The Shifter's Mate (Other World Series Book Three) Read online

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  “No need, nephew,” Asher said cheerfully.

  Kane whipped around, his hand holding the bag closed. “What are you doing in my cabin, Uncle?”

  “Talking to your human.” The old shifter winked at Reese and smoothed his long silver hair back from his face. “And feeding her.”

  Kane frowned. “You should not disobey our alpha’s orders, Uncle.”

  “It was only a few charkas, Kane. Besides, why are you allowed to disobey Dagon but I am not?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kane said innocently.

  Asher’s laughter was loud and infectious. Despite her anger, Reese could feel a grin breaking out on her face and even Kane’s face relaxed.

  “I will leave you to your bag of secret charkas. It was nice to meet you, human.”

  Reese made a soft noise of surprise when Asher pulled her into his embrace and hugged her firmly. She was about to awkwardly pat his back when Kane, growling loudly, pulled her away from Asher. He put his arm around her waist and cupped her hip possessively before growling at his uncle again.

  “Do not touch her again, Uncle.”

  Asher studied him closely. “And if I do?”

  “I will take your head,” Kane snarled.

  “Kane!” Reese gave him a look of horror and pushed her way free of his embrace. “What is wrong with you? He’s your uncle – you shouldn’t speak to him that way.”

  Asher with a small smile playing on his lips, shook his head. “It is fine, human.”

  “It isn’t.” Reese reached to touch his arm. “He didn’t mean it. He just – “

  Kane pulled her back into his arms before she could touch Asher and she gave him a look of frustration mixed with anger. “What is going on with you?”

  “Hold your tongue, Reese!” Kane said sharply.

  “Make me, shifter!” She snapped at him.

  Asher laughed again. “Your mate’s temper is a fiery one, nephew. I cannot tell you how much I will enjoy watching the two of you spar.”

  “She is not my mate, Uncle,” Kane said cautiously. “The human means nothing to me. In fact, the sooner I can rid myself of her presence, the better.”

  “You and me both, asshole!” Reese booted him in the shin and Kane winced and released her. She gave Asher an ‘I told you so’ look before stomping from the cabin and slamming the door behind her.

  * * *

  Reese stormed into the forest behind Kane’s cabin. She had gone about thirty feet before she remembered the shifter’s warning and stopped. She glanced cautiously around the woods. She was alone and she sat down beneath a tree and tucked her knees up. She wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her forehead on the top of her knees as the cold wind seeped through her thin clothing.

  Her heart was racing and the charkas she had eaten were sitting like a stone in her belly. Kane drove her crazy and she would be much happier when she was no longer forced to share his cabin.

  Really? So the thought of never feeling Kane’s touch again, never seeing him smile at you or whisper in your ear that you belong to him doesn’t bother you?

  She sighed in frustration and banged her head against her knees. Having any sort of feelings for Kane was utter madness. Even if Dagon didn’t choose her, Kane had just made it perfectly clear that he couldn’t wait to get rid of her.

  Then why does he tell you he will keep you safe? Why does he react so strongly when another shifter touches you? Why does he insist that you belong to him?

  “I don’t know! Maybe he has a split personality!” She spoke out loud and jumped when a bird was frightened by the sound and flew off from the tree above her with a shrill cry.

  There was a rustling in the bushes behind her and she jumped to her feet. She backed away in the direction of the cabin, praying like hell it was nothing more than a rabbit. When the wolf appeared with its dark brown fur shining in the sun, she made a soft noise under her breath and held her hands out. Unsure if it was a shifter or not, she continued to slowly back away.

  “Good puppy. Nice puppy. I’m just going to leave now. Be a good puppy and – “

  “Mia! Wait for me!”

  She breathed a sigh of relief when Raina emerged from the bushes. She stared in surprise at Reese. “What are you doing in the woods, human?”

  “Just getting a breath of fresh air.”

  “Oh. You probably shouldn’t be out here, it’s dangerous.”

  “What are you doing out here?” Reese asked pointedly.

  Raina laughed. “I’m a shifter, I can take care of myself.”

  “I’m sure you can but I think it’s best if all three of us head back now,” she said firmly.

  Mia barked loudly and Raina rolled her eyes. “You’re being ridiculous, Mia. He’s way too old for you.”

  Mia snarled at her and stalked a few feet away. She stared moodily into the trees as Raina sighed loudly.

  “What’s going on?” Reese asked curiously.

  “Mia is in love with my brother. She’s upset because he was cross with her earlier and then she saw Kavine sitting on his lap and stroking his hair.

  Mia growled under her breath and Raina rolled her eyes again before shouting to her, “He doesn’t like Kavine either, you dummy! He thinks she’s stupid and annoying.”

  She turned back to Reese and lowered her voice conspiratorially, “Why either of them even like him, I’ll never know. He’s bossy. He’s messy. He barks in his sleep and he never lets me do anything fun. And he’s not the least bit handsome.”

  Reese grinned. “He’s your brother – he’s supposed to be bossy.”

  “I’m old enough to take care of myself. Besides, he’s been in a bad mood ever since Kane kicked him out for speaking so rudely to you. Kane still won’t speak to him and it’s upsetting Radek.”

  “I’ll speak to Kane. He shouldn’t be ignoring your brother.”

  “He shouldn’t have been so rude to you. Mama would want you to wear her clothing. She liked humans.”

  She suddenly frowned. “At least she used to.”

  “How many humans did she know?”

  “None.” Raina grinned at her. “But she found them fascinating. Uncle Asher told me once that sometimes papa would take her to the village just so she could watch the humans. One time a female human spoke to her and told mama she liked her dress. Mama was so excited. Uncle Asher said she didn’t stop talking about it for days. But then the humans hurt Radek and mama didn’t like them anymore.”

  Her eyes widened and she gave Reese a look of panic. “Please do not tell Radek I told you that.”

  “I won’t,” Reese said quickly.

  Raina cleared her throat roughly. “I wish mama could have met you. She would have liked you even with her anger over what they did to Radek. I know it.”

  “I wish I could have met her too.” Reese touched the young shifter’s hair and Raina stared up at her. Her eyes were swimming with tears and Reese hugged her firmly. She stiffened before leaning against her and wrapping her arms around Reese’s waist. Reese stroked her back and Raina sniffed loudly.

  “I miss mama.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.” She kissed the top of the shifter’s head and Raina wiped the tears from her face before turning to Mia.

  “Come on, Mia. Stop sulking over my stupid brother and come back. I told you – he’s way too old and gross for you!”

  With a loud whimper, Mia bounded through the trees.

  “Not again,” Raina muttered.

  Reese grabbed her arm when she started to follow the wolf. “Honey, I don’t think you should go into the woods alone.”

  “It’s fine, human. I do this all the time.”

  She smiled reassuringly at Reese and Reese shook her head. “Kane says it’s dangerous in the forest. I think – “

  “It’s dangerous for you because you’re just a weak human,” Raina said earnestly. “I’ll be fine.”

  She started forward and blinked in surprise when Reese joined he
r. “What are you doing, human?”

  “I’m coming with you.” Reese took her hand and Raina stared at their hands before smiling at her.

  “All right. I will keep you safe.”

  “Right.” Feeling nervous and unsettled, she followed the young shifter into the woods.

  When they had disappeared, Deena stepped out from a large pine tree. She inhaled deeply, a frown crossing her face.

  “Babies and Kane’s precious flower in the woods,” she sighed.

  Chapter 22

  “I’ve made my decision.”

  Kane’s stomach dropped and he stopped pacing in front of the fire in Dagon’s cabin and stared expectantly at his alpha.

  “So quickly, my alpha?” Theran asked. “I thought you were going to wait until the big one had stopped her cycle.”

  Dagon shrugged. “I grow tired of waiting. I want the blonde one.”

  Relief flooded through Kane and he glanced quickly at Theran. The smaller shifter had an obvious look of happiness on his face and Kane elbowed him discreetly. If Dagon knew that Theran had feelings for Ghita, it wouldn’t be unlike him to change his mind and choose Ghita just to be cruel.

  He stared at his alpha and wondered not for the first time, how a good shifter like Maven could have a son like Dagon. The man had always been odd. As a child, he had been cruel to his playmates and smaller creatures he happened upon in the woods but no one in the pack had ever dreamed he would be capable of killing his own father.

  He winced and closed his eyes as the image of Dagon tearing out Maven’s throat flooded through him. The entire pack had been in shock and their period of mourning for Maven had gone longer than any mourning period before. Finally, Dagon had forced them to end their daily mourning rituals and the shifters had reluctantly complied.

  He wondered if Dagon knew of the whispers. If he knew that many of his pack were simply considering leaving in the night. He was the biggest and the most powerful of them and no one was foolish enough to challenge him for leadership, but the atmosphere of fear that Dagon cultivated was tearing the pack apart.


  He realized Dagon was glaring at him and he gave him a polite smile. “Aye, Dagon?”

  “I said I imagine you’ll be happy to have the big human out of your cabin.”

  “Aye,” Kane replied briefly. He had no intention of letting Reese go anywhere. Once Dagon announced his decision to claim Adina, he would take Reese as his mate.

  “I’ll announce my decision tonight after dinner,” Dagon said. “Hanif, you will make sure the blonde one is bathed and ready for me. I will take her as my mate tonight.”

  “Aye, Dagon,” Hanif said quickly.

  Kane glanced at the door of the cabin. He was anxious to find Reese. Theran had come to his cabin only moments after she stormed out, and insisted he come directly to Dagon’s cabin. He was certain that Reese had gone to Adina or perhaps to Deena’s and Borek’s but not knowing exactly where his mate was, was making his wolf anxious and jumpy.

  “What has you so anxious, Kane?” Dagon asked.

  “Are we finished, Dagon? I have business elsewhere,” Kane said harshly. He realized he was no longer capable of hiding his disdain for his alpha and was surprised to feel a thread of relief go through him at the thought.

  “Watch your tongue, Kane,” Dagon snapped. “I am your alpha or have you forgotten?”

  “How could I? You feel the need to remind all of us on a daily basis.”

  Dagon’s eyes widened and his body began to swell. “You dare speak to me in such a manner?”

  “Kane did not mean it, my alpha. He is just tired,” Hanif said nervously. “We all know how he hates the humans. It is difficult for him to have them in our pack and he needs time to adjust.”

  Dagon snorted. “That had better be the only reason he speaks so disrespectfully. You would be wise to remember that I am not my father, Kane.”

  “You are right about that, Dagon,” Kane said softly. “You are not your father.”

  Before Dagon could reply there was a knock on the cabin door and Radek and Borek entered the cabin.

  “Dagon,” Radek said urgently, “Mia and Raina have gone into the woods.”

  “So?” Dagon frowned at him.

  “Teagan and the others returned early this morning from hunting and said they spotted a mantorian not far from here.”

  Dagon scowled. “We will go after the young ones.”

  “The human is with them as well,” Borek said suddenly.

  Kane grabbed him by his shirt. “Which human, Borek?”


  “How do you know this?” Kane struggled to hide the fear in his voice.

  “Deena saw them leave. She came to me and told me.”

  Dagon’s body relaxed. “Deena’s brains are addled. The young ones are probably not even in the forest.”

  Borek made a soft growl. “Deena is not lying, Dagon. If she says she saw them go into the forest, then she did.”

  “We have searched all the cabins,” Radek said. “We cannot find any of them and all three of their scents lead into the trees behind Kane’s cabin. Please, Dagon. She is my sister.”

  Dagon nodded and Radek breathed a sigh of relief as the alpha strode toward the cabin. “Radek and Borek will come with me. Where is Mia’s father?”

  “He is waiting for us at the edge of the forest. If he has not already left on his own,” Radek replied.

  Dagon scowled as Kane left the cabin with them. “Where do you think you’re going, Kane?”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “We don’t need your assistance.”

  “If there is a mantorian out there, then you will,” he snapped.

  Dagon stopped and stared at him. Instead of bowing his head in submission, Kane returned his gaze. Nothing would stop him from going after his mate, not even his alpha. The others made soft whines of anxiety as the two shifters glared unblinkingly at each other.

  “Kane is right,” Radek said quickly. “We should take as many as possible.”

  Dagon snorted and looked away from Kane. “Do you not believe your alpha will keep your safe, Radek?”

  “Of course not. It’s just – “

  “Kane will accompany us. The five of us will be plenty. No doubt we will find the human and the young ones wandering safely in the forest without a mantorian in sight,” Dagon interrupted.

  The four of them, followed by Theran and Hanif, walked to the edge of the forest. Mia’s father, Befloc, had already shifted to his wolf form and he barked loudly.

  “Aye, Befloc,” Dagon said irritably. The four of them quickly stripped off their clothes and shifted to their wolf forms before loping silently into the forest.

  * * *

  “I don’t even know why she likes Radek,” Raina grumbled as she helped Reese climb over a fallen log. “Did I mention he’s bossy?”

  “You did.” Reese laughed. “But I think older brothers are supposed to be bossy.”

  “Do you have any siblings?”


  “Why not?”

  “My parents only wanted one child.”

  “How strange. Shifters like to have as many children as possible. My papa and mama were sad that they only had Radek and me. Papa said that mama lost four pups between when Radek was born and when I was born. Isn’t that sad, human?”

  “Very sad,” Reese said softly.

  “Do you want children?”


  “Lots?” Raina asked curiously.

  “Well, I always thought at least two.”

  “Two isn’t very many.”

  “I suppose it isn’t.”

  “Mia has seven older sisters. Her papa, Befloc, really wanted a boy but he ended up with eight girls.” Raina giggled. “Most of them have mated with shifters from other packs and left but Mia says the three that are still here drive him crazy.”

  She squinted into the distance where they could see Mia sitting
next to a tree. “Last year it was Kane she had a crush on. She followed him around like a little puppy for moons and moons.”

  Reese grinned. “What did Kane do?”

  “He was very patient with her,” Raina replied. “But eventually he sat her down and told her she was too young for him and that he only thought of her as a friend.”

  She shook her head. “Next thing you know, she has a crush on Radek. I will never be as boy crazy as Mia.”

  Reese laughed and squeezed her hand. “Perhaps you haven’t met the right boy yet, Raina.”

  “Perhaps.” Raina shrugged.

  “Is there any in the pack that you find handsome?” She asked curiously as they moved closer to Mia.

  Raina shook her head. “No. I have never found a boy to be anything more than annoying. Do you find that strange, human? I am nearly fifteen. My mama was mated to my papa and pregnant with Radek at my age.”

  “It’s not strange,” Reese said firmly. “Fifteen is too young to be married and having babies. You have plenty of time to find a boy that you like.”

  Raina gave her a funny sidelong glance. “Or a girl?”

  “Is there a girl that you like?” Reese asked.

  Raina shrugged. “No one in particular. But I do find girls to be very pretty and I enjoy their company so much more than boys.”

  She gave Reese an anxious look and lowered her voice. “Please don’t tell anyone. I haven’t even told Mia. Mama said it was okay that I liked girls but I do not wish for Radek to know. He will be angry with me.”

  “I won’t tell anyone, I promise,” Reese said quickly. “But why do you think Radek will be angry with you? Your mama was right – it’s okay that you like girls.”

  “Radek wants me to be normal.”

  “You are normal, Raina.”

  “Do you really think so?” Raina gave her a pleased look and Reese squeezed her hand again.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Good. I like you, human.”

  “I like you too, Raina. Do you think you could call me Reese?”

  The shifter nodded. “Aye, I will try.”