The Welder (Working Men Series Book 4) Page 5
I collapsed against his solid chest, my pulse pounding in my ears as I gasped in air. His hands were shaking as he rubbed my thighs and I lolled on his chest like a ragdoll as he panted in my ear.
“That was so fucking good,” he whispered into my ear.
“Mmm.” I was weak as a kitten and so tired. I’d had two unbelievable orgasms and all I wanted to do now was sleep.
“Tired, Sunshine?” His big hands were still rubbing my thighs.
“Yeah,” I muttered.
He moved back on the bed, taking me with him. Keeping me pressed up against him, he relaxed on his side, spooning me tightly. His cock was softening but he made no effort to pull out of me as he cupped my breast and kissed my neck.
“Stay?” I murmured.
“’K, night.”
“Night, Sunshine.”
Chapter Four
“So, did you pass the test or not? Is Asher going to help you with your,” Claire glanced around the busy coffee shop, “problem?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted.
It was just past noon on Wednesday. I had woken alone in my bed this morning and I hadn’t heard a word from Asher.
“How can you not know?” Claire took a sip of her coffee.
“Because he wasn’t there when I woke up and I haven’t heard from him.”
“You didn’t iron out the details of this little arrangement after you had sex?” Claire asked.
“No, I was really tired and I fell asleep.”
“Luna! You fell asleep with a practical stranger in your bed. Do you know how dangerous that is?”
“He isn’t a stranger. Everyone in town knows Asher. Besides, I couldn’t help it. The guy gave me two unbelievable orgasms.” I lowered my voice. “Trust me, if you had cum as hard as I did, you would have fallen asleep too.”
“Okay, well it sounds like you two are compatible, so he must be going to help you.”
I shrugged. “It was good for me, but I don’t know if it was good for him. I mean, he said it was, but maybe it wasn’t good enough, you know? Maybe that’s why he didn’t wake me up this morning.”
“You need to text him and find out.” Claire took another sip of her coffee and checked her watch.
“I don’t want to be too needy. I don’t think Ash likes his girlfriends to be too dependent on him.”
“Uh, you’re not his girlfriend, sweetie. This is all fake and ends on Sunday evening. Remember?”
My cheeks were turning red and I nodded. “I know. I just – you know what I mean.”
“I don’t think I do. You told me that Asher was very clear it would end on Sunday,” Claire replied.
“He did. But,” I waited until an older lady had moved past our table, “I was hoping that if I made a good impression sexually and otherwise, maybe he’d be interested in actually dating me.”
“Honey,” Claire hesitated, “I don’t think that… I mean, I get that you have a crush on him, and I’m really glad that you finally got to sleep with him, but a relationship with him isn’t in the cards. He’s never dated anyone.”
I tried to ignore my wave of depression. “Yeah, I know.”
Claire sat back and studied me. “You’re not…in love with Asher, are you?”
“What?” I made a sound that was almost a laugh. “Of course not. In love with Asher, that’s ridiculous.”
I could tell Claire didn’t believe me but all she said was, “You need to text him and find out if he’s going to help you or not.”
“I have time. Lydia won’t get here until Friday afternoon so if I haven’t heard from him by Friday morning, then I’ll text him.”
Claire checked her watch again. “Shit, I gotta go. Jonah is in a really bad mood, it’s not the day to be late from lunch.”
“Isn’t Jonah always in a bad mood?” Claire was the HR person for Peterson Electric and Jonah was the owner.
Claire rolled her eyes. “Lately, yeah. I don’t know what’s up his ass, but if he doesn’t stop making Wanda cry, I’ll have to talk to him. Anyway, I gotta go. Find out what the hell is going on with you and Asher before Friday morning and then text me.”
“Okay. Hey, are you going to karaoke tonight?”
“No, I can’t make it. I’m having dinner with Tracy and the girls.”
“All right, have a good time.”
“Thanks, honey.” Claire grabbed her coffee and left. I was just heading back to the counter when I heard the collective gasp of almost everyone in the coffee shop. I stared at the people closest to me. Their mouths were open, and they were staring at something over my shoulder.
“Oh my God,” a woman murmured. “It’s her. It’s Lydia Davis.”
My stomach dropped to my knees and I spun around. My sister was standing in the doorway of the coffee shop looking every inch the star that she was. Her red hair – unlike my wayward curls, it was shiny and stunningly smooth – glinted in the sunlight. Her face glowed and although she had freckles, just like me, they were hidden by a perfect layer of makeup. She wore jeans and a fitted shirt under a leather jacket and giant sunglasses covered most of her face.
She was tall and willowy, and she walked toward me with the grace and poise of a beauty queen. I tugged at my coffee-splattered apron as she stopped in front of me.
“Hello, Luna.”
“Lydia, hi. What, uh, what are you doing here?” I tried to smile at her as she leaned down and air kissed both my cheeks.
She shifted her handbag – it was a Louis Vuitton and undoubtedly cost more than my car – to her other arm and gave me a brittle smile. “I’m being honoured by the town, remember?”
“I remember. But, you said you wouldn’t be here until Friday.”
She shrugged. “I decided to come a bit early. My guest spot on Ellen was rescheduled so I had a couple free days.”
“You’re going to be on Ellen?” I tried not to sound impressed or jealous, and failed miserably at both.
“Oh well, congratulations.”
“Thank you.”
“Um, are Mom and Dad here too?”
I peered around her. Our parents weren’t standing behind her but the people in the coffee shop were staring at my sister like she was a goddess. I couldn’t really blame them. There was something about my sister, something that drew people to her like a moth to a flame. She’d had that quality her entire life and even though she’d been gone for over five years, I could already feel myself turning invisible.
My sister had returned, and I would go from being ‘Luna Davis’ to ‘Lydia Davis’ little sister’ in a matter of minutes.
“Mommy and Daddy couldn’t get a flight out today. They’ll be here tomorrow.”
“Oh, okay.”
My sister pushed her sunglasses up to the top of her head. Unlike my light green, her eyes were a rich, dark brown. Even after five years, the disdain in her gaze was easy to see. “You seem upset that you get a couple extra days with me, Luna.”
“I’m not. Just surprised. Listen, my break is over so why don’t I text you when I’m done and -”
“Ms. Davis?” The girl who interrupted us was young, maybe fifteen or sixteen, and she was so nervous, her hands were visibly shaking. The performance mask fell over my sister’s face, and she turned to the girl, her smile lighting up her face and the entire coffee shop.
“Hi, there.”
“Um, hi, do you think I could get your autograph?”
“Of course.” Lydia took the paper and the pen the girl was holding. “What’s your name, sweetie?”
Lydia signed her name with a flourish and handed back the pen and the paper. “What about a picture?”
I thought Jennifer would burst into tears. She nodded and Lydia gave me a cold smile. “Luna, would you mind?”
“Actually, I’m at work and -”
“Oh, I’m sure your boss won’t mind if you help me out for a min
ute. I am your sister, after all.”
“Uh…” I glanced at the counter. My boss was standing at the till, gaping at Lydia just like everyone else. “Yeah, okay.”
I took Jennifer’s phone and snapped a couple pictures before handing it back to her. She clutched it tightly before giving Lydia a spontaneous hug. I was certain that I was the only one in the shop who saw the brief look of contempt cross Lydia’s face as she returned the young girl’s hug. She might have been a damn good actress, but I could read her easily.
Jennifer backed away and Lydia returned her attention to me. “I’m staying at the Hampton Hotel. I’ll have my driver pick you up at seven and we’ll have dinner.”
“Oh, um…”
“Unless you have plans?” She arched one perfect eyebrow at me. “Dinner with your boyfriend, perhaps?”
My face flushed, and I shook my head. “No, uh, no plans with Asher tonight. I was going to karaoke.”
“Oh my God, Luna, are you still singing?” Lydia shook her head. “I thought you gave up on your silly dream of becoming a singer. You’re wasting your time.”
“It’s just karaoke. I do it for fun.”
“Whatever, fine. We’ll do dinner and then I’ll go the bar with you, so you can sing a couple songs. I’ll see you at seven. Don’t be late.”
My sister was already halfway across the coffee shop. I sighed and headed to the counter. Arguing with Lydia was like trying to carve through stone. What Lydia wanted, Lydia got.
My boss was still staring at Lydia as she moved toward the door. Correction – he was staring at her ass just like every other male in the place, and I took the opportunity to quickly type a text to Asher.
Hi, it’s Luna. My sister arrived early. Did I pass the test last night or not?
When there was no immediate reply, I tucked my phone into the pocket of my apron. I wouldn’t panic. Asher was a busy guy and even if he didn’t reply before I met Lydia for dinner, I could stall until tomorrow.
Chapter Five
“So, you’re telling me that not only are you pretending to be Luna’s boyfriend, but you fucked her last night and spent the night in her bed?”
“Keep your voice down, Knox.” I glanced around the parking lot of Ren’s Bar before glaring at my best friend.
“Who the fuck are you and what have you done with the surly, miserable son of a bitch I know and love?”
I rolled my eyes as I locked my truck. I scanned the parking lot for Luna’s car, disappointment filling my gut when I didn’t see it. I was sure she’d be here tonight, but maybe she was hanging out with her sister. Shit, I should have fucking texted her back, but I’d had a bitch of a day at work and I figured I’d just tell her in person at the bar tonight. She rarely missed a karaoke night, but I should have known her snob of a sister wouldn’t step foot in Ren’s Bar.
“Ash, hold on.” Knox had finished locking his truck and joined me at mine. “I know you’ve got a thing for Luna, but do you really think this is a good idea? Anyone with half a brain knows that Luna Davis has been in love with you since high school. I get why you don’t want a relationship, but doing your fuck ‘em and walk away thing with Luna is a dick move. She’s going to take it really hard when you end it.”
“She knows what this is, Knox. She came to me and asked for my help. I’m doing her a favour.”
“Are you, though?” Knox asked.
I gave him a dirty look. Knox was my best friend, had been since high school, and he knew me better than anyone, but I had never confessed the depth of my obsession with Luna. What was the point? I couldn’t give Luna what she wanted and never could, so there was no fucking point in talking about her to Knox. Pretending to be her boyfriend was at least giving me the chance to know what it was like to fuck her.
Really fucking fantastic.
Yeah, it was. Despite her obvious inexperience and her nervousness, the sex last night had been explosively hot. The way she tasted, the way she moved when she was impaled with my dick… fuck, I was getting stiff just thinking about it.
I unlocked my truck. Fuck it. I would text Luna and tell her I would be her fake boyfriend and that I wanted sex tonight.
She’s with her sister, you asshole.
I didn’t care. I wanted her and besides, I had the feeling that there was a lot more bad blood between Luna and her sister than just sibling rivalry. She’d probably be happy to have an excuse to leave her.
“What are you doing?” Knox asked when I reached for the door handle.
“Changed my mind,” I grunted. “See you later.”
“Oh, no fucking way,” Knox said. “You’re the one who insisted we come here tonight. I’m not listening by myself to drunk assholes try and sing.”
“I’m tired and -”
“No,” Knox said. “Besides, Luna’s probably in there and if you’re fake dating, you should sit with her and act like the adoring boyfriend.”
“Her car isn’t here,” I said.
Knox rolled his eyes. “One fucking drink and then we’ll leave.”
“Fine.” I followed Knox toward the bar.
“Oh, hey, tell Isabelle that I might have a lead for her on a place to stay. The Stanton’s have a guest house they’re trying to rent out.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“I know she’s only been living with you for a couple of weeks, but I bet she’s ready to stop seeing your ugly mug every morning.” Knox grinned at me as he held open the door to the bar.
“She’s been at the shelter a lot, I’ve hardly seen her.”
“Huh, so it’s not just me she’s avoiding?” Knox followed me into the bar and raised his voice to be heard above the horrifyingly bad singing coming from the dance floor. “I haven’t seen her once since she moved back.”
“Nah, not you,” I said. “She just…”
My goddamn pulse kicked up a notch. Luna was here. She was sitting at a table by herself. Her back was to me, but I’d recognize her silky red curls anywhere. My palms turned sweaty and I could feel a stupid grin wanting to cross my face. Fuck, I needed to get a hold of myself. I was acting like a lovestruck fool.
Because you are a lovestruck fool.
“Hey, your fake woman is here,” Knox said. “Guess we’re sitting with her tonight. Oh shit…there’s her sister. I know she’s a bitch, but that woman is fucking hot.”
I watched as Lydia joined Luna at the table. Even wearing jeans and a t-shirt, her sister stood out from the crowd. Technically, I knew why Knox and other men found her attractive, but her spoiled attitude and her belief that she should get whatever she wanted was a dick-shriveling turnoff for me. She was beautiful but lurking under that beauty like a piece of rotting fruit, was a darkness and an ugliness that reminded me too much of my mother.
I was attracted to Luna because sweetness and light shone out of her like a beacon. She was beautiful without it, but there was no denying her sweetness drew me in like a fly to honey.
“Hey,” I grabbed Knox’s arm when he started toward their table. “Don’t say a word. As far as you’re concerned, Luna and I have been dating for the last eight months. Got it? Don’t fucking blow this for Luna.”
Knox studied me for a moment. “I won’t.”
“Good.” I dropped his arm and walked to Luna’s table. The bar was busy, but, as always, people moved out of my way. Sometimes being my size had its advantages.
As I drew closer, the caterwauling from the dance floor mercifully ended. I had no problem hearing Lydia as she spoke to her sister.
“Luna, honestly, you need to just come clean. You say you’re dating Asher Stokes, but you haven’t spoken to him once tonight.”
“We’re not attached at the hip, Lydia. Ash is a busy guy and I like my independence and -”
“This is so ridiculous. Just admit once and for all that you were lying about dating Asher. Just admit it, Luna. Admit that -”
I pulled out the chair next to Luna, s
at down and immediately pulled her into my lap. I swallowed her squeak of surprise by kissing her hard. I didn’t mean to shove my tongue into her mouth, I had some fucking class, but when her lips parted for me, I couldn’t resist taking a taste. The minute my tongue touched hers, her tiny body relaxed into mine and I could feel her low moan against my lips. My dick hardened, and it was a real fucking chore not to grind it against her soft ass.
I pulled away and grinned at her. “Sorry, I’m late.”
“Uh, that’s okay.” She was breathless, and I loved that she was already giving me a dazed look of desire from just one kiss. Fuck, what this woman did to me.
Knox had sat down beside Lydia and he gave her a lazy grin. “Good to see you again, Lydia. How’s Hollywood?”
She gave him a brittle smile. “Still playing in the dirt, Knox?”
Knox laughed. “As a matter of fact, yeah I am. I own a landscaping company now.”
Lydia looked him up and down. There was contempt in her gaze, but the grin never left Knox’s face. One of the reason I was friends with him was that, like me, he didn’t give a shit what other people thought of him. And that included Lydia “I’m a fucking movie star” Davis.
“I’m not surprised,” Lydia said dismissively. She turned toward Luna and me and gave me an entirely different smile. I wanted to roll my fucking eyes. Only Lydia would give me a ‘come fuck me’ look right in front of the woman I was dating. Her own damn sister.
Pretending to date.
“Hello, Asher. It’s been a long time. It’s wonderful to see you again.”
She held out her hand and I gave it a brief shake before resting my hand on Luna’s thigh. Lydia stared at it for a moment. “Luna, get off Asher’s lap. You’re not in high school for heaven’s sake.”
Luna flushed but I tightened my hold around her waist and on her thigh when she tried to stand. “Stay where you are, Sunshine.”
She was wearing some frilly little dress – I guess it was cute, but I preferred naked Luna – and I pushed the edge of it up until I could see her injured knee. The swelling had gone down, but the bruise had gotten worse and I frowned at her.