Rescued by the Wolf (Other World Series Book Four) Read online

Page 12

  “A bath?” Sara’s eyes lit up and Reese grinned at her.

  “Yes. Come – I’ll show you.”

  * * *

  “She really healed me?” Sara stared in wonderment at Violet as Reese rinsed her hair with a small jug of water.

  “She really did.”

  Sara smiled at Violet. “Thank you, Violet.”

  The little pixie, after watching Sara climb into the metal tub, had stripped off her dress and dove into the tub of water with her. She had washed her hair and her tiny body as Reese washed Sara’s hair and now she was floating on her back at the other end of the tub, her long purple hair trailing in the water around her. She grinned happily at Sara before diving back under the water.

  Sara laughed when Violet suddenly shot straight out of the water with her naked body steaming in the cool air of the cabin. She spun in the air, her wings fluttering madly. She didn’t stop until her hair was a wild, wind-blown mess. Reese grinned at Sara when Violet landed on the edge of the tub, picked up her dress and wiggled into it.

  “I think she’s happy to be clean.”

  “Yes, as am I,” Sara replied. “Thank you for your kindness, Reese.”

  “You’re welcome, honey.” Reese patted her bare shoulder. “Once you’re ready to get out, you can have a bite to eat and we’ll find some warmer clothes for you, all right?”

  “All right.”

  Reese studied her. “You’re much smaller than the female shifters so we might have some trouble finding clothes that fit you. We may have to ask Raina for some of her clothing.”

  “Raina – that’s Radek’s sister, right?” Sara asked.


  “Does she hate humans as well?”

  “No. Raina is very sweet,” Reese said.

  “Why does Radek hate humans?”

  “That isn’t for me to say,” Reese replied. “Although from what Kane tells me, Radek does not seem to hate you.”

  Sara flushed brightly. “Does everyone know what Radek and I were doing?”

  Reese patted her shoulder again. “No, honey, not everyone. But it is difficult to keep secrets within the pack.”

  “Radek hates me,” Sara said. “He told Kane I was weak and that he was happy to be finished with me.”

  “Radek sometimes speaks without thinking,” Reese said. “Don’t take it personally, Sara. He has his reasons for hating the humans and – “

  “That’s what everyone keeps saying but no one will tell me why!” Sara said angrily. “It’s very frustrating!”

  “I’m sorry,” Reese said quietly.

  Sara sat forward and clasped her arms around her raised knees. “Don’t be. I – it doesn’t matter why he hates humans. I don’t even like him so I don’t care.”

  “Right,” Reese said.

  Sara glanced at her. “I don’t like him, Reese. At least not in that way. I would be willing to be his friend but he wants nothing to do with me.”

  Reese ran the soap over Sara’s bare back as Sara rested her forehead on her knees. “Do you like being married to Kane?”

  “I do. I love him very much.”

  “He’s uh, a very big man.”

  “Are you frightened of him?” Reese asked.

  Sara shrugged. “No, I don’t think so. Should I be?”

  “No. Kane is a strict but fair alpha. If you join our pack, you will see for yourself.”

  “Radek says the only way I’ll survive in this world is if I find a mate from your pack.”

  Reese shrugged. “I suppose that is one way to ensure your safety. Shifters are very protective of their mates.”

  “Are they all as big as Radek and Kane?”

  Reese nodded. “Yes, mostly. Kane is the biggest and there are a few who are on the smaller side but for the most part, shifters are a big bunch.”

  Sara twisted her head to look at Reese. “Are they – I mean, is Kane…”

  She trailed off and Reese smiled encouragingly at her. “Is Kane what, Sara?”

  “Is he gentle? You know, in the – I mean, when you are together?” She blushed again.

  “Kane is very gentle,” Reese said. “But not all the shifters in the pack are aware of the fragility of a female human, especially one as little as you.”

  “Radek was very gentle too,” Sara blurted out.

  “That’s good,” Reese said. “Do you want to find a mate in the pack, Sara?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to die,” she replied moodily. “But Abigail says that she and Val will teach me to protect myself and that I don’t need to find someone to keep me safe.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing then, isn’t it?” Reese smiled at her. “You can learn to fight and – “


  The door to the cabin flew open and Raina ran in. Sara sank lower into the water as Raina stared curiously at her for a moment.

  “Hello, human.”

  “Um, hi.”

  “Raina, this is Sara,” Reese said as she stood and dried her hands.

  “Hi, Raina. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Raina grinned at her. “It’s nice to meet you too. You smell differently from Reese. What world are you from? My brother won’t tell me a thing. He’s been in a terrible mood ever since he returned. I think you drove him nearly mad.”

  “Raina,” Reese said gently. “Why are you here, my love?”

  “Oh!” Raina gave Reese a started look. “Right – Kavine and Verna are in a fight and they are both threatening to kill each other.

  Reese sighed. “Again?”

  “Aye. They won’t listen to anyone – not even Anna. She told me to run and fetch you because Kane is still out hunting. She wants you to speak to them before they shift and start fighting. They’ll listen to our alpha’s mate if she tells them how ridiculous they are being.”

  “Sara, I’ll be right back, okay?” Reese said as she hurried toward the door.

  “That’s fine,” Sara said. She rested her head against the tub and closed her eyes as Reese and Raina left the cabin.

  * * *

  Radek stood behind Teagan’s cabin, the shifter’s cabin was right next to Kane’s, and watched as Raina and Reese walked swiftly across the clearing. He could hear the faint sounds of Kavine and Verna screaming at each other from the cabin they shared, and he rolled his eyes before moving toward the door of the alpha’s cabin.

  I want her! Give her to me!

  He snarled inwardly at his wolf’s excited demand. The stupid thing was ridiculously happy at the thought of seeing the human again. It had spent most of the day whining in an embarrassingly undignified way about being separated from Sara. Unable to stand its continuous badgering a moment longer, he had made the decision to just check on her. It would quiet his wolf and perhaps he could finally get some sleep.

  Bring her back to our bed, his wolf demanded. Give me what is mine and then you can sleep.

  Enough! We will check that her wounds are healing, nothing more, and then you will quiet your ridiculous whining.

  His wolf snarled in reply and he clenched his fists before opening the door to the cabin without knocking. He paused in the doorway, his heart stopping in his chest for a brief moment as he stared wide-eyed at Sara. She was standing with her back to him in a tub of water and his dick hardened as he stared at her wet, naked ass.

  His wolf howled with delight as she stretched to reach the towel that was placed on a small table to the left of the tub. It was just out of reach and she made a sigh of frustration.

  “Reese? Do you think you could hand me the towel?”

  Radek continued to stare at her. Vaguely he was aware that the wounds on her back and leg were gone but he couldn’t stop staring at her small, firm and decidedly perfect ass.

  “Reese? Could you – “

  Sara glanced behind her and shrieked with surprise when she saw Radek standing there. She lunged forward in the tub. Her feet slid out from under her and she fell back into the water, banging her head
painfully against the side of the tub. She gasped and water flowed into her mouth and up her nose.

  Hands reached into the water and Radek hauled her easily out of the tub. Naked and dripping wet, she coughed wretchedly into her hands as Radek wrapped a towel around her before pounding her on the back. She pitched forward and he cursed loudly before catching her around the waist. He patted her on the back again, this time more gently. She coughed up a final mouthful of water before wiping her lips with a shaking hand.

  “What the hell, Radek?” She choked out as he stared anxiously at her.

  “I’m sorry, human. Are you all right?”

  “What are you doing here?” She coughed again. Her entire body was trembling from the cool air and Radek scooped her up and carried her toward the fire. He sat down in the armchair beside it, holding her on his lap, and growled at her when she smacked at his chest.

  “Stay still, human. You might be injured.”

  “Because of you! Why would you just walk in on a person bathing?” She snapped. “Have you heard of knocking?”

  “I didn’t know you were in the tub. Now stop squirming so I can examine your head.”

  “It’s fine,” she said sulkily but she stopped wiggling as he touched her wet scalp.

  He parted her hair, searching for a wound, and she glared again at him as she pulled the towel more securely around her. When his fingers ran over the small bump rising on the side of her head, she flinched and tried to pull away.

  “Don’t move!” He growled.

  “That hurts!”

  He ignored her protests and examined the bump carefully. “It’s not bleeding.”

  “Oh good,” she said snidely. “I’ll die from a head injury but at least I won’t bleed to death first.”

  “Stop being so dramatic,” he said.

  “You’re the one who walked in on me!” She said. “Why are you here?”

  “I came to check on you!” He snapped. “I was trying to be nice.”

  “Nice? Why would you start now?” She said. “Hey! Stop that!”

  He ignored her and gripped the back of her neck as he pushed her forward and tugged down the back of the towel. He studied her smooth back and she smacked his leg when he ran his fingers over the skin.

  “Where are your wounds?”

  “Why do you care?”

  “Enough, human. Tell me why your wounds have disappeared or I’ll put you over my knee and spank you.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” She said indignantly.

  “I would. Tell me,” he said firmly.

  “Violet healed them.”

  “Violet? Who is Violet?”

  A flash of purple darted past him and he stared at the tiny creature hovering in front of Sara.

  “What is that thing?”

  “That thing is Violet,” Sara said angrily. “She’s a pixie and she healed me with her pixie dust.”

  “What? Something that little healed you? I don’t believe it,” he said.

  The pixie frowned and Sara snorted laughter when she made a rude gesture at the shifter.

  “Just because something is little doesn’t mean it’s useless,” she said. “Let go of my neck, Radek. You’re holding me too tightly.”

  He relaxed his grip but didn’t release her completely. “How did she heal you?”

  “I told you – with pixie dust.”

  Violet stuck out her tongue before flying across the room. The koran kitten was asleep on a pile of blankets in the corner and she dropped on to its body. She scratched its throat with her tiny hands, smiling when the kitten began to purr, before curling up under its chin and closing her eyes.

  Sara clutched the towel to her naked breasts when Radek’s gaze lowered to her chest. “Stop looking at me like that. You’re done with me, remember?”

  “Aye, I remember,” he said without tearing his gaze from her breasts. “Have you found a mate within my pack to protect you?”

  She gave him a look of astonishment. “I just got here, Radek. I haven’t even left this cabin. How on earth would I have found a mate already?”

  “So you are looking for one?” He said as his hand tightened around the back of her neck. His wolf snarled with jealousy and he shifted the woman on his lap until his erection was pressed against her ass.

  “You told me I needed to, did you not?” She said heatedly. “You said that I would need someone to…”

  She trailed off and he grinned wickedly at her when her cheeks flushed. “Radek, what is that?”

  “You know what it is, human,” he said.

  His eyes glowed bright green and he traced his fingers along her damp collarbone. For the first time since he had left Sara in the woods with Kane, his wolf had stopped its whining and howling. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Radek, you – you don’t want me,” she whispered.

  “Aye, that is true,” he rasped as his fingers floated along the edge of the towel. “But my wolf wants you badly and I am tired of denying it.”

  “Y-your wolf?” She stuttered nervously and he leaned forward and licked her throat gently.

  “I would never hurt you, human.”

  “But your wolf might?” She asked.

  He shook his head before tugging her head toward him. “Never. I only want to help you, to show you how to please a potential mate, remember? You need a mate to keep you safe.”

  “I do not,” she said faintly. “I – Abigail said she would teach me to protect myself.”

  “You are too little, sweet one,” he said persuasively. “There are many dangers in this world and you need a mate - a shifter - to protect you.”

  His mouth hovered above hers and she licked her lips as he smiled at her. “Shall I give you another lesson in kissing, sweet Sara?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  It was wrong to allow him to kiss her, she knew it was wrong. But sitting on Radek’s lap and hearing him say her name in that deep voice made her forget how mean he was. She pressed her ass against his erection and he made a raspy groan that lit her nerve endings on fire.

  He kissed her gently, his lips pulling on her bottom lip, and she moaned softly before parting her mouth. His tongue darted into her mouth to touch the tip of hers and she licked at it eagerly as his hands slid into her wet hair.

  “Your hair is so pretty, Sara,” he murmured against her lips.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He bit her top lip lightly, smiling at the way she trembled in response before kissing her throat.

  “Tilt your head back, my sweet,” he demanded.

  She lifted her head and moaned again when he licked from the hollow of her throat to her earlobe.

  “You taste so good.” He sucked on her earlobe before claiming her mouth again.

  Sara, her head swimming and her entire body aching for release, ground her ass against his cock and made a low pleading sound.

  “You crave my touch, sweet Sara. Do you not?” He asked.

  She nodded and a satisfied grin crossed his face for a moment. “Of course you do.”

  Anger at his smug tone overrode her desire and she tried to push away from him. His arms tightened around her. “Do not leave me.”

  “It is very kind of you to have taught me how to kiss, Radek, but I don’t believe I need further lessons. I’m sure that someone in your pack will find me pleasing enough in bed if I decide I need a mate.”

  His hand clamped down on her narrow hip and he glared at her. “Do not speak of being in another’s bed. It is my bed and only mine that you will warm, human.”

  “I will warm whatever bed I choose,” she said. “You have no right to tell me who I can and cannot sleep with.”

  He growled at her and she gave him a defiant look. “Growl all you want. I’m not afraid of you.”

  Take her. Take her right now and show her that she belongs to us.

  He ignored his wolf’s demand. “You have no need for further lessons?”

’s right,” she replied.

  “So you know how to touch a man then, human? How to bring him pleasure with your hands and your mouth?”

  She flushed bright red and he grinned wickedly at her before taking her hand and placing it on his dick. “Go ahead then, show me.”

  Her eyes widened, “Radek, I don’t think – “

  “Go on, human. Show me how you will please your mate. Unless you are too afraid,” he taunted.

  She glared at him and he inhaled sharply when she rubbed his cock through his pants. “I’m not afraid, Radek. I’m not weak or useless or anything else you believe me to be.”

  She rubbed harder, a part of her wanting to hurt him for making her so angry and so turned on at the same time, but he groaned with pleasure and stared hungrily at her. Lust unfurled in her belly as her anger dissipated and her hand slowed.

  “Am I hurting you, Radek?”

  “No, human,” he replied. His hand was still holding the back of her neck and he leaned forward and kissed her roughly as she continued to rub at his cock.

  She squeezed him lightly and then moaned when his other hand cupped her breast and he teased her nipple through the rough material of the towel. He kissed her neck, licking away the moisture on her soft skin as she arched her back and moaned again.

  “Radek, wait!” She gasped out.

  He growled but released her immediately and leaned back in the chair. His hands gripped the arms of the chair as he stared unblinkingly at her, his frustration evident. Her hands trembling, she reached for the buttons on his pants. His look of frustration disappeared and he knocked her hands away before quickly unbuttoning his pants and freeing his cock.

  Lust and anxiety warring in her belly, Sara wrapped her fingers around him and squeezed firmly. She snatched her hand away and gave him a horrified look when he jerked in the chair and made a harsh, growling groan.

  “Radek, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” she whispered.

  He guided her hand back to his cock. “You didn’t hurt me, sweet one.”

  “Are you sure?” She asked doubtfully.