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Rescued by the Wolf (Other World Series Book Four) Page 2
Rescued by the Wolf (Other World Series Book Four) Read online
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She took her own cautious steps forward and studied the woman carefully. She was very tall, Abigail guessed her to be close to six feet, and she was on the chubby side with long dark hair and dark eyes. She was dressed in loose cotton pants and a heavy sweater.
“Did you – did you just ask me about Starbucks?” Abigail asked.
Reese nodded. “What kind of car did you drive?”
“A Honda Civic. It was a piece of crap.”
“I drove a Toyota Corolla. Where are you from?”
“California. You?”
“Montana.” Reese’s face was flushed with excitement and she moved even closer. “What’s your favourite movie?”
“Wizard of Oz. Yours?”
“The Princess Bride.” Reese reached out and touched Abby’s face lightly. “We’re from the same world.”
Abby swallowed heavily. She was trying hard not to cry and she could see the glint of tears in Reese’s eyes. “Yes, I think so.”
She had a ridiculous urge to hug the woman in front of her and she laughed out loud when Reese suddenly threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly. She returned her hug and Val and Kane watched in confusion as they both burst into tears.
* * *
“Will this be enough?” Reese asked. Outside the cabin, Teagan and Borek placed the last board across the window and hammered it into place. There were small beams of light streaming in between the boards and Val navigated around them as Abigail nodded.
“Yes, I think so.”
“Good. We put Faren in a cabin just across from this one.” Reese paused. “You might want to speak to him later. He was already trying to convince one of the female shifters to join him so he could feed from her. Kane will allow you to stay but only if you do not feed from any of us.”
Val, tiredness seeping through every bone in his body, studied the woman. He suspected that the only reason the alpha shifter had allowed them to stay was because Abigail and Reese came from the same world. He yawned hugely and sat down on the bed as Abigail joined him.
She stroked his long hair and grinned at Reese’s gasp of surprise when Violet came zipping out of his hair and flew around the room. She hovered in front of Reese and studied her carefully as Reese reached out her hand.
“What is she?”
“She’s a pixie. Her name is Violet and she cannot speak.”
“Hello, Violet. My name’s Reese.” Reese continued to hold out her hand and after a moment Violet landed on it.
“Do you need to feed before you go to your daysleep, Val?” Abigail asked.
He shook his head. “No, but I would feel better if you stayed in the cabin with me, little dove.”
She smiled. “I want to visit with Reese, honey. I’ll be fine.”
He gave her a weary look. “I do not trust them.”
“You don’t trust anyone.” She kissed him lightly and pushed him on to his back on the bed. “Don’t worry, I can take care of myself. I’ll come back later this afternoon and join you.”
* * *
“Wait – so they’re not the undead?” Reese asked.
“Not like they are on our world, anyway,” Abigail replied. “Val has a heartbeat and a soul but he needs blood to survive.”
“Weird,” Reese said.
They were in Reese and Kane’s cabin, it was the largest one in the group, and Reese poured Abigail more tea before sitting down at the table again.
Abigail smiled tentatively at her. “The last year and a half have been nothing but a giant ball of weirdness.”
Reese nodded, “I can imagine. I’ve been here less than six months but I’ve seen things I never thought were possible. I mean, I’m in love with a guy who can change into a wolf whenever he feels like it.”
“I’m with a guy who drinks my blood on a daily basis,” Abigail said.
They sat in silence for a moment before Reese said, “I’ve never been happier. How about you?”
“The same,” Abigail said. “I miss our world so much but the thought of being without Val…”
She trailed off and Reese squeezed her hand. “What do you miss the most?”
“Coffee,” Abigail said immediately. “I used to work at Starbucks. You?”
“A hot shower.”
“Oh God, that would be amazing,” Abby sighed.
“I think,” Reese said slowly, “what I really miss the most is just having someone else who – well – understands things like electricity and cars and giant shopping malls. Kane tries, he really does, but it’s hard for him to imagine those things.”
Abby squeezed her hand. “Well, now you have me. We can talk about our old lives whenever we want.”
“Yes, I suppose we can,” Reese said. “Do you ever think about trying to get back to our world?”
“At first, yes. Even though I knew it would probably be impossible. What are the odds of even finding another glowing light ball that serves as a portal to another world?”
“You found one,” Reese said.
“Yeah, and it didn’t return me to our world,” Abigail said. “It doesn’t matter. I won’t leave Val and I’m not sure that being in our world would be the best thing for him. Do you want to return?”
Reese shook her head. “No, I love Kane and would never leave him. But,” she smiled ruefully, “I really do miss hot showers.”
Abigail yawned tiredly and Reese gave her a hesitant look. “Can I ask you something, Abigail?”
“How can you be sure that you are in love with Val? You told me that once they bite you there’s an obsession for them. How do you know that what you’re feeling isn’t just the obsession from being bitten by him?”
Abby smiled at her. “After Val found me again, I wouldn’t let him bite me. I swore I would never be under his control again. When he was nearly killed by Darius I healed him with my blood because I loved him. I had been foolishly denying it for weeks but I loved him, Reese. There was no more denying it.”
She yawned again. “I need to get some sleep. Once it’s dark, Val and I will search the forest for Sara.”
“Kane sent a few members of our pack to search for her,” Reese said. “If she’s out there, they’ll find her.”
“Unless she’s hiding from them. She’ll be frightened.”
“How do you know that she’s even on this world?” Reese asked delicately. “What if she was sent to another world?”
A look of dismay crossed Abby’s face. “I guess I don’t but I have to search for her. She’s all alone and she’s – well – she’s fragile. I need to find her before something else does.”
“You can’t go into the forest alone,” Reese said, “I will ask Kane to send more of our pack with you.”
“Thank you, Reese,” Abby said. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.”
She stood and moved to the door of the cabin. A cold wind was blowing and with a final smile at Reese, she ran across the clearing and disappeared into the cabin she had left Val in.
* * *
Maria sank to the ground and leaned against the large pine tree. A bitterly cold wind was blowing and flakes of snow were starting to fall from the sky. She wrapped her arms around her knees and stared blankly at the ground.
She was safe. She wasn’t going to die. At least not in some arena surrounded by thousands of jeering, taunting vampires. Her hand drifted up and touched her short hair. She had cut it herself using the blade of a dull knife, after her first fight in the arena. The woman had been older and smaller than her but she had fought bitterly for her life. She had grabbed Maria by her long hair and nearly cut her throat. If she hadn’t stabbed her before the woman could slice her throat…
She took a deep breath as hot tears leaked down her face. She had killed two people and although she had killed them in self-defence she was still a murderer. She had resigned herself to dying and her sudden freedom still felt like a dream. Any moment she would wake up in her cell and know that today could be the
day she died.
Stop, Maria. You’re safe. You’ll never go back to that arena again. Have you forgotten that you’re on a different world?
More tears coursed down her cheeks. As happy as she was to be alive and away from the vampires, the thought that she would never again see her world filled her with a horrible depression. How had her husband lived with the knowledge that he would never set foot on his world again? How had he –
He didn’t, remember? He killed himself because you didn’t love him enough to help him forget his own world and live in yours. It’s your fault he’s dead.
“Shut up,” she moaned softly. “Just shut up. It’s not your fault.”
There was a low growling and she froze with her hands gripping her knees tightly as a grey wolf appeared in front of her. Her eyes widened and she leaned back against the tree. There was no escape for her. The wolf would hunt her down and rip her apart.
She sighed with relief when the wolf shifted to his human form. The man, he was older with grey hair and a beard and a stupidly good body for his age, squatted in front of her. She avoided looking below his waist as he studied her carefully.
“You should not be in the woods alone, human.” His voice was gravelly and low.
“I’m not far from your home,” she said.
“Too far to survive if a creature of the forest caught your scent.”
“I’m fine,” she said shortly. She wished he would leave her alone. It was getting increasingly difficult not to stare at his naked body – the guy had to be pushing sixty, how the hell did he have a six pack? – and she wanted to wallow in her self-pity.
“Why are you out here?” He asked.
“I wanted to be alone.” She gave him a pointed look.
He ignored her look and moved closer to her. She looked away as he reached out and touched her short hair. “You have strange hair for a female. It is so short.”
“Please don’t do that,” she said as she moved her head away from his hand.
He leaned closer and inhaled deeply. “I like your scent, human. It’s pretty.”
“Thank you,” she stared into his dark brown eyes as he inhaled again.
“Um, could you move back please?” She asked when he actually stuck his face into her neck. His beard tickled and she squirmed away from him.
He studied her for a moment, “Why are you crying, human?”
“Because I spent the last few months thinking I was going to die every day,” she snapped.
She rubbed at her forehead wearily. It wasn’t the shifter’s fault that she was feeling this way. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have – “
“Why were you going to die?” He interrupted.
“I was captured by vampires and they made us fight to the death for their amusement.”
His gaze dropped to her chubby body and she crossed her arms nervously over her chest. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“They used you for fighting?” He gave her a skeptical look before reaching out and stroking one thigh. “You’re very soft and weak, even for a female. It would not be much of a fight.”
“I killed two people,” she said angrily as she pushed his hand away from her leg. “I’m not as weak as you think me to be.”
“How did you kill them?” He asked curiously.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she said. “Just leave me alone, please.”
The tears were leaking back down her face and she rested her forehead on her upraised knees as the shifter stared at her.
“You’re safe now, human. Stop your crying - it is foolish and pointless.”
She glared at him. “My name is Maria and I’ll cry if I fucking feel like crying.”
He blinked at her sudden anger. “I am Asher.”
She made a soft squeak of surprise when he put one hard hand under her arm and lifted her to her feet. “Come, human. It is not safe in the woods. I will escort you back to my pack.”
He shifted to his wolf form and growled when she started to sink back to the ground. She glared at him and had to restrain herself from swatting him on his haunches when he used his large body to push her forward.
“Fine! I’m going,” she said irritably.
He growled again in reply and wiping the tears from her cheeks, she followed him toward the cabins.
* * *
“It is too dangerous,” Kane said.
“We’re not asking you to send your pack members with us,” Abigail replied. “Val and I will go on our own.”
“I will go as well,” Michael said.
Abby smiled gratefully at him. “Thank you, Michael.”
“It is my fault she is lost,” he said.
She shook her head. “No, it isn’t.”
“It sort of is,” Val said.
Abigail glared at him and he shrugged. “He let go of her hand, little dove.”
“It was an accident,” she snapped at him.
“The leech is right,” Michael said. “I lost my grip on her hand and it’s my fault.”
“Michael – “
“Who fucking cares who is to blame!” Faren interrupted irritably. “The girl is lost. And we all know that if she is on this world, she’s dead. Even if she has managed not to be eaten by something, she’ll never survive this storm. She was wearing very little and there are no wolf shifters to give her warmer clothing.”
Abby glared at him before pulling the sweater she wore closer to her body. “All the more reason for us to leave right now. We need to find her before she freezes to death.”
“You cannot,” Kane said.
“Kane,” Reese placed her hand on his arm, “We have to – “
“No.” Kane shook his head. “I am sorry for your friend but they will not survive if they go out in this storm. It is only going to grow worse, and the humans and the creature will freeze to death.”
“We can’t just sit here and do nothing,” Abigail protested.
The wind howled loudly and Neil, holding Sienna’s hand firmly, said, “He’s right, Abby. If you go out there looking for her, you’ll die.”
Val took Abby’s hand as Violet flew out from his hair and landed on Abby’s shoulder. She patted her neck anxiously as Abigail chewed on her bottom lip.
“You cannot go out there, little dove.”
“Val, she’ll die.”
“Yes, she may,” he said. “And you will die searching for her.”
“When the storm ends, I will take you out in the forest myself in search for her,” Kane said. “I promise.”
“Search for her body, you mean,” Abby said.
The crowded cabin was silent and Abby pulled away from Val and went to the window. She peered outside into the blowing snow as Faren sighed loudly. “I don’t suppose there’s any point in trying to find something to eat in the woods tonight?”
Kane shook his head. “No creatures or humans will be out in this storm.”
“Fuck,” Faren snapped. “I’m going to fucking starve to death.”
“It’s been two days, Faren,” Val said. “Must you be so dramatic?”
“I get dramatic when I’m hungry,” Faren said sulkily. He eyed Sienna thoughtfully. “Perhaps you would care to join me in my cabin, sweet girl?”
Neil yanked Sienna behind him and glared at Faren. “Go anywhere near her and I’ll cut off your head, leech.”
Faren laughed. “She found my touch pleasing enough before, human. I suspect that her yearning for me has not quite dissipated. Why should you let her suffer? Give her to me. I will ease her need far better than you ever will.”
“I’m going to fucking kill you!” Neil roared. He charged forward and bellowed angrily when Val and Kane stepped in front of him. The shifter and the vampire held him back easily as Faren grinned tauntingly at him.
“What’s the matter, human? Does it bother you that your girlfriend desires me?”
“Shut up!” Sienna snapped as she placed a hand on Neil’s back. “I don’t desire yo
“We both know that isn’t true,” Faren said.
Neil surged forward, trying to break free of Kane and Val, and Val glared at Faren. “Leave, Faren! Go back to your cabin!”
“I am not your pet, Val,” Faren replied. “Why should I do as you command?”
“Because I’ll rip off your damn arm if you don’t,” Val said shortly. “Go, Faren.”
With a small grin, Faren turned to leave. A woman, tall and blonde with warm brown eyes, was standing behind him. She stared unblinkingly at him as he inhaled lightly. A strange look flickered across his face and he inhaled again before leaning forward and pressing his face into her neck.
“Adina,” Reese said nervously, “get away from him.”
Adina ignored her and closed her eyes. She bit her bottom lip when Faren licked her throat delicately.
“Adina,” Reese repeated before moving toward them. Kane immediately stepped in front of her, blocking her from Faren, and shoved the vampire to the side before taking Adina’s arm.
“Go to Reese,” he said firmly.
Adina stared blankly at him and Kane gave her a small shake. “Go, Adina. Your alpha commands it.”
She nodded and with a final glance at Faren, hurried to Reese’s side. Reese put her arm around her and said in a low voice, “Adina? What were you thinking?”
Adina didn’t reply as Faren, his hands shaking lightly, straightened his shirt before walking to the door.
“Well, this has been fun,” he said with a forced cheerfulness. “But I think it’s best if I go.” His gaze flickered to Adina before he opened the door and disappeared into the blowing snow.
“Neil?” Sienna said quietly. “I don’t want him, I don’t.”
“I know,” Neil said. He kissed her lightly on the mouth before nodding to Val. “I’m going to take Sienna back to our cabin.”
“Everyone should return to their cabins,” Kane said. “There is nothing we can do about the girl until the storm ends.”