Rescued by the Wolf (Other World Series Book Four) Page 13
“Aye, keep going,” he bit out.
Sweat was breaking out on his forehead and his eyes glowed bright green as she carefully stroked him up and down. His cock was hard, much harder than she thought one would be, but the skin was strangely smooth. She squeezed more tightly before rubbing him firmly and then lightly. He was panting, his hips rising and falling with the rhythm of her hand. She placed her other hand on his shoulder to steady herself on his lap. His cock was thick, her fingers couldn’t reach her thumb when she held him, and once again she wondered how something this large could fit into her. Instead of being frightened by the thought, it sent a flood of wetness between her thighs. She ran her thumb over the wide head and he twitched so wildly she nearly fell off his lap.
“Do not stop, sweet one,” he rasped. He picked up her hand from where it rested on his shoulder and sucked two of her fingers into his mouth.
“Oh my God,” she moaned as he sucked and licked at her fingers. It made her entire body throb with lust to watch his mouth sliding up and down her fingers and to feel his wet tongue. She shivered all over when he kissed the tips of her fingers and then linked his fingers with hers.
She stared down at her hand still wrapped around his cock. “I want to use my mouth,” she whispered.
His hand tightened painfully around hers and she gave him an anxious look. “Is that – do you want that too, Radek?”
“Aye,” he said hoarsely. “Very much, sweet one.”
She smiled weakly at him and he pulled her forward and placed a gentle kiss on her mouth. “Only if you truly want to, Sara.”
“I want to,” she said.
She kissed him again and he teased her tongue with his own as his hand curled into her wet hair. She sucked on his lower lip and then pulled away, smiling nervously at him before sliding from his lap. She knelt between his legs and he smoothed her hair back from her face as she stared at his cock.
Her pussy was throbbing heavily and she squeezed her legs together for a moment before leaning forward. Radek’s hands threaded through her hair and held her head tightly. As she opened her mouth, the door to the cabin opened.
“I’m sorry that took so long, Sara, but Raina and I picked out some clothes for you to – oh!”
Sara scrambled to her feet, her face red with mortification as Reese and Abigail stared at them. Radek cursed under his breath and stuffed his cock back into his pants as Raina tried to peer over Reese’s shoulder.
“What’s going on? Radek? Why are you here?”
Reese turned and nearly shoved the young shifter out of the cabin. “Raina, I need you to run back to your cabin and find a sweater for Sara to borrow.”
“But we have one already,” Raina said. “Why do I - “
“She should have at least two,” Reese said firmly. “Go on, please. Find another.”
Grumbling under her breath, Raina turned and left as Abigail stormed across the cabin. She shoved Radek hard in the chest. He gave a grunt of surprise and staggered backward as Sara made a soft cry of dismay.
“Were you forcing her, asshole?” Abigail shouted before shoving him again.
“Do not touch me again, human,” Radek snarled at her.
Abigail shoved him for a third time. “Keep your dick away from her or I’ll cut it off.”
Radek’s fangs popped out and he growled loudly at Abigail as Reese hurried forward. “Radek, don’t – “
Radek stepped toward Abby. “It matters not to me that you are friends with my alpha’s mate. If you threaten me again, I will – “
“You’ll what?” Abigail snapped. “I’m not afraid of you, asshole. If you think I’m going to stand by and just let you force Sara into – “
“Radek! Stop!” Sara shouted as Radek howled angrily. She darted forward and threw her arms around Radek’s waist. “Please, don’t.”
Nostrils flaring, he stood stiffly as Sara said, “He wasn’t forcing me to do anything, Abby. I swear it.”
“Sara,” Abby gave her a look of confusion, “Reese told me of Radek’s cruelty to you.”
Sara flushed and Radek growled again. “I was not cruel to her.”
“Really?” Abby said disdainfully. “Telling her she was weak and you couldn’t wait to be rid of her isn’t cruel?”
His cheeks went a dull red and he pushed away from Sara, his hands clenching into fists as he stared angrily at Abby.
“Radek, leave,” Reese said.
He ignored her and she stepped in front of him. “Raina will be back any moment. Do you want her to see you like this? How will you explain your behaviour to her?”
His body slumped and the anger faded from his face. He stared at Sara for a moment before glancing at Reese.
“What is happening to me?” He whispered.
Sara’s stomach twisted at the confusion and misery on his face and she reached for him. “Radek, don’t – “
“Do not touch me!” He twisted away from her and ran from the cabin, slamming the door behind him.
Abigail cupped Sara’s shoulders. “Sara, be honest with me. Did Radek make you do anything you didn’t want to do?”
“No!” Sara said angrily. “I told you I wanted it. Why do you not believe me?”
“Honey, you’re young and innocent and I – “
“I’m not that young,” Sara interrupted. “I can make my own decisions, Abigail.”
She hurried over to Reese and took the clothes from her. “Thank you, Reese.” She disappeared into her bedroom as Abby began to pace back and forth.
“Abby?” Reese said tentatively. “Radek wouldn’t hurt Sara. He dislikes humans but he wouldn’t purposely hurt her.”
“Everyone keeps saying he dislikes humans but that’s twice now I’ve caught him and Sara half-naked,” Abigail said. “If he dislikes them so much why won’t he stay away from her?”
“Kane says that Radek’s wolf wants her. It’s why he’s having so much difficulty.”
“His wolf?” Abby frowned. “Do shifters really think of their wolves as separate from them?”
Reese nodded. “They do. I know it’s kind of weird but they all do it.”
Abby sat down at the kitchen table and rubbed at her forehead. “I’m worried about Sara. I don’t want her getting hurt more than she already is. I’m grateful to Radek for saving her from that bird thing but I don’t…”
She trailed off and stared at Reese for a moment. “The wounds on her leg – were they – they were gone weren’t they?”
“Yes,” Reese said. She sat down next to Abby. “They were infected and Adina told me there was nothing we could do and that Sara would die within a few days. Violet was there and she – this is going to sound strange – she clapped her hands and – “
“Healed her,” Abby interrupted.
“Yes!” Reese said excitedly. “This dust floated down and when Adina blew it away the wounds were completely gone!”
Abby smiled fondly at the little pixie who was still curled up with the koran kitten. “She saved my life as well.”
Abby nodded. “Yes. I nearly died because of a damn poisonous flower but Violet saved me.”
Reese’s mouth dropped open. “Holy shit. I was nearly killed by a flower!”
“You’re kidding me!” Abby said.
“I am so not kidding you! I leaned down to smell this big purple flower, I was starting to get sleepy and the next thing you know Kane hit me like a freight truck and knocked me out of the way. He said it would put me in a sleep that I wouldn’t wake from.”
They stared silently at each other for a moment before Reese grinned at her. “Should I make us some tea and we can discuss all the other ways we’ve nearly died since being sucked into alternate worlds?”
Abby laughed. “Yes, I think you should.”
Chapter 12
Sara knocked lightly on the cabin door. Raina opened the door and smiled faintly at her.
“He is not back
, human.”
“I’m sorry, Raina.”
The young shifter shrugged. “Why? It is not your fault he’s gone. Well, maybe it is a little since he hates humans so much but then why did he save your life in the forest?”
She motioned for her to come in, the koran kitten trailed behind Sara, and flopped down dramatically in the chair in front of the fireplace. “It has only been two days. I’m sure he’ll return soon.”
Sara gave her a guilty look. Radek had disappeared into the forest after they had been caught by Reese and Abigail and no one had heard from him since. Her stomach tightened with anxiety.
He’s fine, Sara. He’s a shifter and he can take care of himself.
Raina picked up a piece of string and trailed it along the floor. The koran kitten crouched down, its bum wiggling, and pounced on it. She smiled again before petting his soft fur. “He has grown already.”
“Yes, he eats like a horse.” Sara sat down next to her.
“Have you named him?”
“I was thinking Meeka. What do you think of that name?”
“I like it.” Raina glanced at her hair and Sara smiled.
“You can touch it, Raina.”
Raina hopped up and ran her fingers through Sara’s hair as the koran kitten stretched out in front of the fire. She wondered how long it would take before the shifters stopped being so fascinated by her hair. Raina wasn’t the only one who wanted to touch it. Every day she would feel fingers tugging on the soft curls and yesterday the female shifter named Verna had actually tried to discreetly cut off a piece of it. Reese had scolded her fiercely and the shifter had apologized but it hadn’t stopped her from trying again later that day. Sara had allowed the shifter to take a small lock of it. She could feel a smile creeping across her face as she remembered the look of glee on Verna’s face.
“Your hair is so funny,” Raina said as she pulled on a curl until it straightened and then released it. “I have never seen hair like this before.”
She continued to play with Sara’s hair as she said, “Do you have any siblings, human?”
“I had a brother named Garen.”
“What happened to him?”
“He died,” she said.
Raina’s hands stilled in her hair. “I’m sorry, human. Radek drives me crazy sometimes but I couldn’t imagine what I would do if he died.”
She leaned down and sniffed at Sara’s hair. “You smell differently from Reese and Adina and Ghita. Is it because you are from a different world?”
“I guess,” Sara said.
“You must miss your home.”
“I do, very much.”
“Reese says that there is no way to return to your world. I guess you are stuck with us,” Raina said.
“I guess.” Sara smiled at her as Raina began to braid her hair.
There was a knock at the door and at Raina’s shout to come in, Verna and Kavine walked in. Verna smiled at Sara but Kavine stared sullenly at her as they joined them in front of the fire.
“He’s not back, Kavine,” Raina said.
Kavine sighed. “I hate it when he leaves.”
She stared at Sara. “It’s her fault he’s gone.”
“It is not!” Raina snapped.
Sara looked away guiltily. It was her fault, although not for the reasons that the other shifters believed, and she bit at her bottom lip as Kavine scowled at her.
“Kavine is in love with my brother,” Raina informed Sara. “I don’t know why. He’s messy and bossy and he barks in his sleep.”
Sara studied the dark-haired shifter. She was gorgeous with straight brown hair and dark eyes. Her body was tall and curvy in all the right places, and her stomach dropped at the thought of Radek touching her.
“So you and Radek are, uh, together?” She asked casually.
Kavine nodded. “Aye.”
“You are not,” Raina said. “You just want to be with him.”
“Hold your tongue, Raina,” Kavine said. “When I am your brother’s mate, you will learn to have better manners.”
Raina snorted loudly as Kavine smiled stiffly at Sara. “I am surprised that Radek saved your life in the forest. Do you know of his hatred for humans?”
“Yes,” Sara said.
She shook her head at Verna when the shifter, a small sharp blade in her hand, crept up behind her. The shifter blushed dully and retreated.
“Was he cruel to you?” Kavine asked.
She hesitated and Kavine smiled. “He was. You deserve it after what the humans did to him.”
“Kavine!” Verna said sharply. “Be nice to the human. She is not like the others.”
“How do we know that?” Kavine said. “We know nothing about her. She could be as wretched as the rest of them.”
She looked Sara up and down. “The rumour is that you’re going to try and find a mate in our pack. You’re much too skinny and none of our males will want to bed you. They’ll break your fragile human bones.”
“You’re such a bitch, Kavine,” Verna laughed. “Leave the human alone. It’s not her fault she has no meat on her bones.”
“She will never find a mate within our pack. She should go to the humans’ village and find a mate there,” Kavine sniffed.
Sara stood up abruptly and make a clicking noise with her tongue. The koran kitten climbed to its feet and followed her to the door. “I should be going now. Bye, Raina.”
“Bye, Sara,” Raina glared at Kavine as Sara left the cabin.
“My brother doesn’t like you and he never will.”
“Shut up, Raina,” Kavine growled.
* * *
“Hello, Val.”
Val shifted over on the fallen log he was sitting on and smiled at Sara. “Hello, little Sara. How are you this evening?”
She sat down beside him and stared at the large fire. It crackled pleasantly and she held her hands out to its heat. Despite the cold weather the entire pack had gathered around the fire for their evening meal. Many of them were in their wolf form and she studied the mixture of shifters and humans.
Abigail was sitting with Maria, Neil and Sienna and even from across the fire, Sara could see her staring worriedly at Maria. The older woman had a blanket wrapped around her and was staring silently into the fire. She shook her head when Abby spoke to her.
She cleared her throat nervously when Val hissed lightly. The man named Michael was approaching them and he gave Val a cool look before turning to Sara. “I owe you an apology.”
She frowned at him. “No, you don’t.”
“I do. I let go of your hand. I’m sorry.”
“It was an accident. Do not trouble yourself about it,” she said. “How are you feeling tonight?”
“Better, thank you.”
“Good. Would you like to join us?” She patted the log beside her and Michael, after another look at Val, shook his head.
“Thank you, but no.”
Val hissed again as Michael made his way to Abby and the others. He sat down beside Abby and she smiled happily at him and put her arm around him, squeezing his shoulders affectionately. Val stiffened and Sara smiled tentatively at him.
“They are only friends, Val.”
He didn’t reply and she cleared her throat again. “I wish to ask you for a favour.”
“And what might that be, young Sara?” Val asked.
“Will you teach me how to use the bow and arrow?”
He nodded. “I can do that.”
“Really?” She said with surprise. She hadn’t expected the vampire to agree so quickly.
“Yes. Abigail is correct in that you must learn to protect yourself. Especially now that your shifter has disappeared into the wild.”
“He’s not my shifter,” she said.
“Of course he is not,” Val said with a small grin.
She ignored his comment. “When can we begin?”
“Why not right now?” He stood and she followed him to his cabin.
/> “In the dark? How will I even see if I hit the target? Perhaps we should wait until it is light and…”
She trailed off as she realized her stupidity and Val laughed loudly. “I am afraid you will have to adapt to learning in the dark, young one.”
“I’m sorry, that was dumb of me,” she muttered.
He ducked into the cabin and returned with the bow and quiver of arrows. “Come, we will ask the wolves if they have some torches we can use to light your training area.”
* * *
“Maria, you hardly ate anything.” Abby touched Maria’s shoulder.
“I am not that hungry, Abby.”
Abby gave Neil and Michael an anxious look. Neil shrugged slightly and patted Maria’s arm. “Maria, she’s right. You need to eat.”
Maria didn’t reply and Abby leaned closer. “Maria, honey, I know what you’re going through. It’s horrible to suddenly find yourself on a different world but it gets better. I promise you. All that matters is that we’re together and safe.”
“Yes, I know,” Maria said quietly.
“The shifters seem nice,” Sienna said hesitantly. “And it is better than being kept as a slave for the leeches, is it not?”
Neil squeezed Sienna’s hand and kissed her knuckles lightly before patting Maria’s shoulder again. “I know you are homesick, Maria. I am too but – “
“Enough, Neil,” Maria interrupted wearily. “I’m tired and I don’t want to talk about home.”
“Hello, humans.”
Abby watched curiously as Maria’s cheeks reddened. The shifter standing in front of them was older with long, grey hair and a grey beard and she didn’t think she had met him yet.
“Hello. I’m Abigail,” she said.
“My name is Asher.”
“It’s nice to meet you. This is Michael, Neil, Sienna and Maria,” Abby replied.
Ignoring the others completely, Asher crouched in front of Maria. She was staring at the snow between her feet and she jerked when Asher touched her short hair.
“Hello again, human.”
“Hello, Asher.” Maria didn’t raise her gaze.
There was an awkward moment of silence and Abby’s mouth dropped open when Asher said, “I wish to mate with you.”