Rescued by the Wolf (Other World Series Book Four) Read online

Page 14

  Neil had just taken a drink of tea and he coughed and choked at Asher’s statement, spraying tea everywhere as Sienna pounded him on the back.

  Maria, her eyes wide and her own mouth agape, finally looked at him. “What?”

  “I wish to mate with you. Your scent is very pleasing to me. Join me in my cabin.” He straightened and held his hand out to her.

  “No,” Maria said.

  He gave her a surprised look. “Why would you not? I will not hurt you, human. I promise.”

  “I – I don’t even know you,” Maria sputtered. “I’m not going to – to mate with you.”

  “Do you not find me pleasing to the eye?” He cocked his head at her as Maria flushed again.

  Michael made an odd choked noise and Abby glanced at him. The man was obviously trying not to laugh and she could feel the giggles rising in her throat. She pressed her lips together and glared at Michael before hissing softly, “Stop it.”

  He bent his head, his entire body shaking with silent laughter. She clapped her hand over her mouth to hide her grin as Asher touched Maria’s hair again.

  “Well, human?”

  “You – you look fine,” Maria muttered. Her gaze lingered on his broad chest for a moment before she looked away.

  A smile crossed Asher’s face and he inhaled deeply. “You want me. I can smell it. Come, I will take you to my cabin and give you pleasure.”

  He took her hand and tugged her to her feet. Maria, her face a bit dazed, actually took a few steps with him before she shook her head and pulled her hand free. “No, I can’t.”

  A look of disappointment crossed Asher’s face as Maria sat back down on the log and pulled the blanket around her. Her body was trembling and he tried a final time. “I will help keep you warm, human. I can see you shivering.”

  He took her hand and slipped it into the opening at the top of his shirt, resting it against his naked chest. “Do you feel how warm I am?”

  “Yes,” Maria whispered. She rubbed her fingers through the hair on his chest before snatching her hand free and taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to sleep with you.”

  “Perhaps tomorrow night?” Asher said hopefully.

  “Um, I – “

  Maria gave Abigail a helpless look and Abby, her hand still clamped over her mouth, shrugged.

  Asher sighed loudly. “I will leave you for tonight, human.” He pointed to a cabin that was close to them. “That is my home if you change your mind about mating with me.”

  He nodded to the others and left. Maria smacked Neil on the arm when he burst into laughter.

  “Not a word, Neil! Do you hear me?” She said fiercely.

  “Shifters are very straight-forward, are they not?” Sienna said.

  “Oh my God.” Maria glared at Abby who was giggling loudly. “And that is enough from you as well, Abigail.”

  “I’m sorry,” Abby snorted. “But the look on your face when he said he wanted to mate with you was priceless.”

  “It’s not funny,” Maria said.

  “No, it’s awesome, Maria. You were just hit on by a random shifter!” Abby said. “You still got it, girl.”

  A small smile crossed Maria’s face and Abby squeezed her leg. “He was pretty handsome.”

  “And he finds your scent pleasing,” Neil said with a straight face before leaning over and sniffing Maria.

  “Stop it, Neil!” Maria smacked him again and he put his arm around her and hugged her before kissing her forehead.

  She returned to staring silently into the fire but Abby’s worry for her lifted a little. She looked more like herself and Abby had a feeling that Asher was exactly what Maria needed.

  * * *

  “You seem very happy tonight, my love.” Kane pulled Reese a little closer to him despite the heat from the fire.

  “I am,” she said.

  “I am glad you have a friend from your own world,” he said.

  “I am too,” Reese replied. “But it’s more than just that.”

  She stared around the clearing. The entire pack with the exception of Radek was in the clearing. Raina was sitting with Mia and her family, her usual cheerful face pinched with worry. Deena and Borek had joined Asher and a few others and were eating a second round of raw meat. The younger male shifters were just beyond the clearing and wrestling in their wolf forms, while the single female shifters stood next to the fire, giggling and pretending not to watch. Abby and Val were teaching Sara, by torchlight, how to use the bow and arrow.

  Well, she amended, Val was. She watched as Abby said something to Sara. Sara nodded and handed her the bow and an arrow. Val put his arms around Abby and helped her pull the bow back. He whispered in her ear and she nodded briefly. He stepped back and she aimed at the target only a few feet away. She released the arrow and it fell into the snow just a few inches from her. Val grinned at her and she rolled her eyes and handed the bow back to Sara.

  Reese squeezed Kane’s hand and kissed him on the cheek. “It’s just nice to see shifters and humans getting along.”

  “Aye, it does seem to be going well,” he acknowledged. “Even the creatures are fitting in.”

  Reese suddenly frowned. “Where is Faren?”

  “I overheard him telling Val that he was going hunting,” Kane replied.

  “Adina is missing,” she said. “Did you see her go into her cabin?”

  Kane shook his head and Reese gave him an anxious look. “Do you think she is with Faren? She’s been acting odd ever since she saw him.”

  “She might be,” Kane said and stopped her from standing. “She is a grown woman, Reese.”

  “Kane, if he bites her – if he hurts her – “

  “He will not,” Kane said simply.

  “You don’t know that,” she said.

  “I do. The creatures are not stupid. They are outnumbered by us. If they hurt a member of our pack, we will not hesitate to destroy them and they know it.”

  “I’m worried about her,” Reese said. “I think she wants him to bite her.”

  “Perhaps but that is her decision.”

  He pulled her into his lap and nuzzled her throat. “You’re getting cold, my love. Perhaps I should take you back to our cabin and warm you up in front of the fire.”

  She smiled at him. “Sara is staying with us, remember? We can’t be having sex all over the cabin anymore.”

  He scowled. “There must be an empty cabin she can move to.”

  “There isn’t. Now stop pouting, you can still ravish me in our bedroom.”

  “What does ravish mean?” He asked.

  “Uh – it means to have your dirty, wicked way with me,” she said and laughed when his eyes lit up.

  “I plan to ravish you many times tonight, my love,” he said arrogantly.

  * * *

  She watched the creature feed from the fallen deer, feeling an odd tingle of excitement in her belly when he lifted his head and she saw his sharp fangs. He wiped the blood from his mouth and sat back on his haunches.

  She exhaled slowly. She had hidden herself well in the cluster of bushes but she wondered if he could smell her. If he could smell her excitement.

  Don’t be barto. He’s a vampire not a shifter.

  True but who knew what abilities the vampires had. Nothing like them existed in this world and she didn’t –

  She gasped in surprise when an arm reached through her shelter of branches and a hand wrapped around her wrist. She was dragged easily from her hiding spot and she made a soft squeak of fear when Faren pushed her roughly against a tree.

  “What are you doing here?” He snapped.

  “I – I was taking a walk, that’s all,” she said.

  “Liar,” he breathed. He buried his face in her throat and inhaled deeply. “I can smell your blood, Adina.”

  She made a little moan of excitement when she felt his erection pressing against her belly. She widened her legs, her body trembling at his look of dark approval, and he move
d between them. She pressed her soft thighs against his hard ones and let her head fall back.

  “Drink, Faren,” she whispered.

  His fangs were still out and she clutched at his arms as he bent his head to her neck again. He scraped them against her skin and she cried out with disappointment when he lifted his head.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Please,” she said a bit desperately. “I want this.”

  “Yes, it would seem you do,” he said before licking her mouth. “But I’m not hungry.”

  Disappointment flooded her face and she struggled to free herself. “Fine. Let me go.”

  He lifted her arms above her head and trapped her wrists against the tree with one hand. “I am not hungry for your blood, Adina. My cock, however, wants to be buried in your warm pussy. Will you deny me?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  He grinned, his fangs flashing in the moonlight as he lifted her and braced her against the tree. She wrapped her legs around his narrow hips as he cupped one full breast through her thick jacket and squeezed it gently. She had changed into a skirt before leaving the warmth of her cabin in search of the vampire. It was a foolish move considering how cold it was, but a dim part of her mind wondered if she had done so specifically for this reason.

  He pushed her skirt around her waist and reached between her legs. She moaned when he traced his fingers over her panties before tearing them easily from her body. He touched her pussy, smiling again when he felt her warmth and her wetness.

  “Ready for me so quickly, Adina,” he teased gently, “I’ve barely touched you.”

  “Please, Faren,” she whispered.

  He rubbed her clit lightly as he bent his head to her ear. “Unbutton your jacket.”

  Her fingers trembling, she unbuttoned her jacket and then her shirt. He inhaled sharply at the sight of her naked breasts and dipped his head to suck her nipple into his mouth. She made a sharp cry of need. Her hands threaded through his hair and clutched tightly as he kissed his way to her other breast. He sucked firmly until her nipple was swollen and throbbing with pleasure.

  He lifted his head and kissed her deeply. She sucked at his tongue before sliding hers over the tips of his fangs. Another shudder of desire went through her and she was only vaguely aware of his hand between them unbuttoning his pants.

  He lifted her a little higher and she moaned into his mouth when his cock brushed across her clit. He groaned and shifted her until he was at her tight entrance. As the head of his cock breached her warmth, she cried out and he made a strangled curse before thrusting into her fully.

  “Faren!” She squeezed his waist with her thighs as he started a slow deep rhythm within her.

  “So wet, so tight, Adina,” he muttered into her ear. “Your pussy feels so fucking good around my cock.”

  “Harder,” she whimpered.

  His eyes glowed and he thrust rapidly in and out of her. The air around them was cold but Adina was burning up with lust and need. She clung to Faren’s shoulders as he pushed her further and further toward her release.

  “Yes, yes, just like that,” she panted into his ear as he kneaded her breast roughly. “Don’t stop, Faren, don’t…”

  She trailed off, her eyes squeezing shut and her back arching as her orgasm rushed through her. He muttered a curse and plunged into her a final time before coming inside of her in a hard and satisfying rush. His fangs lengthened and she threw her head back as he pressed his mouth to her throat.

  “Do it,” she begged as her pussy milked his cock eagerly.

  Faren, his entire body screaming for her blood, snarled angrily and pulled out of her. Panting harshly, he dropped her to her feet and backed away as she shoved her skirt down and clutched her jacket closed.


  The vampire’s body was shaking wildly and he had a look of feral hunger on his face. “Leave me.”

  “Did I – did I do something wrong?” She asked softly.

  “Leave me, Adina!” He suddenly shouted.

  “Why will you not take what I’m offering?” She took a step toward him. “I want you to feed from me, Faren.”

  He snarled again and she watched in astonishment as he turned and disappeared into the dark.

  “Faren! Come back!” She shouted. There was no reply and with tears starting to drip down her face, Adina turned and hurried back in the direction of the others.

  Chapter 13

  “Good morning, Kane.”

  Kane split the piece of wood, the axe whistling through the air, before smiling at Asher. “Good morning, Uncle.”

  “Do you find it tedious to cut so much firewood?”

  Kane shrugged. “It is needed to keep my mate warm. I cannot use my heat to warm her all the time.”

  “Aye, the humans are a fragile species, are they not?”

  “Not that fragile.” Kane laughed. “But when it comes to the cold – aye, I suppose.”

  Asher was silent for a moment and Kane gave him a curious look. “Is there something I can help you with, Uncle?”

  “Aye, there is. I require your advice,” Asher said. “I wish to mate with the older human female.”

  Kane, who was just setting another piece of wood on the stump to split, jerked wildly and knocked it over. “What?”

  “The older human – I wish to mate with her and I need your advice on how to convince her to mate with me,” Asher said patiently. “I have asked her a few times in the last week and she refuses. Which is odd because I can clearly smell her desire for me.”

  Kane stared at him and Asher scowled. “What?”

  “Since when have you wanted to mate with anyone, let alone a human?”

  Asher’s scowl deepened. “I may be old, Kane, but it does not mean I have lost all desire to mate.”

  “I know, Uncle, it’s just strange that you suddenly wish to mate with a human.”

  “Not that strange. She is attractive even with her peculiar, short hair. How did you convince your human to mate with you?”

  “Well,” Kane split the piece of wood with a loud grunt. “first you must learn to call her by her name, instead of human. Do you even know her name?”

  “Aye. Maria.”

  “So call her Maria instead of human.”

  “I can do that,” Asher said. “What else?”

  Kane set the axe down again. “You must sweet talk her, Uncle.”

  “Sweet talk? What is that?” Asher asked.

  “It means to use your words to convince her to mate with you.”

  “I am. I have asked her numerous times to mate with me,” Asher replied.

  Kane laughed. “No, Uncle. You must be sweet to her. Tell her she is pretty, compliment her eyes or her hair, and…”

  He trailed off and frowned at the ground for a moment. “Wait, that is not right. I mean, it is right, but you cannot make it all about her looks. Reese says human women also like to hear that they are smart.”

  “I do not know if she is smart, Kane. I’ve barely spoken with her,” Asher said.

  “You need to make the effort to get to know her before you mate with her, Uncle. Human females like that.”

  Asher sighed. “Human females are much more work than female shifters. Your aunt knew I wanted to mate with her and was more than willing to do so without me telling her she was pretty or smart.”

  Kane grinned at him, “Human females are not like our females, Uncle.”

  “Aye, I am beginning to realize that.”

  “You can also give her little gifts. Reese says that in her world, men will often present their females with items they think they will like.”

  “Like what?”

  “Flowers and small, shiny rocks.”

  “Rocks?” Asher said in confusion and Kane shrugged.

  “That’s what Reese said.”

  Asher shoved his hands into his pockets and stared at the cloudy sky as Kane split another piece of wood.

  “Is it worth it, Kane?” He fina
lly asked.

  “Aye, Uncle. It is,” Kane said.

  * * *

  “Shut up, Mia! He is coming back! And he probably left not because of the humans but because you and Kavine are always mooning over him!”

  Sara strapped her bow across her back and hurried in the direction of Raina’s and Radek’s cabin. She had been practicing for most of the morning and her arm and hand were throbbing and burning. She flexed her hand gingerly as more shouting was heard from the cabin. She knocked and then opened the door just in time to see Mia throwing a chair at Raina.

  “You take that back right now, Raina! Radek did not leave because of me!” Mia screamed angrily.

  Raina growled at her, the simple shirt and pants she was wearing beginning to split at the seams as her body swelled. “You’re always chasing after him! Always annoying him with your constant chattering! No wonder he keeps leaving! Between you and Kavine he has no time to himself!”

  “Girls!” Sara clapped her hands together sharply and the two shifters turned and growled at her. She took a step back as fear trickled through her veins, before taking a deep breath and scowling at them.

  “Both of you stop! Right now!” She said firmly.

  “Are you going to make us, human?” Mia snarled at her.

  “No, but I will find your alpha and he will punish you for fighting,” Sara said.

  Mia’s face paled and she glanced uneasily at Raina before stepping back. Sara marveled at the power that Kane had over his pack. She was fairly certain that Kane’s punishment would be nothing more than a verbal warning – she had been with the pack for over a week now and she had never even seen the alpha raise his voice in anger with any member of his pack – but the young shifters obviously respected and feared him.

  She stared sternly at both of them. “Why are you fighting? You’re best friends.”

  “Mia says that Radek is never coming home again and that he has left our pack for good,” Raina said heatedly. “It’s her fault he keeps leaving in the first place.”