and he was already warmer.

  She moaned softly at the feel of his warmth and he touched her face lightly. “Open your eyes, Sara.”

  Her eyelids fluttered open and she stared blearily at him. “Radek? Where are we?”

  “We’re out of the storm.”

  “Why does it smell so bad?” She wrinkled her nose and he smoothed back a strand of her curly hair.

  “You will get used to it. I’m going to shift to my wolf form. It will be warmer for you if I do. All right?”

  She nodded. Already her eyes were drifting shut and he didn’t like the paleness of her skin. He stood up and shifted abruptly before curling his massive body around hers. He chuffed at her, nudging her face with his nose and she squinted at him before touching the fur on his face with a trembling hand.

  “So warm,” she whispered before she turned on her side and pressed her body into his. She dug her toes into his abdomen and burrowed her face into the thick fur on his chest. He covered her legs with his long tail. She was so tiny that she was nearly completely covered by him and she sighed happily before slipping into slumber.

  Radek rested his chin on his paws and closed his eyes wearily.

  * * *

  Sara stretched contently and burrowed deeper into the pelt. Her bed was incredibly warm and soft and there was a steady and oddly comforting thumping noise coming from it. She pressed her ear against the noise and smiled happily. Her brother would be coming soon to wake her. Dova, their cow, was a stubborn beast and Sara was the only one she would allow to milk her. She shivered a little at the thought of leaving her warm bed. Normally she didn’t mind but her bed was not usually this comfortable.

  She frowned and rubbed her cheek against the soft fur. The fur was softer than the bear pelt that was on her bed. Where did this one come from? She buried her fingers in the soft fur and stroked it lightly. Her bed made a rumble of contentment and she smiled and stretched her hands higher. She rubbed lightly and the bed lifted its head so she could stroke the thick fur on its throat. It chuffed happily, its hot breath washing over her, and she scratched harder. When the warm and wet tongue licked her forehead she giggled. It was –

  Her eyes flew open and she stared at the wolf beneath her. She was lying completely on top of his warm body, her tiny one nestled against him. Her eyes widened when his eyes opened and his light green eyes glowed brightly. The confusion in them turned to outrage and she squeaked in alarm when the wolf shifted and soft fur turned to warm, hard flesh.

  “Get off me!” Radek shoved her away and she landed on the floor with a thud as he scrambled to his feet and backed away from her.

  Radek shook himself all over and glared at her. He had licked the woman, licked her like he was nothing more than a common dog and she his mistress. And why? Because she had scratched his throat? He growled angrily as Sara climbed to her feet.

  Sara gave Radek a cautious look as she backed away. “I’m sorry, Radek.”

  He glared at her and she cleared her throat nervously before looking around. “Wh-where are we?”

  He shrugged dismissively. “I do not know. I stumbled onto it in the storm.”

  “What is that smell?” She covered her mouth and nose with her hand and he glared again at her.

  “If this place is not to your liking, human, you are more than welcome to go out into the storm and find another.”

  “No.” She shook her head and wrapped her arms around her thin torso. “This is good, Radek. Thank you.”

  He stalked to the door and opened it. Cold wind and snow blew in and she shivered and took a step back as he peered into the gloom.

  “Stay here,” he ordered curtly.

  “Where are you going?”

  Without answering he disappeared into the storm, slamming the door shut behind him.

  Chapter 5

  He returned an hour later, his arms filled with wide green leaves, wet plants and green pods. He dumped them on the table and she examined them curiously.

  “What are these?”

  “Food,” he said gruffly. “Eat only the stalks of these ones, “he pointed to a pile of limp plants, “and the leaves of those.”

  She nodded and smiled tentatively at him. “Thank you.”

  “Aye.” He picked up one of the green pods. “These are called charkas. You peel them like this and eat the center.”

  He peeled away the green skin and scooped out the white meat-like substance within it before holding it out to her. She took it from him gingerly, being careful not to touch his fingers, and ate a small piece of it. It was good and her stomach rumbled as she quickly ate the rest of it.

  “They’re really good. Thank you.”

  He nodded and ate a few of the charkas himself. He’d had to dig through the snow to find them and the plants but the girl had looked like she was going to pass out. He needed to get something into her belly.

  She ate a few of the plants and another charka before stepping away from the table. He frowned at her. “Eat more.”

  “I’m full,” she said. “You eat the rest.”

  “You are not full.”

  “I am,” she insisted. “I don’t eat very much.”

  He stared at her flat abdomen and she blushed a little.

  “You eat less than a bird,” he said grumpily as he ate another charka.

  “A regular bird or one of those floran things?” She gave him a small smile and he rolled his eyes before picking up the liptus leaves.

  “Come here, human.”

  “Why?” She asked nervously.

  “I want to check your wounds.”

  Her hands reached around and touched the leaves that were still plastered to her back. “I think they’re okay.”

  “Stop arguing with me.”

  She licked her lips nervously before approaching him and turning around. He peeled the leaves from her back and examined the puncture wounds. He thought they looked all right. They weren’t swollen or dripping blood anymore and he quickly peeled the leaves from the back of her leg. She hissed as it stuck to the deep scratches and he scowled when trickles of blood dripped down her leg.

  “Stay there,” he said curtly.

  He stepped outside and gathered a handful of snow. He rubbed the snow on her leg, cleaning off the dried blood and washing away the fresh as she flinched and tried to move away.

  “Hold still,” he muttered. He curved one hard hand around her thigh and held her steady as he wiped at the scratches.

  “How bad does it hurt?” He asked.

  “Not as bad as it did but more than my back does,” she replied in a soft voice.

  “The scratches are deep but they should heal with time.” He wrapped her leg with two of the wet liptus leaves. She cringed at the cold but stayed where she was as he went outside and gathered another handful of snow.

  “Bend over the table.”

  “What?” She gave him a startled look and he rolled his eyes.

  “Relax, human. I just want to wash your back of the dried blood.”

  She bent over the table gingerly, her arms resting on the top of it as he stepped behind her and studied her. Her short skirt had ridden up and he could see the bottom of her small ass. His cock stirred and he had to stop the ridiculous urge to reach out and caress her pale flesh.

  She suddenly yanked at the bottom of her skirt and gave him a look of embarrassment. “Radek, are you going to wash my back or…”

  “Aye,” he snapped. He tore his gaze from her ass and washed her back quickly with the cold snow. He was rougher than he intended and she flinched but didn’t say anything.

  “Sorry,” he muttered.

  “That’s all right.”

  He picked up the last liptus leaf and carefully pressed it over the puncture wounds on her lower back.

  “They tingle,�
� she said suddenly.

  “Aye. They have healing properties.” He took one final look at her ass before stepping away from her.

  She straightened and smiled sweetly at him. “Thank you for helping me, Radek.”

  He nodded and she clasped her hands nervously together before boosting herself up and sitting on the table. “So, how long do you think the storm will last?”

  He didn’t reply. She cocked her head as her entire body shivered, and listened to the wind howl. “Are the storms always this bad here? On my world we get snowstorms but they rarely last more than a few hours.”

  When he continued to stay silent she rubbed her hands together. “This place is really great, huh? I mean, it smells pretty bad. I was going to use those pelts to keep warm but,” she shuddered, “I couldn’t do it, but at least we’re out of the wind. Did you smell those pelts? They smell like a dead horse. I’d rather freeze to death. Too bad this place doesn’t have a fireplace. That’s strange, right? Why would you build a cabin in the woods and not have a fireplace? Wouldn’t you want – “

  Sara stopped talking as Radek suddenly shifted to his wolf form and walked away. He laid down in the corner farthest from her and closed his eyes.

  “Don’t feel like talking, huh?” Sara said with forced cheerfulness. “I understand. My brother doesn’t – didn’t – talk much either. He always said I talked enough for both of us. He was right, I suppose. I do talk a lot. I guess I just have a – “

  The wolf opened his eyes and growled loudly at her. She shut her mouth with a snap and gave him a weak smile. “Right, I’ll just be quiet now.”

  The wolf stood and circled three times before collapsing on the floor with his back to her. He sighed loudly and she wiped at the tears that were starting to slide down her cheeks. She was scared and cold, her leg was throbbing and she was suddenly incredibly homesick. She took a deep breath and wiped away the tears. She had cried enough. If she was going to survive in this new world, she had to become tough. She was all alone and stuck in a smelly shack with a very large wolf shifter who hated her. She was certain that when the storm ended, he would abandon her. Her only chance was to figure out a way to make the wolf shifter like her.

  She stared at his sleeping body and considered offering herself to him. If she pleased him in bed and gave him sex whenever he wanted, perhaps he would be more inclined to keep protecting her until she found other humans. He was handsome and it’s not like she had anyone special to give her virginity to. Perhaps she would tell him she was a virgin and that she would give it to him in exchange for his protection.

  Yes, she decided suddenly, that’s what she would do. Her friend Tora had told her that men liked virgins. They liked being the first to introduce a woman to sex, she said it made them feel more like men. The shifter might not be a conventional man but, no doubt, he would have the same reaction.

  Have you gone mad, Sara? You’ve seen the size of his cock. It will hurt so bad.

  Yes, it probably would but if she asked him nicely maybe he would be gentle with her.

  He won’t be, her mind moaned. You know he will not.

  She studied her short fingernails. No, he wouldn’t be but she would just close her eyes and wait for it to be over. Tora said that once the man was inside a woman, it only lasted a few moments. She could handle a few moments of pain.

  He finds you disgusting. Remember?

  She flinched. He had said that humans disgusted him but in the tree he had been hard and he had moaned like he enjoyed her touch. Besides, he had admitted that his cock didn’t care that she was a human.

  She slid off the table and moved the chair to the small window near the door. It was grimy with dirt and she scrubbed a small clean spot with her fingers before sitting on the chair and peering at the whirling snow. She glanced at the shifter. He hadn’t moved and she shivered delicately as she rubbed her arms. She would wait until he woke from his nap. He would be in a better mood and she could use the time to figure out what she was going to say to him.

  * * *

  Radek stared through half-lidded eyes at the human. He had stayed in his wolf form all afternoon. The female had not tried to speak to him again, although she had taken quick, nervous peeks at him for the first few hours. Eventually she had stopped staring and alternated between limping the length of the small room, swinging her arms and stomping her feet to warm up, and sitting on the chair at the window. Every once in a while, she would sing softly to herself. They were words and a tune he didn’t recognize and he hated to admit that he liked the sound of her singing.

  He sat up when she stood and walked to the door. As she slipped the boots sitting by the door onto her feet, he barked loudly. She flinched and gave him a nervous look. “I just have to use the bathroom.”

  He stood and stretched, yawning hugely before padding to the door. She opened it and he slipped outside. The snow was still falling heavily and it was so dark he knew the human couldn’t see a thing.

  She hesitated by the cabin and gasped softly when he took her hand in his mouth. He guided her to the large bushes that were to the left of the shack and she muttered a soft thank you before disappearing into them.

  He waited patiently until she reappeared and then guided her back inside. She was shivering violently and she shook the snow from her hair before reaching down and brushing the snow from his back.

  He growled at her and she gave him a cheerful smile. “You’re covered in snow. Just let me wipe it off so you’re not cold.”

  He shook his large body and the snow flew from his fur and hit her in the face and body. She sputtered and wiped the snow away before grinning at him. “You did that on purpose.”

  He chuffed, his gaze sliding down to her small breasts. The cold air had hardened her nipples and he watched the flush rising on her chest. He lifted his hot gaze to hers and uncertainty flickered in her eyes before she straightened her back. She thrust her small chest out and gave him a slow smile. “Radek, would you change to your human form? I would speak to you about something important.”

  He growled and moved away from her.

  “Please, Radek,” she called.

  He ignored her completely and lay down with his back to her.

  Sara scowled and walked back and forth in the shack. Her plan to seduce Radek and to offer her virginity in exchange for his protection would not work if he stayed in his wolf form the entire time. Unfortunately, she couldn’t force him to shift. She rubbed her arms briskly before eyeing the pelts in the corner. She was cold but she wasn’t that cold. She yawned and with a soft groan, stretched out on the hard floor. She could feel the cold air seeping through the floorboards and she stared at the table. Perhaps she could lie on the table. It would be just as hard as the floor but it wouldn’t be as cold.

  She was about to stand when Radek, still in his wolf form, lay down beside her. She turned to face him and gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Radek.”

  He chuffed and she curled into his warm body. She stroked the thick fur on his side, thinking perhaps it would tempt him to shift but he twitched and bared his teeth at her in a silent snarl. She immediately tucked her hands between her thighs and smiled apologetically.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He glared at her before closing his eyes. Her plan was falling apart before it even got going.

  * * *

  It wasn’t half an hour after the human fell asleep before she was squirming on top of him like he was a bed. She sighed softly, sinking her fingers into the fur around his neck and rubbing gently before she relaxed against him.

  He waited another half hour and then shifted to his human form. He caught her before she could roll off his body. She muttered quietly before straddling his large thigh and resting her head on his chest. Her hands traced the hair on his chest as she raised her head and blinked sleepily at him.

  “Radek?” She murmured.

  “Go to sleep, Sara.” He pressed her head against his chest and rubbed her upper back.

/>   She moaned happily and hugged him tightly before slipping back into slumber.

  He traced the soft skin on her back before touching her hair. He tugged on a strand, straightening the curly lock before letting it go. It sprang back into a tight curl and he grinned before doing it again. He had never seen hair like hers before and he was fascinated by it. He eased his hands into her hair until his fingers pressed against her scalp. He was suddenly helpless to stop the image of Sara on her knees in front of him. Of his hands buried in her thick hair and guiding her mouth to his cock.

  No doubt she had plenty of experience pleasuring a man with her mouth, and he shuddered with need as he pictured her pink tongue licking his shaft. His cock hardened and his wolf made a low growl of lust. It would be so easy to turn the female onto her back, to ease up her skirt and bury his face in her pussy. He wondered what she sounded like when she came, wondered what she tasted like.

  She would taste sweet like honey, he decided, and he would make her come multiple times before he fucked her. He would make her say his name while he fucked her. He liked how it sounded when she said his name and he could only imagine how much better it would sound when she was on her hands and knees as he slid his cock into her. She would –

  He jerked beneath her. She muttered something he didn’t understand and tightened her slender arms around his waist, and he stared wide-eyed at the ceiling. What the fuck was wrong with him? The woman was a human. Her kind had tortured him. They had burned him and choked him and nearly drowned him, and he was imagining what it would be like to fuck one of them.

  He rolled to his side and released the human. She tried to snuggle closer and he backed away until with a frown on her face she gave up and curled into herself. He stared silently at her for nearly an hour and when goose bumps appeared on her skin and she began to shiver in her sleep, he sighed angrily and pulled her back into his embrace before rolling on to his back. She made a noise of contentment and relaxed against his warm body, her hands stroking his chest and sides. He stared at the ceiling and tried to ignore how perfectly her slender body fit against his as the wind howled and moaned.